
Tag : SSPM/A

Breaking News News South Sudan South Sudan news

Buay Rolnyang calls on Kitgwang groups aspiring to fight for regime change to join him to topple president Kiir

Sep 20, 2021 — The South Sudan People’s Movement/Army under the leadership of Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang calls on Kitgwang groups and others, who are...
Breaking News Latest News Politics Press Release South Sudan South Sudan news

SSPM/A clarifies appointment of Gen. Buay Rolnyang’s son.

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan August 23, 2021—The leadership of South Sudan People’s Movement /Army (SSPM/A) under Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang has clarified how the son of...
Breaking News News South Sudan South Sudan news

Gen. Stephen Buay speaks up on why he abandoned Paul Malong Awan

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan August 11, 2021 — The interim Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A), Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang has decided...