Politics South Sudan

Denay Must Stay, an Open letter to His Excellency, Gen. Salva kiir Mayardit. 

Subject;  Response to the demand of  the Jonglei elders, who call for removal  of H.E. Hon. Denay Jock Chagor Governor of Jonglei state. 

By Hon. Anter Bayak kuol. 

Member  of State Parliament/STLA

Yours excellency ,

Seven women abducted in Jonglei State
Jonglei State Governor Denay Chagor (photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

Feb 6, 2022 — Allows me to congratulate you for the selfless service you rendered to our great nation, South Sudan,  you had previously served as a foot soldier  your past contributions and sacrifices you had paid along with your colleagues’ majority of whom perished in the wilderness to free us from the vicious Government  of Sudan base regimes shall never be overshadowed by present and future mistakes  Since 1983 when you first left Twic-Mayardit a historical homeland named after your grandparents for bush to fight against Khartoum marginalization,  up to the present moment, you never had leisure time with your children,  I and  hundreds of South Sudanese owed you a debt of gratitude through your unwavering support to our cause and that of millions of dead and living Southerners who sacrificed themselves for the same fortune. 

Your excellency, It’s  imperative  to noted that the group  of so called jonglei state elder who when to Your esteemed  office on  second  of February  2022, demanding  for removal  of energetic  young  leader  Hon. GOVERNOR  Denay j. Chagor,  are individuals  of their own interests  but  what ever they said doesn’t  represents  the interests  and welfare of the people of jonglei state this group  are adicks  of politicians, who are Juba based in which some of them have never step foot or visit  the people  of Jonglei state  in their constituencies  while they are good in manufacturing  propaganda  against  the Governors, who have not made own their interests  for instance , if  the Governor  didn’t  appoint their relatives  in the state government, that become  crime  to the Governor  according  to their interests, those elders are just jealousy  of see young energetic  leader  made as Governor  of jonglei  state. 

Therefore; I strongly  appeal  to your excellency  the president  of the Republic  of South sudan Gen Salva kiir mayardit, not to listen  to  such groups  of political  apportuniest who call themselves  Jonglei elders. 

I salute all of you in the name of our historic struggle

A Luta Continua!

Long Live the South Sudan Peoples!

Long Live the president  Salva kiir Mayardit !

Long Live the Governor  Denay Jock Chagor. 

Hon. Anter bayak kuol 

Member of State Parliament  Mp/STLA 


Jonglei state

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