Intelleaks Opinion

Response: False Allegations of Corruption in the Office of the President!

Dear readership of nyamilepedia website,

By Dr. Anguie Anguie,




July 17, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — I am here as an adverse party to antagonize people who called themselves whistleblowers like Dr. Thon Awan who published an article dated 7th July, 2014 on nyamilepedia , and in that article he tried hardly to attack and duplicate stories of corruption for senior staffs in the Office of the President.

First of all, the article that was written under unknown wretch writer Dr. Thon Awan who is a graduate of university of Yel and Mayen and specialized in corruption and embezzlement is an article indeed meant for Jumbling up, cheap propaganda and making of confusion and it is contentless more than serving the public purpose.

Political blackmailing and Failing for authentication

When I deliberated on this dirty article, there is no any seriousness from the writer, because the information displayed are all irrelevant in consistency or in one way or another.

Dr. Thon Awan, you cannot divide or distribute the money on your own cast of mind without documenting that with the details of the accounts transactions made from account of the President to the personal accounts, to me that one thing alone disqualify your allegation, and you can simply investigate that no impact made by your article because of lack of seriousness and determination.

The second argumentative point is a paragraph where you mentioned that the controller of account was waiting for instruction to start transacting the money in to these officials accounts which means the money had not yet gone in to the account of the President’s Office rather than rushing to convict, and this is completely in contradiction with the two statements in the same article which mean all your allegations are assumptions and baseless.

Therefore, this point also negate your rush accusation that could be translated as ill intention for political blackmailing to these people whom you mentioned in your article.

The third observation is that there is no correlation between the names of the people suspected by respectable academician Dr. Thon Awan and accusation to them by making fraudulent.

The document seems to be under process in the system as it indicates various signatures of finance ministry’s officials. And hence the question comes up naturally on how Dr. Thon obtained this paper which is supposed to be in the account section in finance?
My humble analysis is Dr. Thon seems to have been looking desperately for any little piece of information to convict on the ground of revenge for unknown reasons.

Regardless of Dr. Thon grievances, the style adopted as negative propaganda is jeopardy for his life, because eventually such writing and unjustified allegations lead its end in the court rooms exactly like Pagan Amum, a suspended SG for SPLM’s case with Arthur Akuien Chol, Former Minister of Finance.

I advise my colleague Dr. Thon that most of these cases end up always on the side of an accused.
I wonder how my colleague Dr. Thon obtained academic degree of PhD although he was not able to articulate and justify his allegation to Senior Staffs in the Office of the President.

Did Dr. Thon pass really through course of research methodology subject while he was pursuing post graduate studies? Or this piece of writing is only for the sake of writing.

The reason I also discard Dr. Thon Article is the conclusion mentioned telling specialization which is not either in economy or banking and finances. These writings lose their credibility, validity and lead directly to a series of articles targeting for individual on the purposes of cheap propaganda and character assassination.

Civilization shock in the use of modern technologies

These days we started to have many cyber politicians who are trying day and night to assassin people characters, and I think there was a semi article in June 2014, for allegation of corruption involving Nhial Deng, Chief Negotiator and a son of governor of Central Bank, Honorable Kornelio Koriom Mayik in a desperate attempt to wage propaganda war and assassin their characters.

The new phenomena of flinging with invalid accusation and trump up people attitudes need to be changed among our people, otherwise, we are not respecting the government civil service servants or our ministers in those offices.

I agree totally in psychology theory that this behaviors normally come from individuals who feel deprived or denied of access to resources which he/ she thinks as the only source of livelihood.
My colleague is advised to adopt a better ways to actualize his dreams and ambitions by refraining from irresponsible and unsound criticism against country fellow citizens.

In the past , unknown individual of the same like attitude wrote out a fake memo to Sudan Tribune claiming that it was a leaked memo written by Maulana Telar Ring, Presidential advisor for Legal Affairs to the President of the Republic in which he talked about People of Greater Equatoria as weak, slippery, substitute of Jemma Nunu Kuma with more populous man such as Gen. Allison Manani Magaya and suggestions for more political strategies which was to my understanding meant by a clique who wrote it for creating confusion and more internal divisions such that the inside front is not united in the face of challenges created by 15 December events.

The culprits’ objectives are obvious specifically at this juncture in the history of our nation in making concussion, wobbling the security and instability across the country.

In journalism ethics: writing is a direct responsibility for those who express their views even if it is on electronic sites. The irresponsible Keyboard struggling must be confined to a certain limit or will backfire on recruits dealing with it in an ignorant way.

Killing rumors for disarray

Dear readership, I am sure we all have heard about the rumors which were flying in Juba of a fake document claimed to have leaked out that H.E. the President of the Republic has planned to assassinate prominent leaders of Greater Equatoria, an allegation that put the whole Juba town in panic and on a barrel of gunpowder. The creation of rumours and mythopoetic behavior through irresponsible writings online will plant unfortunate condition to this beloved country in one day if we are unmindful of dealing decisively.

In conclusion I urge nyamilepedia leadership

Once again in togetherness, we can discourage the new indecency fashion of writing used by Dr. Thon Awan who is reachable only through tigeroyee email address.
Togetherness in combating this street style behavior demonstrated by Dr. Thon Awan in order to build credibility for website like nyamilepedia as reliable sources for bringing us news and to prohibit publishing unrealistic information that can mislead a country to anarchy where image of the country vibrates, and absent of respect for all organs of the government including the fourth arm of the government which is the media.

Related Stories:


LEAKED: Another Corruption Document, USD 12, 121, 280, June 2014!

U.S. $227 Million Dollars Scandal Involving South Sudan’s Chief Negotiator Nhial Deng Nhial

Dr. Agnuie Anguie is a PhD holder in animal behavioral science, and a lecturer at Juba Grand International University.

Email Address. anguie_25@jgranduniversity.com
Mobile: +211912679910

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1 comment

Criminals are Criminals: Yel Lool Koor,the Executive Director, Office of the President and Mayen Wol Jong, the Chief Administrator in the Office of the President | Nyamilepedia July 24, 2014 at 2:57 pm

[…] Response: False Allegations of Corruption in the Office of the President! […]


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