
Tag : Emmanuel Adil Anthony

Breaking News Latest News Politics Press Release South Sudan South Sudan news

Newly appointed Juba Mayor promises to implement policies introduced by his predecessor, Kalisto Lado

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan December 9, 2021—The newly appointed mayor of Juba City Council (JCC), Michael Lado Thomas said he would continue with the previous programs...
Latest News Politics South Sudan South Sudan news

South Sudanese citizens demand reinstatement of the sacked Mayor.

A. Editor
Juba, South Sudan November 20,2021—South Sudanese citizens, especially activists and several political commentators, took to the streets demanding the reinstatement of Molana Kalisto Lado who...
Breaking News Latest News Politics South Sudan South Sudan news

Governor Emmanuel Adil fires notorious Juba Mayor, Kalisto Lado

A. Editor
Central Equoria State, South Sudan November 19,2021— The Governor of Central Equatoria State, Hon. Emmanuel Adil Anthony has fired the energetic Juba Mayor Kalisto Lado,...
Breaking News Central Equatoria News South Sudan

CES security committee convene an emergency meeting to address the State’s security situation

Jan 05, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — The central Equatoria State Security Committee today convened an emergency security meeting in the state government secretariat to address the security...
Breaking News Central Equatoria News Politics South Sudan

CES Governor meets President Kiir to discuss Christmas and formation of the local governments

Nov 24, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The Central Equatoria State governor, Hon. Emmanuel Adil Anthony, has paid president Salva Kiir a courtesy call in his office on...
Breaking News News South Sudan

Governor Adil and Lobong urge Equatoria Delegates to the National Dialogue to speak in one voice

Nov 2, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Meeting Equatorian politicians and intellectuals today in the national capital Juba, the Governor of Central Equatoria State, Hon. Emmanuel Adil Anthony,...
Breaking News Central Equatoria Jonglei state News South Sudan

CES Governor visits Mangala to harmonize relations between communities

Oct 13, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Emmanuel Adil Anthony, the governor of Central Equatoria state visited Mangala today to resolve some of the emerging issues between the...
Breaking News Central Equatoria News South Sudan

Governor of CES condemns killing of son of former governor

October 11, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The Governor of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State, Hon.Emmanuel Adil Anthony, condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent extrajudicial killing...