

Breaking News News South Sudan South Sudan news

BREAKING: Gen. Buay Rolnyang defects from Malong, forms a new movement and pledges to work with new groups

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan, August 5, 2021 — Gen. Stephen Buay Rolnyang, a senior military general and former ally to Gen. Paul Malong Awang, has deserted...
Breaking News News South Sudan South Sudan news

SPLA-IO military spokesman under house arrest in Juba

July 4, 2021 — The military spokesperson of the SPLM/A-IO, Brigadier General William Gatjiath Deng is reportedly under house arrest in the capital, Juba. According...
Breaking News News Peace Process South Sudan

BREAKING: SPLA (IO) leadership suspends its Director of Military Intelligence (MI), Dr. Machar’s right hand man

Magenis, South Sudan, May 19, 2021 — Latest reports from SPLA-IO Sector One(1) headquarters in northern Upper Nile confirmed the suspension of Dr. Machar’s right...
Breaking News Latest News South Sudan

SPLA-IO Chief of Staff denies rumors of his defection, accuses Dr. Machar’s right hand man, Gen. Dhilling Keah

May 18, 2021 — The military wing of the main armed opposition, SPLM/A-IO has denied allegations that the Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Simon...