July 15, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—The Juba regime has resorted to employing desperate measures to deal with an ever growing desperate situation. The series of reported attacks on civilians in Equatoria is pointing to the reality that the government has lost control of the rising insecurity in the country and has run out of rational strategies to maintain its grip on to power. This is has become increasingly evident by the number of clashes between common citizens with the government security organs who are charge with the responsibilities of keeping them save.
The cloud hanging over the legitimacy of the embattled president Salva Kiir and the collapsing economy are driving those around Kiir’s regime to despair. They think that employing old fashioned iron fist rule tried by world dictators and failed, would force communities into submission – tactics that have sent many rouge regimes to the political graveyards of history and a fate awaiting Juba regime.
The legitimacy of president Salva Kiir was dealt a severe blow when only Museveni of Uganda showed up at the celebration of the 4th anniversary of the independence of South Sudan and a call by the SPLM/A (In Opposition) for the community of nations to stop calling him as an elected and legitimate president of South Sudan – a call that has been heard worldwide and has forced leading countries of the world to say that Kiir has squandered the chance of a life time by refusing to sign a peace agreement that would usher in a transitional government of national unity. In the eyes of the world, only a peace agreement, at this point, would see Kiir return as a leader in South Sudan. Even the extension of his term of office by a national parliament – a parliament whose term even expired before passing the motion to extend the term of president Kiir, is unconstitutional.
At the moment, there is no rule by constitution in South Sudan and the wise thing the president should have done was to suspend the constitution, declare state of emergency in the country and rule by decrees. This in itself is tantamount to usurping the power of South Sudanese people.
The fact that Kiir’s regime is heavily deploying forces throughout the Equatoria States, are indications that he has already assumed the role of ruling in a state of emergency. Therefore, he would want to use the militia he established to replace the SPLA to terrorize and intimidate Equatorians.
The next step in the grand scheme of controlling Equatoria is to remove the Governors and the most likely governors to lose their jobs are Clement Wani Konga of Central Equatoria State and Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro of Western Equatoria State. These two have been seen by Juba regime as roadblocks to gaining total control over Equatoria.
Adel Sandrai
SPLM/A Representative to Kenya
Equatorians, should not listen Dinka warlord, Kirr. Continue the struggle and flush them out of Equatorians. we are ready to join in and make it evern harder for them for them to stay in areas like Nimule, Owinykibul etc
Is not a matter of choice, they have to listen to kiir or else, remember kiir is the legitimate president, therefor they most listen for hundred years to come, we will stay in Nimule, is an strategic town and we do have to control it, any sensitive area, we most have an upper hand, now we control borders, and that because of what happen in 2013. We can’t afford mistakes anymore, you place loyal people to the sensitive places. Malong Awan Made a successful visit to Uganda, where Uganda promised to avail anything that fly to our military, Telar Deng in Russia had secure 23 jet fighters due to be deliver soon, that mean any rebellion will be met harshly.
Strictly speaking,the Government of Salva Kiir doesn’t give any slightest consideration or for that matter respect for the Equatorians. If anything, would be to occupy their land and subdue their resistance by intimidating them in any means possible. For now, their focus is currently on the Nuer in particular, because they hardly turn the other cheek, without a vigorous response. The next target, will be the Eguatorians and others, who are similar, like the people of Western Bahr El ghazal, Upper Nile particularly the Shilluk etc. For sure this is not wishful thinking. This is the Jieng strategy. At the moment, Eguatorians and their leaders, are being killed without any reaction from their leaders themselves. Silence brutally encourages more killing in the long run. It is a long term plan to rule. Waiting is not an option especially when it is your turn to die.
Why should Kiir gives a consideration to Equatorians, Do you know that Equatorians tried to stab kiir behind, when the team up with Riak on Federal issue, now they are silence when they see Rial getting defeated. Equatorians can’t come up with something authentic by themselves, they wait for window of opportunity in order to push for their views. Rest assure that Dinka will rule forever, we already control the rebellion in Western Equatoria and we defeated the Nuer and Collo, Kiir’s removal,Federalism or any other reform not approved by jieng elders is a red line and Dinka will not seat idle.
