Contributor's Politics Press Release South Sudan news

Press Statement: First Anniversary of the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A).

May 1, 2022 — It is my pleasure to convey my warmest congratulations to all the SSPM/A forces, supporters and the People of South Sudan in general on the historical occasion of the first anniversary of the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A), that falls on May 1, 2022. 

This is the day when the former SPLA officers, NCOS, men, intellectuals and students decided to take up arms against the despotic regime of President Salva Kiir and formed the South Sudan People’s Movement and South Sudan People’s Army (SSPM/A) on May 1, 2021.

The SSPM/A was formed to fight for a fundamental regime change to liberate the People of South Sudan from all forms of political repressions, rampant institutionalized corruption, economic hardships, gender-based violence, human right abuses, entrenched tribal antipathy, social injustice, and extrajudicial killings.

Today, the SSPM/A has completed its one year (Phase -I) in mobilization and recruitment and shall embark on training and organization of its members (Phase-II) after this first anniversary.

Within a year, the People’s Movement has mobilized thousands of its supporters and particularly from the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF), other organized forces and other armed groups (OAG) who have joined the SSPM/A in a big number and are now undergoing military training and political orientation to continue its fight for a fundamental regime change until we achieve our objectives. 

The SSPM/A is fighting for the following main objectives: –

– To liberate the People of South Sudan from the politics and activities that are associated with ethnic chauvinism, dictatorial and despotic oppressions, hatred, bondage, nepotism and institutionalized corruption.

– To establish a strong democratic and federal system of governance based on the devolution of powers and resources to the lower levels of governance.

– Promulgate a people driven constitution.

– Provision of equal opportunity for women and youth in the new governance structure to allow them participate fully in the decision-making process.

-To establish and organize a robust national army, national security service and other organized forces based on national diversity.

-To promote justice, equality, respect for human dignity and advancement of human rights and fundamental freedom.

The SSPM/A would like to draw the attention of the People of South Sudan to the following subversive actions that are being used by the regime in addressing political, social and economic instability in the Republic of South Sudan: –

Peace in the Republic of South Sudan: – A permanent peace and stability cannot be realized in the Republic of South Sudan as long as President Salva Kiir clings to power. He has sabotaged attempts in search for permanent peace and stability in the country including a revitalized peace agreement that was signed in 2018, in Khartoum between the regime and opposition leaders. All attempts to have a united one peaceful state have failed, hence leaving armed resistance as the only alternative option to toppling him from power.

Unification of the forces: – The so-called unification of command between the opposition and regime forces was made based on a mere formality to divert the attention and efforts of the international and regional communities away from giving more pressure on the regime, but it will not have any real effect on the situation on the ground. The opposition Commanders that have been deployed in the unified units will face a lot of challenges and will not be treated with respect by the members of the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF), National Security Service (NSS) and other organized forces due to the fact that most of the opposition Commanders have been given the positions of Second-in- command in every institution. This will give room to the serving members to undermine the deputies and report straight to the top Commanders, hence leaving the deputies, who are mainly from the opposition dormant. 

The regime has already established a strong network within the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF) and National Security Service (NSS) that are meant at sabotaging and undermining the peace agreement that cannot be broken by mere unification of command. The regime is also still paying a huge amount of money known as “the special operation fund” to the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF) and National Security Service (NSS) for sponsoring various militias in the country to sabotage and undermine the current peace agreement. 

The regime is still paying the following special operation funds to the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF) and National Security Service (NSS) for sabotage mechanism;

  • Salaries for former SPLA-North divisions 10 and 9 (Nuba Mountain and Blue Nile) which are now no longer part of the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF).
  • Salaries for former Sudan People Liberation Army -North (SPLA -North) Debeb Division in Missiriya area which is now no longer part of the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF).
  • Salaries for former Cobra division in the Murle area that defected from the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in 2010.
  • Salaries for former Sudan People Liberation Army – Aguelek Division (SPLA-Aguelek Division) in Shilluk Kingdom that defected from the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) to Sudan People Liberation Army – in Opposition (SPLA-IO) in 2015.
  • Salaries of all the former Sudan People Liberation Army’s (SPLA) Nuer sons and daughters and other tribes who switched their allegiance to the various opposition commands in 2013.

