Arusha, Tanzania

A) Preamble:
Acknowledging that the current crisis in South Sudan us rooted in differences withing the SPLM leadership;
Re-affirming our commitment to the reunification of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and agreeing to continue to engage in the process of an Intra-SPLM Dialogue in Arusha, Tanzania;
Mindful that the Arusha process is essentially separate and distinct from the IGAD mediated peace talks among South Sudan stakeholders;
Cognizing that the two process, although separate, are mutually reinforcing;
Recognizing the tragic developments that have occurred in South Sudan since the outbreak of conflict in December, 2013;
Rejecting the use of violence as a means of resolving political disputes;
Believing that a peaceful, political solution must be found to resolve the conflict;
Bearing in mind the need to bring about lasting peace to our nation through dialogue on the basis of this framework document;
Appreciating the initiative of the leadership of the SPLM and Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) for convening this Intra-SPLM Dialogue, and further expressing gratitude for the decision of the CCM to host and facilitate the Dialogue and the support of Crisis Management Initiative (CMI);
Now, therefore, agrees to be guided by this Framework as detailed below:
B) Principles:
- Commitment to uphold and protect the sovereignty, independent and territorial integrity of South Sudan.
- Commitment to the core values of SPLM, including but not limited to peace, democracy, equality, freedom, inclusivity, social justice and unity in diversity.
- Commitment to dialogue as a peaceful means of conflict resolution;
- Commitment to reconciliation and a healing process to consolidate party unity and cohesion;
- Re-commitment to democratic principles and practices;
- Re-commitment to internal democracy especially on matters of decision making elections, succession and peaceful transfer of power;
- Re-commitment to transform the society by working towards the achievement of freedom, justice, equality and prosperity for all;
- Commitment to the institutionalization of authority, party governance and discipline;
- Commitment to the unity of SPLM as safeguard against fragmentation of the country along ethnic and regional fault lines.
C) Objectives:
- Address the root causes of the current crisis in order to expeditiously reconciles its leadership and membership to restore unity and harmony in the party;
- Initiate measures to stop the war, lead the government and the people of South Sudan towards peace, stability and prosperity;
- Re-vitalize, re-organize, strengthen and restore the SPLM to its vision, principles, political direction and core values;
- Promote and foster the spirit and exercise of collective leadership on transparency and accountability; and
- Develop mechanisms to generate resources and ensure their efficient management and to combat corruption.
D) Agenda
- Situation analysis
- History and evolution of the SPLM: Self assessment and evaluation.
- Synthesis of the problem.
- Experience of Liberation Movements and CCM
- Experiences of liberation movements
- Experiences of CCM
- Lessons learnt
- The Way Forward
- Political issues
- Organizational issues
- Leadership issues
- Reconciliation and healing in the party.
- Implementation Mechanisms
- Witnesses and Guarantors
- Rules of Engagement
- Civility
- Mutual respect
- Honesty and frankness
- Confidentiality
- Listening to each other well and understanding the contexts
- Respect the right of individuals to express themselves no matter what their points of views might be.
- Avoid acrimonious approaches and finger pointing
- Avoid group defense and/or group attack
- Avoid polemics
- Have an agreed spokesperson, whose roles it to communicate what is agreed by members
- Unless otherwise agreed, all discussions shall be confined within this Framework
- Role of CCM (The Facilitator)
- Provide venue and facilities for the intra-SPLM Dialogue
- Coordinate with the IGAD Special Envoys the timing of the two processes
- Update regional and international partners
- Coordinate the process with the SPLM focal points
- Guide the discussion with the view to allow members to reach consensus
- Declare the opening and closing of each session
- Set timetable of meetings in consultation with participants
- Organize sessions to share experiences of liberation movements and CCM
- Record and announce decisions and conclusions arising from meetings
- CCM invites the Crisis Management initiative (CMI) to provide advisory, technical expertise, logistical support and resource mobilization in collaboration with Tanzania
- Invite the Principals to meet at an appropriate stage in the process
I think that Agreement might not also be effective, simply because Mr Kiir may not accept to step down and wait for election, while in the SPLM in Opposition side , we don’t want to see Kiir in the Transitional Government any more.