Latest Politics Press Release South Sudan

FULL TEXT: Mabior statement on bribery allegations to join Kitgwang Declaration.

Juba, South Sudan

August 23,2021—Fellow Junubeen, the intellectual mercenaries of the deposed leader of the “IO” and FVP Dr. Risk Machar, would you believe that opposing their lack of ideas means one has been “bribed’. This is mischief! This is what in psychology is called projection.

Mr. Mabior Garang De Mabior (standing) representing the SPLM-IO and Mr. Jokina Nyikayo (sitting left to Mabior) during a press conference during a past meeting in Nairobi, Kenya(Photo: file)
Mr. Mabior Garang De Mabior, SPLM/A(IO) Chairman of Nation Committee For Information and Public Relation(Photo: file)

We kept quiet three years ago when members of the NPTC Regime would receive millions of dollars from Juba for the office of the then FVP Designate. Every few months they were coming to Juba and leaving with millions of dollars back to Khartoum. The Movement cannot account for this money.

The government can expose them today and release the details of the money they have taken. But the Movement will not account for what it has done with these millions of Dollars. We can accuse the government of not feeding our forces in Cantonment but we had enough money of our own.

I don’t even want to get started on how the Movement acquired apartments in Pagak II, Nairobi. Did they think we were not aware of their corrupt ways? We kept quiet because we believed the bigger picture was more important. After it has become clear that 5-10 people have just been enriching themselves, what is the bigger picture?

Beloved Comrades,

These so-called Comrades where bought three years ago and many have already bought houses in Khartoum and in East Africa with the money. They deceived the “IO” constituency that they went to Juba in the name of peace – “give peace a chance”. After three years and weeks to the expiry of the matrix for implementation, all they have done is embezzled the USD 100 Million allocated for the NPTC and JDB. Who knows how deep the rabbit hole is?

This is what they should explain to us, not try and divert attention by accusing Kit Gwang Generals of being on Juba payroll. The only thing the Kit Gwang Declaration is doing, is reminding our Comrades what they went to Juba to do.


These folks are just populist leaders with no real ideas. They go where the wind blows them. They will accuse everyone and not look at their own flaws. Today it is the regime, another time it is SSOA, tomorrow it is G10 and today it is Kit Gwang. It is never them – they are the supreme revolutionaries.

The real people who where bribed to abandon the reform agenda are clear to everyone. Now that we have almost two weeks left to the end of the peace process they are calling our reminder a bribery.

As the peace process comes to a close, our people should rest assured that we shall continue advocate for political stability in our land and not engage in struggles for positions.

These accusations make no sense. The intellectual mercenaries of the FVP are only trying to divert attention from their own betrayal of the reform agenda.

A luta continua!

Capt. Mabior Garang
Chairperson – Defunct National Committee for Information and Public Relations.”

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