March 16, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-Two Government officers were captured today in Gabat barrack after fierce battle that last for an hour between government forces and the SPLA forces under Brig. Gen. Gai Gatluak.
The captives who turn to be prisoners of war (POWs) are under special care in the Division -7 base. The SPLA –IO Spokesman for Div-7 Capt. Paul Malith Koang Riaw said they captured one war Tank, D30 Destroyed and Entire Crew Killed.
“Our gallants forces today captured two Government officers, and after a brief and precise investigation we found out that the two officers were Capt. Khor Makuach Deng Kunor from Jonglei State’s Uror County and Sgt. Gatmuon Lok Puoch also in Jonglei state but Ayod county” Said Capt. Malith Koang.
Captain Paul Malith said the evident of the two captives is the policy of Juba to put only loyal Nuer in the dangerous areas like Gabat so that they clear the way for their tribal soldiers (Gelweng) and Ugandan soldiers and to run when the loyal Nuer soldiers engaged with our gallantry SPLA.
Capt. Paul also verified the exact number of weapons captured on Sunday in Gabat.
In an interview on phone by Nyamilepedia Press Capt. Paul Malith Koang Riaw said their forces did a good job today, He noted saying they captured the following weapons in good condition;
• One (walid) tank type 130 in a good condition

• One SPG
• One B10
• Two 12 Machine Gun Russian type
• two 60 millimeter
• Eight PKM
• One RPG 10
• One 82 type of shelling machine gun
• 103 AK_M
Number of death and weapons destroyed from the enemies
“One D30 Machine gun has been destroyed and its entire crew killed after futile attempts to cross the river Nile toward Renk” Said Capt. Paul Malith Koang military orientation and spokesman for Division Seven.
Capt. Malith revealed that their forces killed 57 Soldiers mostly kids under ages from the government side, uncounted number drowned in the river Nile in vain and one General from Ugandan with rank of Colonel killed.
While Capt. Paul Malith Said they lost only 4 heroes and 15 other wounded in the battle.
This report is from the 7th infantry division spokesman Capt. Paul Malith Koang Riaw.
Misleading propaganda, they catured officers but where soldiers
You are defeated but of course there is always two sides to every story, give us yours.
The above picture claimed to be Ugandan Soldier killed in Action is total lie, they copied and past the picture taken from somalia of UPDF killed by Alsabab terrorist.
Any one one who kill Dinka or Ugana is our friend
Let them died as they are bloody suckers of their brother Nuer, we have nothing to do about them. They are wrong, why they captured them, instead to kill them. They are not Nuer, they are Dinkas sons of fetch, kill them now.It better to capture Dinkas then Nuer who in Government side , Dinkas are better then them, they sell us for money. From now on word, if you captures Nuer in Government side, if kill him.
Yeah whatever, I see where you are going with it but it will not be the case Mr Tito. Any South Sudanese captured and foreigners and or mercenaries and deserve to answer for their crimes in the court of law as well. The SPLM-In Oppositions are fighting for reforms and to bring Kiir and his groups of thugs to justice.
Yes, I understand those of Juba killed every Nuer that they capture or stage a public shaming parades but you see, those in Juba do not and will not ever value lives of any South Sudanese leave alone the Nuers on either side and they have already massacred thousands during Dec/2013 in Juba.
Remember the 3 UN & South Sudan government officials that were recently released they been given a chance to see things in a new light where it is now upon them to save a life or two when presented with an opportunity to act, and believe me each one of them will make a conscious choice. This is how societies change for better and therefore Nuers on the side of government also deserve justice and a chance of a life spared.
If you are saying that they should be killed as to encourage the Oppositions to commit crimes, human rights violations than you are the devils advocate and not any different from those of Juba killing Nuers fighting for their kingdom. Now you understand why I said I see where you are going with it. Good luck in your search for peace.
Tito,your English has failed you completely,make your points come out clearly.
Chickens coming home to roost. Ugandans and United States have been lied to by Juba War Lords. A coward rents a coward’s services for defense in war and both are doomed. Congratulations to the SPLA-Pagaak.
Job well done if the report was true. Congratulation to Freedom Fighters and their Commanders. Good God is blessing them all.
Agumut where the fuck are you. A son of Jonglei State is captured what did I told you fucker. How close is that to home now.
Mind heart attack. methinks,You are not in the FRONT LINE,so just shut up.
I have to go out in order to pay where i live because i don’t live at UNMISS Camps. We don’t received free meals here.
So your a slave to the system too. slave mentality does not go away no matter where you go. Don’t work too hard, work smarter my Monyjang. I heard welfare in the western world is not even enough to pay a phone bill. haha sucker!
Western need active people and diploma of two years after Secondary School (HIGH SCHOOL) if people need quick low pay work. I don’t live in the Western World,but i have no interest and i don’t even want to work with such a system of those of Riek Machar who wanted to massacred innocent people because of position. N.B. for those who can’t pay their bills are those who don’t go out and do any job,they are like those big people who sack themselves from the government and joined SPLM-IO. Those big people will one day regret because there is country in this world will give them jobs. Age and expensive play a roll.Those big gorilla’s will join Kiir one by one again.
Not according to dirt diggers so don’t lie.
President kiir can proof to himself that this war cannot be solve militarily if he was wise enough,the fact is that,kiir has terribly lost two war:in frontline and addis roundtable as well.the only thing that remain is his image because when a family member died;his/her image will be seen by the family who are alive for a shortwhile
If you are strong please capture Malakal or Bentiu which are located in the heart of Nuer, capturing Villages will not make any difference, you will all die in the villages.
i don’t think if there is a reasons that will convience me to fight again enouhg is enough. Why is kiir forcing himself to the position is it just because of m7 or else bcz of malong awan ok what want is only peace.
