Politics Press Release South Sudan

Greater Equatoria Youth Leadership Letter To VP Wani Igga

Vice President Wanni Igga(photo: via Waakhe Simon)
Vice President Wanni Igga(photo: via Waakhe Simon)

You’re Excellency,

June 07, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — We the Greater Equatoria Youth Leadership have met on 5th/06/2014, and resolved to issue the Vice President of Republic of South Sudan, James Wani Igga, with a formal statement having noticed you have entered with unnecessary interference into affairs of people of Greater Equatoria Region’s popular demands for federal governance.

Mr. VP, the GEYL, would like to outline critically to you that, never again interfere with demands and interest of people of Greater Equatoria public, as well as their public opinion concerning anything that affects their daily living conditions, when you are playing your political cards.

For your information Mr VP, the current government you are currently serving is destined to collapse, and it has lost respect at all levels from the grass roots across South Sudan, except a few selective benefactors whom you are furthering their agenda and trying to keep them continue to ruin the country at the expense of the orphans, widows and citizens of South Sudan from all forms services they deserve.

Mr. VP, the GEYL are utterly disappointed, and would like to formally extend this letter to your end, for the purpose of people of Greater Equatoria interests, informing you that the Greater Equatoria Youth Leaderships and their subjects have resolved officially to withdraw any political support from you for being ideologically and politically bankrupt, and therefore, we won’t compromise peace, stability, development and equal opportunity in South Sudan.

Mr. VP, the GEYL would also want to remind you that, you are one of the prime causes of the current crisis in our country. When you were the Speaker of Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly for over nine years, you have excessively exploited and indirectly destroyed the country. Nevertheless you have been imparted all the powers to direct the country on right path including the powers to impeach the President Salva Kiir, of all these you created no good history for the people of South Sudan.

The GEYL have now discovered that, your political career benefited only you, and serves only those whom you serve their agenda, noting that principally you have no any practical and political theory to be desired. We have observed your nerve characters of indecisiveness, and always act for your selfish purpose leaving the mass population of people of South Sudan at disposal of destructors.

In this letter, the GEYL is taking this chance to inform you to make a choice, or remain silent not to indulge yourself into any areas of public interest of people of greater equatoria, in trying to overstep popular demands of the citizens to be subjected continuously under doctorial regime in which you are trying to preserve.

Mr. VP, the current political circumstance is dragging you toward your final political career, if you are not careful or else you will be implicated into dilemma you will certainly regret. In good faith, we are advising you to know that you are serving in unpopular government that is at the stage of diminishing era, because it has lost all the trust of people due to ongoing disappearance of people, killing and looting at every corner of Juba, and parts of government control areas.

Mr. VP, finally, South Sudan has reached to proximity, for your information the Army under government is no longer interested to fight the war any more for a government that is not caring for their families, their needs, and address peace and stability of the country, as result significant number are deserting their army positions.

Equally the same, we take this opportunity to denounce manners the Minister of Cabinet Affairs Dr. Martin Elia Lomoro is conducting himself, in this regards this particular minister does not represent any interest of people of Greater Equatoria, something both the Vice President Wani Igga and Minister Martin Elia must be cautious about.

We therefore advice you that you have choice to make, resign or be silent to do with anything that concerns popular demands of people of Greater Equatoria Region, particularly the element of federalism all the people of the region are embarking on.

Cc: Dr. Riek Machar Leader of SPLA/SPLM In Opposition

Cc: Lado Gore Chief Ideologist

Cc: Wani Tombe Greater Equatoria Council of elder

Cc: Bari Community

Cc: Greater Equatoria Community

Cc: Western Equatoria State Governor

Cc: Central Equatoria State Governor

Cc: Easter Equatoria State Governor

Cc: Media

Cc: Chairman GEYL

Cc: Secretary GEYL

Cc: File

Contact: sebitgey@gamil.com

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Goldenking Tutamon June 7, 2014 at 9:05 pm

WOw .. I m so impress for Greater Equatoria Youth Leaders concern the VP Mr. Wani Mayardit. The country is ours. We cannot let any individual to mess it up just for their own personal gains. Good jobs.

Gringi Obura June 10, 2014 at 6:37 am

I don’t believe the writer of the letter above is an Equatorians, the language of the above letter is identical and I warn people should not plant dead seeds in Equatorian region because of their failure to resolve their difference. a shame on you, chaotic people, if you choose gun to solve your problems go for it but Greater Equatoria has it own strategies to solve their difference. people with chaotic behaviors should actually stay away from Equatoria’s affairs.

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Oroma Robert September 11, 2014 at 4:49 am

Well done on the letter to the VP Wini Igaa,this show that Greater equaitoria youth know their right,enough is enough,for how long does we stayed as slaver,since 1955 up to date.
Long live GEYI long live Dr Rack long live SPLA IO we need change.Down Kii opersion to Greater Equaitoria.


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