June 19th, 2019(Nyamilepedia) — Following the Resolutions of the Unity State Community Association in Kenya General Assembly meeting held on 7th June, 2019, witnessed by the constitutional review committee and community Elders, notice is hereby given that the Unity State community Association in Kenya has changed its name to the LIECH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION IN KENYA (LCAK) with effect from 8th June 2019. At the same time, the office tenure has also been changed from one (1) year to two (2) years. The constitution has been updated to capture all the necessary changes. Our newly reviewed Liech community constitution is a flexible document which has a clause for amendment to change or includes anything which its members deemed good and right.
These changes are long overdue; they were prompted by the crisis we went through two years ago. Those who are privy to our community activities would remember in 2017 to 2018, the unity state community have had quarrel which threatened members’ coexistence and continuity of this Association more than ever before. Luckily, through the swift intervention of its wise Elders and Friends who are passionate about our togetherness at the time, we managed to reconciled and move from this quarrelsome experience to the stage of dialogue and and forgiveness. In the spirit of dialogue, reconciliation and forgiveness, the Unity State community Interim board, now Liech community Board thereafter constituted 7 member constitutional review committee led by Lawyer, Stephen Kawai Puok, to enable us have discourse on contentious issues which breeds conflict in the first place. Since 2018, the constitutional review committee in conjunction and consultation with the executive committee, have held number of meetings to debate these changes including the name of the Association.

The Liech is our original birth place, and we are always known as people of Liech since time antiquity. However, during the five decades struggle for independence from Sudan, and even after the event of the 9th July, 2011, our birth place was forcefully renamed as Unity State instead of Liech State. We understood our people didn’t accept it at all, but they just tolerate knowing that time will come for us to make necessary changes. We are cognizant of the fact that it is not the name Unity State perse that is bad; as its sound, the name Unity State itself is good, but the major ‘problem’ is that the name Unity State was ‘colonial’ in the sense that it was introduced and imposed by the past dominant Arab monolithic regime in Khartoum for reasons not known to us but to them.
The fact that the name Unity State is good cannot warrant anyone notwithstanding his status to remove and replace our cultural and historical name, Liech without consultation and wide input from our public. At last, we have correctly inserted the name Liech. And we would never go back to the previous name, Unity State unless otherwise.
As we know, the change of name or any kind of change is gradual in nature. In 2015, the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) Leader, Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon tabled a new 21 South Sudan administrative states based on the former British colonial districts; and in that proposal he renamed the Unity state as Liech State, a decision we applaud and continued to cheers for we considered it as a victory to the downtrodden.
In the same year, South Sudan President, Salva Kiir in his new 32 states also renamed Unity State to Liech State. However, the latter‘s unilateral decision to divide Liech into Northen Liech and Southern Liech is however immaterial. In view of foregoing, we find it appetizing that there is consensus and unanimity on the name Liech from the top national leadership echelon to the grass root levels both at home and abroad.
The Liech community Association in Kenya was established in 2010 as nonprofit and none political, social welfare organization committed to its founding objectives that includes the following inter alia: to contribute to the welfare and development of the Liech community and South Sudanese communities in Kenya; to promote culture and tradition of Liech community in Kenya; to cooperate with other south Sudanese welfare organizations in Kenya; to make contributions for the advancement and promotion of charitable activities to Nuer community and all South Sudanese communities in Kenya; to preach peaceful coexistence, educational, and child right awareness through symposiums, seminars and exhibitions and to provides forum for social interactions among Liech community members in Kenya.
The Liech Community leadership thrives in intellectual leadership that uphold ethical standard at all times. We are sensitive and not silent to the growing desire for change in the republic of South Sudan. We appreciate all Kenyans for their hospitality; honor our founding Leaders wherever they may be; respect our Elders for their wisdom and for holding on to the course. We appreciate our Women for their peace loving attitude and generosity; support girls’ rights; grateful to all our unwavering members especially the Youth and majestic friends and supporters all over the whole for their moral support that they continued to render this Association over the years. Our slogan remains: ‘friendly South Sudanese’. As it’s correctly says ‘’together we are number one’’. Inspired by President Uhuru Kenya and Former Minister Raila Odinga’s handshake, we are committed to peace and spirit of voluntarism for the good of our community and humanity as whole.
With Regards
Dak Buoth Riek,
Liech Community Association in Kenya
Contact: eligodakb@yahoo.com
- Stephen Kawai, Chairperson, constitutional review committee
- Peter Gatbel Magock
- Biliny Brown Dor