Last year, jieng’s council of elders, had suggested the removal of Greater Equatoria governors, but kiir rejected
sending Malong to deal with them. We know that equatoria is aiming for an independent country, but that will not be realize, Federalism is a gone case and they better accept the reality, soon you will hear a good news from western equatoria, there is 6 thousands soldier heading to munduri from mapel.
Well Tutu,
This is precisely what Eqautoria expects: the marching of jienge towards Mundiri and other areas of Greater Equatoria. We expect the total collapse of South Sudan so that each group fights on their own. It is either the jienges or the Equatorians. When Equatoria cuts-off all routes to jienge-heartland and all of them flushed out of Equtoria without remorse, then we shall talk business. As for now, Equatoria is prepared. Kokora or death. Period
You do have to remember, that cutting route is a red line, Equatorians know very good the consequences, you are not crazy boy. your people are not ready to die, are not ready to sacrifice for the sake. Put in your mine, that Jieng is not playing, we die to liberate this country and we should not be told where to live and what to do, jieng is the one deciding how to run our country affairs, cowards should shut up their mouth.
Equatorians conspire aganist Jieng, fundrising to buy weapons against Dinka. watch this video
Julia Henry Ater had expose equatorian on their bad intention to ham Jieng. I want to tell her, thanks for the video, we know about greater equatoria association activities abroad, their objective is well known to us, don’t worry sister, we do have credible intelligence that follow their move, jieng is not sleeping, we do have committee to over see rescue and intervention for dinka residing in equatoria.
Kiir he is faller President
just wait and see this three regions will gone soon, and the ten states will fellow, and we will remain with one region and one state south sudan.
Bravo, one people,one nation. Those are hoping to change things in south Sudan, will be disappointed, South Sudan will remain as a one nation with one president, cowards should not be allowed to seat on the throne, our president kiir will stay there forever, whatever he said or does is his right.
No body in this world that lives permanent forget your stupid comment.
The so called Idiot or Man of dogs is just a stupid thugs. You began it by Nuer who are your heroes in South Sudan and Liberated you from Arabs who fucked your asses, but we saved you and brought you the Independent through golden plate planned by Scientist Dr. Riek Machar. We will rule you forever and will not leave any Dinka in South Sudan. You are curse to this beatiful nation and we will deal with you. You sqaundered the resources of our nation and looted the entire resources of the Country. If you are really a men who can face the mighty Nuer, why do you give your anus to M7 and offered him all your private parts? Your drunker President who has been infected by HIV/AIDs has already infected M7 who used him in State house instead of Genet M7 who was displaced from her bed by Nyankiir. Shame on you. We are coming to Juba and bring rescue mission to all Citizens of South Sudan.
Hehe…. Tutu you are very funny. Kiir will not last as president of South Sudan forever. Completing the next three years as a president of South Sudan is a challenge to him as a person. The plan in Juba is to ensure another Jieng is groomed to succeed Kiir. This plan will only work in the minds of a desptotic leadership with ethno-political undertone. This is time from level-headed and future oriented thinking or else the Jieng will allow leadership to slip between their fingers and will meet the same predicaments of other ethonphobic communities in Africa who are now forced to romance about leadership in their underdeveloped mental world.
Hehe…. Tutu you are very funny. Kiir will not last as president of South Sudan forever. Completing the next three years as a president of South Sudan is a challenge to him as a person. The plan in Juba is to ensure another Jieng is groomed to succeed Kiir. This plan will only work in the minds of a desptotic leadership with ethno-political undertone. This is time for level-headed and future oriented thinking or else the Jieng will allow leadership to slip between their fingers and will meet the same predicaments of other ethonphobic communities in Africa who are now forced to romance about leadership in their underdeveloped mental world.
My friend you got it right, the jieng council of elders had proposed three people in case anything happen to kiir, we have every reason to not let go the power, if you do remember in eighties, when equatoria took power, jieng was targeted, the same happen in 1991 when Riak rebelled, therefor we are more then aware about who suppose to lead us.