Latest Politics Press Release South Sudan news


Ugandan forces in South Sudan(Photo credit: files)

Monday, March 24, 2025 (Nyamilepedia)South Sudan Opposition Forum referred to as “SSOF”, is a get-together platform  hosting single party membership convened from 17 to 21 March 2025 with the sole aim  of member parties comparing notes and seeking solutions to the prevailing  problems of the day troubling people of “The Republic of South Sudan.” 

In response to the ongoing tragic incidents particularly in Upper Nile (Nasir and  Ulang), and Western Equatoria States that led to the regrettable loss of several  lives beginning from 3rd of March, 2025 and continue unabated through routine  aerial bombardments of civilians by SSPDF and the UPDF in Greater Upper Nile  region, we the undersigned SSOF member movements, the Patriots’ Resistance  Movement- Army (PRM-A), National Salvation United Front- United (NAS-United),  Union Party of South Sudan/ Army (UPSS/UFSS), the Anya Anya 2 Movement  (ANYA NYA 2M), South Sudan Vision Movement (SSVM/A), United Democratic  Revolutionary Movement/Kueilueel Brigade (UDRM/KLB), South Sudan United  National Front/Army (SSUNF/A), South Sudan Rescue Front (SSRF), South Sudan  National Liberation Movement/Army (SSNLM/A) and South Sudan Opposition  Coalition Party (SSOCP), gathered here monitoring the unfolding situation with  sadness as follows: 

  • Note with concern the steps being taken by President Salva Kiir to abrogate  the ongoing Revitalized Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R ARCISS). 
  • Regret unnecessary loss of human lives and property that would have been  avoided peacefully; 
  • Witness the painful death of innocent civilians and the countless valuable  property; 
  • Extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and those currently  nursing serious wounds on both sides;
  • Condemn wholeheartedly the regime’s warmongering attitude and uncaring  behaviors towards the sanctity of life of our dear citizens.  
  • Appeal to UNMISS to intervene thereby abrogating the existing agreement  allowing government of South Sudan to protect POCs in order to save lives of  civilians trapped in the areas of conflict namely; Juba, Malakal, Yambio, Bor and  Bentiu so that government turned enemy won’t harm individuals fleeing for their  lives to POCs. 

. Further urge for timely and speedy establishment of new PoCs in the areas of  Nasir, Ulang and other hot spot areas to ensure the safety of our people.  

  • Call upon IGAD, AU, Troika, UNSC and people of goodwill to heap pressure  on SPLM-IG party to release captives and detainees unjustly hauled into detention  facilities across the war-torn country. 
  • Concern without prejudice that both the White Army and SSPDF killed in Nasir  are both victims of criminal intent set up to physically eliminate each other by the  failed Juba regime. 
  • Solemnly declare that the Uganda People’s Defense Forces is an army of  occupation and every patriotic South Sudanese should arm and fight against.  
  • Conscientiously consider Salva Kiir Mayardit as no longer the legitimate  President of South Sudan, having rendered null and void the very 2018 Revitalized  Peace Agreement that gave him legitimacy to rule. 
  • Aware and opposed the contemptible campaign by the Juba- based regime in  its desperate attempts to designate the white army as a terrorist organization.  White army is a collection of people of goodwill and last line of community defense  mechanism trying to save lives put into harm’s way by state that supposes to save  them. 
  • Call on the friends of South Sudan and international community to expeditiously step in to save lives now that South Sudan is officially a dysfunctional  failed state. 
  • Reject strongly the attempts by the regime to use brother against brother  to achieve their malicious objectives.  

Declare on oath through this forum that we will keep the dignity of the  people of South Sudan particularly the affected and the-would-be-affected  areas aggravated by the ongoing dire humanitarian emergency. 

Enlisted below are signatory parties to the press statement:

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