
Murle And Anyuak Are Neutral In This Tribal Conflict!

By Kadado Etcho,


Murle Girls -The Murle are a relatively new ethnic group in Sudan, having immigrated into the region from Ethiopia. The language they speak is from the Surmic language family - languages spoken primarily in southwest Ethiopia.(Photo: Triming Down Memory Lane)
Murle Girls -The Murle are a relatively new ethnic group in Sudan, having immigrated into the region from Ethiopia. The language they speak is from the Surmic language family – languages spoken primarily in southwest Ethiopia.(Photo: Triming Down Memory Lane)

August 22, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — I have so far identified the area of insufficiency among the all S.Sudanese top politicians in the country. 95% of our politicians were illiterates and they happened to be the once serving the nation. If you could look at commencements made by some leaders both in the government and SPLM in opposition, one could think and internalize on bad feelings observation where some of them obtain negative attitudes to reproach the communities problems.

People kept on talking about Murle and Anyuak youths mobilizations to ante- Riek Machar people which is not exist in the minds of GPAA communities. I could see that’s there must be a section of combine leaders from the two dominant power communities comprises of Dinka and Lou Nuer who are not happy to see Murle and Anyuak ethnic groups were observing peace and develop good relationship with the government in their regions. While they were busy in battle ,hurting each other in their tribal war, could have also been rocked GPAA regions as well. To instigate and paralyze Yau Yau demand and held him accountable to continued engage in fighting the government in assisting the Riek Machar rebellion,to enable him get into the power through. Because Yau Yau have got very strong military units. Which Riek Machar could have build robust and strategic relationship with Gen. David Yau Yau in order to absorb Yau Yau forces into his and help join him to expel the government forces during his crucial failed attempted coup we know.

What’s I want to say is that Dinka and Nuer are like. Therefore,the Murle and Anyuak were acted as neutral in this matter,since their tribal war began. If anybody think that the two communities can be used like hand chart by the government to go and fight either Dinka nor Nuer, you’re mind is sick you should be advice to seek for medical attention. Immediately before it’s become critical to you in a departure way. We have known very well that’s there are a blood beneficiaries illiterate politicians, and political vultures who often fueling inter- communal conflicts against a certain Tribe whom they think is overwhelming his/her community could have also be affected to equalize huge lose from the both perished and the victims of war in the previous atrocity committed by their renegade principal’s know as Dr.Riek Machar. We are carefully aware of you planning to spread incitement towards us in the Eastern South Sudan. For this reasons,we are vigilant for any enemy who antagonistically worth to smash or mistreat us along our territorial masses basement. We shall then take an action to pollute on this particular bandits like a dragon thunder destroying on the vegetation during the torrential rain. So that’s these wrong elements of people who were addicted in churning fragile human life in South Sudan, could now know who the witchcraft of war or an Israel army’s among the sixty four Tribes of South Sudan is, in a roar way.

I often have to be ambassador for both country and my community. My philosophy is simplicity and fairness in expressing the fact and trues of the matter. Therefore, I request all S.Sudanese to say something constructive that’s could apparently make potential change for our communities not to lead them into tribal hatred and hostilities. All of us can be good and can be bad at one point,so let’s us discourage communities rivalry not to be blindly go that way of others posted.

The author can be reached at kadadojoseph@yahoo.com

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