The above-mentioned salaries are called “special operation funds”. that the regime is still paying for non-existent persons “known as ghost names” within the South Sudan People Defence Forces (SSPDF) and National Security Service (NSS). 

This fund will continue to be used to sponsor the activities of the territorial militias that have been created by the regime to sabotage and undermine the peace agreement in the country despite the unification of command since the members of the opposition will have no access to these “special operation funds” whatsoever.

Furthermore, the unification of command will not stop the ongoing hostilities and skirmishes in the greater Upper Nile because what the regime is saying in public is totally different from what it is doing on the ground. 

The regime has succeeded in creating the following territorial militia commands in the country and mainly from the forces who defected from the opposition forces: –

Western Upper Nile (Unity state):The regime bought off and influenced the defection of General Tito Biel Wic from the Sudan People Liberation Army -in Opposition (SPLA-IO) and established his base at Tomor in Mayom area besides the pre-existing militia command under former commander Mathew Puljang Top. These two militia units are the ones responsible for the hostilities and cattle rustling that are taking place around Rubkona areas and across the border of Bhar El Ghazal areas of Tonj, Gogrial and Twic Counties in Warrap state.

The regime has established another territorial militia unit in the South of Unity state in Koch and Mayendit Counties under the respective commands of warlord Koch commissioner Brigadier Koang Biel Char also known as Koang Nyalualgo and Mayendit commissioner Brigadier Gatluak Nyang Hoth in coordination with Leer commissioner Taker Riek Dong who is an accomplice for committing serious atrocities and destructions of war that are taking place in Leer and Mayendit areas killing innocent people mostly the elderly and children and burning down whole villages to ashes.

These militia units are secretly being supplied with ammunitions, weapons and money by the National Security Service (NSS) and South Sudan People Defence forces (SSPDF) headquarters on the request of the governor of unity state to carry out such atrocities and destructions in the stronghold areas of the opposition forces.

Northern Upper Nile (Maiwut area):The regime has established territorial militia command in Maiwut and Jekou areas under the respective commands of General Ochan Puot Buob (Maiwut area) and General Khor Chuol Giet (Jekou area). These two Militia Generals were influenced and bought off by the regime to break away from the opposition command and be made militia warlords in Maiwut and Jekou respectively. They are being supplied with weapons, ammunitions and money and being encouraged to wage war to clear the opposition forces off Maiwut, Nasir and Longechuk areas.

Pibor Militias (Murle): – The regime has turned the cobra division (former Yau-Yau rebels) into militia command in Murle area and being supported and supplied with weapons, ammunitions and money to commit atrocities and destructions in Bor and Lou -Nuer areas.

SPLA-IO Kitgwang and Aguelek faction: – The regime is making other arrangements to form militia units in Shilluk Kingdom under General Johnson Olony Thabo and Lou-Nuer under General Simon Gatwech Dual respectively, as a result of peace agreement that was signed in Khartoum by the SPLA-IO Kitgwang and Aguelek faction with the regime. 

Warrap Militia division: – Between 2018 -2019, the regime mobilized sons and daughters of Warrap state and formed a militia division out of them and deployed this division in Warrap state along the border of Western Upper Nile with Warrap with intention to defend Warrap from Bul Nuer militias and to carry out cattle raids across the border in Mayom, Bul -Nuer area. 

Three thousand (3,000) officers, NCOS and men from this militia division have been taken to Juba and deployed in the Republican guard division also known as Tiger Division and South Sudan National Police Service (SSPS) to protect the President against any coup attempt from the national security forces or any invisible plot to overthrow the regime from within. 

This is another plan from the regime to counter the notorious Mathiang-Anyor which was brought to Juba from Awiel in 2013 to quell the 2013 crisis, but this time around, the forces were recruited from Warrap, the home area of the President Salva Kiir to counter Mathiang-Anyor who were recruited mainly from Awiel, the home area of former Chief of General staff General Paul Malong Awan who had left the regime and formed his own movement that is now fighting the regime. It is clear that the Mathiang-Anyor is no longer trusted by President Salva Kiir and has become a source of insecurity in Juba against President Salva Kiir.