Kill those who are capture alive even though they are nuer, and this is what will make them to learn more than what they do now
Sorry. you die like a chiken because of money. continue gidam ya cdes tel them the lesson, south sudan will never be the same
Where is Riek Koang and Agumut who usually sing a song of war? i told you guys that this war is now a war from God not Human, you will feel sorry and totally leave to comment if you are waiting for SPLA-IO to be defeated! where is Gwelweng and Uganda? now it is Nuer against Nuer fighting brave people are trusted every where they are!!!!!!!! Hey Nuer wew! wake up and join your brothers SPLA IO don’t prolong this war for supporting this thug Gwelweng who claim the victory when ever you won a battle
Goweng, continue eating your free given food by UN at UNMISS camp, rather than rely on total lie, rubbish, why do you celebrate things that never happen????, we shall not allow one tribe rebellion who has connection with our traditional old enemy called Omar, Riek will sell this country to Sudan if allowed to rule. Naymile is fabricating every news infavour of their doomed rebellion, why do you think same news found in Naymile are not found in other reliable news websites? do you think Gabat village is the last strong hold of Government that you have taken? wait you will hear bad news on your sides, many are defecting to Government while Skeleton Goweng with his ugly face is advocating for war while enjoying free things from UN, you are the beneficiaries of these Riek Coup simply because Riek has made you get free things and that’s why you opt for more war to prolong your stay in UNMISS Camp to get free food.
Continue crying and barking that Kiir must go infavour of killer Riek, in terms of who killed more South Sudanese, Riek is the Victim, you simply bark him because he is from your family. cry untill you cry no more for Kiir to go.
these are unfounded facts, don’t rely on them.
What a shame is it to die in a foreign country, by engaging in a war that doesn’t concerns your country. its really a pity hear about the UPDF Generals perishing in South Sudan just for the shake of money Hahaha BLOOD MONEY!.
…Well done SPLA-IO Malice them.
Mwarak Imoi, No single UPDF has gone to fight in upper Nile, Nyamile simply copied and past the above photo of what happened some times back last year in Somalia, after all current UPDF in South Sudan doesn’t ware the type of uniform found above.
Celebrate killing UPDF not knowing Millions of your supporters are languishing in Ugandan Refugee camp.you are really brainless person. go back to cattle camp and take care of your animals Men.
Dear All:
It was very interesting for Ugandan to die in vein, tribal government always lost the war, where is mathing a Nyoor? where is Gelweng? where is Dutkubeny?
I am Dinka by birth, but not by tribe. I can’t support a blind man who leading the whole country to the endless darkness, Kiir his mind already collapse he was threated yesterday by Paul Malong I don’t if he will be a president anymore, because I never seen in my life a country president to be threaten by Chief of General Staff, but it happen in South Sudan because he Kiir was a fake president.
well done freedom fighters your victory is very near.God will be on your side.fight the good fight .
Dear Riek Koang, I’m not in UNMISS man! I’m not like you who was under UNMISS protection but mobilized by Nguen Minytuel to come out so that you got some money when ever you insulting Dr. Riek Machar but let me aware you that i never been in UNMISS CAMPS under POC like you. If you ignore this news then where is your news then? keep denying this is what your father dinka teach you to be. All UN and AU reports reveals that Kiir is the cause of all this mess but for you being Nuer wew you tell the opposite SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!
That is a picture of Resistance army soldier.
Riek Kong is disappointed that his forces have not chased the IO to Sudan as they promised. I understand his frustration, but dude enjoy your blood money while you can. The source of petrodollar is running dry, even in Juba the crime rate has increased due the economic collapsed of RSS. The dollar now trades above 7.2 ssp in the market..time is running out. I wonder what Kiir will pay you the Nuer wew. Prepare yourselves for more bad news.
I wonder why Nuers live on faulsehoods and fake propaganda…this is the reason as to why only the name Ngundeng makes you leave evrything to fight for one man’s interests. Your psychology is one thing Riek mastered..
There was no Uganda soldier killed there and picture is of an AMISOM casuality way back in 2008.
It’s such a pity….
Dear South Sudanese citizens.
Don’t lough if u see someone dying today is his turn tomorrow is yours, because their being here in S Sudan is not of money but to grant security to vulnerable people like those who were killed in Bor, Malakal, Bentiu and once a national army divided along tribal line wars then innocence civilian may super severely may God rest his soul in eternal peace and go in peace you, didn’t died in vain
Most of Nuer on here took Technology wrongly.
For south sudanese they like that becuase of their tribalistic hearts then for the food lovers of m7 they will get finished in south sudan like white ants season.
We Dinkas are most peaceful people in South Sudan because during movement most of greedy Nuer including fake PhD holder Riek rebelled against Spla so it isn’t new to us and may God bless you in the bush
Thanks freedom fighter I support you ideas not to kill them but send them to their family home and they will learn bout what Dinka did to their family .b/c now i know that since 15/12/2013 fighting i belief 100% they have their brothers and relative have been killed by stupid Kiir Regime and one from Ayod will see what Dinka are doing in it right now.
Uganda forces let them see that there is men on the ground forces, am happy indeed to hear interested news from freedom fighters, for two Nuer wew who was been capture in the battle field Sgt Gatmuon Lok Puoch Capt. Khor Makuach Deng Kunor, don’t kill them because they are good for nothing in the kingdom of NEY TEE NAATH