

FILE - A man from the Luo Nuer tribe carries his gun in Yuai Uror county, South Sudan (Photo: VOA)
FILE – A man from the Luo Nuer tribe carries his gun in Yuai Uror county, South Sudan (Photo: VOA)

April 30, 2014(Nyamilepedia) — TheUror Youths Association (UYA) are issuing a strong warning to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs DrMarial Benjamin and the Deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting RachaelNyadak Paul and the self-proclaimed Commissioner PeterMabor Bol for their silence since the government has been busy killing civilians and destroying the territorial land of “Dinay Geka” the father of Lou-Nuer.

For the cast of Dr.Marial, majority of Lou youths and almost all of Greater Lou region have withdrawn their support for you because you have really shown them to understand the Arabs proverb that say ” a father is the one that brought up a child not the biological father”.  Mr.Dr. we are not surprise of your deadly plan to betray us to your uncle Government but we are assuring you that the gods of land will take side by us and your deadly plans will never succeed. we have so far know that your are a wolf in sheep closing, continue claiming to represent us in the National government but the truth is that you are just a floating water Lilly with no roots, remember there is no leader without men.

RachaelNyadak the disowned widow of late Joseph who has no body taking care of her in the late 1990s have become a one eye man among the blinds claiming to have one unseen testicle and invisible mark on her forehead. After long running and disappointment, RachaelNyadak Paul have found a suitable swamp for her roots and quickly forget the people that carry her to the eyes of the public. She (Nyadak) easily forgot that, and start backing back at her supporters. We have also seen your hidden colors Madam. Its was us who carry you and put you on our heads and its will also be us to put you down to the ground. We respectthe the territorial land of Lou-Nuer and it boundaries.

We will not sleep at night to protect the lovely natives ofUror county despite of your evil plans.Peter Mabor Bol or Mabior Abol the self appointed commissioner who recently turn to be Vampire and a Judas Iscariot of South Sudan should also take care and revise his words or else face permanent sanction in Uror county. What we will tell you Mr. commissioner is that, you should eat your blood money with less noise. Don’t count your eggs before they are hatch you will be a victim of killing your own people.

And for the government of South Sudan you should not allow a blinds man with no reputation to direct you into a deep hole.

Hope you will revise your mistakes

Secretary of information

Uror Youth Association

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1 comment

South Sudan Government Plans To Launch New Offensives in Lou-Nuer Areas, Jonglei State! | Nyamilepedia December 27, 2014 at 9:46 pm



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