Monyemoji Militia: – This is another militia unit created by the regime in Eastern Equatoria under the direct command of the governor of Torit General Louis Lobong Lojore to harass and intimidate opposition forces in Eastern Equatoria.

Western Equatoria Militia: – The regime is sponsoring pro-regime Arrow boys’ militia unit to liquidate and intimidate opposition leaders in Western Equatoria. This militia unit was the one responsible for causing instability and unrest in Western Equatoria where thousands of innocent people were displaced. They were also involved in silencing opposition activities in Western Equatoria.

Transfer of Major General Kerubino Ruay Tap: – A recent deployment of militia Major General Kerubino Ruay Tap as commander of SSPDF 4th infantry division indicates that the regime is not ready to embrace peace in the Republic of South Sudan. Major General Kerubino Ruay Tap has been transferred to 4th infantry division on the request of the governor of unity state to execute a plan to clear the SPLA-IO forces off unity state. This is because the former Commander of 4th Infantry Division Major General John Maluit Wic refused to take orders from the governor of unity state to reinforce former SPLA-IO Major General Tito Biel Wic, Koch commissioner Brigadier Koang Biel Char and Mayendit commissioner Gatluak Nyang Hoth who were ordered by the governor of unity state to attack the SPLA-IO locations at Kaljaak, Ding-Ding in Rubkona county, Mirmir in Koch County, Leer and Mayendit areas respectively. 

As a result, the governor requested the chief of defence staff to transfer Major General John Maluit Wic and replace with militia Major General Kerubino Ruay Tap who will simply follow his orders rather than from the SSPDF headquarters to clear unity state off opposition forces as an act of systematic violence and aggression against opposition forces by the regime-sponsored militias in Unity state and to intimidate opposition members working in the unity state government.

The aim of the regime is to weaken the unified national army and fortify itself with these various militia units by supplying them with what they require to enable the regime continue to cause more atrocities, destruction and instability in the stronghold areas of the oppositions to make the opposition leaders vulnerable so as not to participate in the upcoming general elections in the country.

These militias have been given a free rein by the regime to do whatever they want to do including gory massacres in the stronghold areas of the opposition.

Resumption of Jonglei canal and dredging of Nile secondary tributaries: –

The SSPM/A has been following up with great concern a plan by the regime’s interest in resuming the digging of Jonglei canal and the dredging of rivers Jur, Bhar El Ghazal, Lol, Cuolpi (known as Bar El Arab) and other secondary tributaries that flow into the Nile and the wetlands (Toch) that store water during the dry season. These wetlands and swamps preserve the ecosystems and other natural benefits for Nilotic People since time immemorial.

The SSPM/A warns the regime, international and national workers against any attempt to resume the digging of Jonglei Canal and dredging of Nile secondary tributaries to drain the Nilotic Wetlands and cause irreparable damage and habitat change to our ecosystems.

The construction of Jonglei canal was stopped by the SPLA as one of its targets as part of the plan in fighting the Sudan successive regimes. 

Considering the above sabotage mechanism, there is no hope for the People of South Sudan in this regime. As things stand now, our People have hope only on the South Sudan People’s Movement/Army (SSPM/A) and its allies to liberate them from the dictatorial and despotic regime of President Salva Kiir.

The SSPM/A appeals to all pro-regime militias and other armed groups to join the SSPM/A and its allies to fight for a fundamental regime change. 

You cannot be treated as militias in your own country. You are entitled to be part of the national army of your own country and not territorial militias. The SSPM/A and its allies are committed to rescue the people of South Sudan in the shortest time possible and install a federal democratic system of governance in the Republic of South Sudan.

Thank you all and may God bless South Sudan. Victory is ours!!!

Signed: 1/5/2022

General Stephen Buoy Rolnyang

Chairman of the NLC/NEC, SSPM & 

Commander -in-chief of the SSPA.

SSPM/A HQS, DAJO, Upper Nile Region.

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