By Mok Dei Gual

Nov, 14th, 2014 (Nyamilepedia) -All the history books I have read tell me that when the Nation is in conflict, a great leader must emerge to reposition and restructure the system for the better. Dr Machar was the best friend of the president kiir for eight years. They had smiles together, discuses so many issues together and went to campaign together.
Dr Machar was campaign manager of the president when its time for election.Dr Machar told most citizens in the country to vote for the president Kiir.When their friendships destroyed by others then The president sacked Dr Machar from his government. Reactions happened among citizens and Dr Machar advised most citizens to remain calm. He went on to say that the president has right by constitution to remove Vice president.
After the president sacked him then, Dr Machar made decision to run for 2015 election, as what was formulated in constitution that anyone who is South Sudanese by citizenship has rights to contest for leadership in the country. Everyone has rights by Constitution to be the President of Republic of South Sudan. Dr Machar has worked so hard to keep the country together. He respects the rights of most people in the world. Dr Machar is the great leader who will bring positive change to our country. I recalled the great depression in the 1930s in the United States and how Mr. Franklin D Roosevelt had turning point in his political career when he was elected of the president of United States in 1932.In 1929/30 great depression provided him an opportunity for him to change his country. Millions of America citizens lost their jobs .So we need to provide opportunity for Dr Machar to change our country.
South Sudan has never been in peace since the President Kiir came to power in the country.He has committed crimes against humanity in the country started in 2006.The president does not know that leader is dealer in hope.Here are events that happened in his leadership.
Disarmament carried out in 2006
In 2006 the president carried out disarmament in Greater Akobo.He had ordered Bol Koang to kills those who refused to bring their weapons to the SPLA barracks. Fighting happened between soldiers and civilians who refused to giving their weapons to the government. At least six hundreds civilians included the children were killed by the SPLA.Does Constitution permitted the president to kill citizens?
Pigi Civilians massacred in 2010
George Athor decided to rebelled against the Kiir government when his results of election were not accepted by SPLM leaders.His family were killed by the government in 2010.Nobody found evidence why the government killed his family who did not involved themselves in domestic politics.
Shuluk Civilians massacred in 2010
Shuluk civilians massacred in 2010 by government, when Dr Lam Akol decided to contest for leadership. Most civilians from Shuluk tribe killed by the President in 2010.Their sultan was burned inside the car.All people do not have evidence why the President killed its own citizens?
Murle Civilians massacred in 2012
Hidden genocide happened at Pibor when David Yau Yau rebelled against the Kiir government. Most civilians killed in Pibor included children.Crimes against humanity committed by the president in our country. SPLA leaders were arrested those of suspects who responsible for crimes committed in Pibor.Nobody went to court and most of them were released less than month.When the leaders do not respect the moral laws, citizens can do the same in the country.
Equatorial students killed in Juba University in 2012
The presidential guards brutally killed Equatorial students in Juba University when fighting happened between Equatorial students and Dinka students. Dinka students burned other students text books at Juba University ‘s Campus.At least 5 students were killed in the same time by the Presidential guards.Does Constitution permitted the President do so?
Wau residents massacred in 2013
We do not have teargas and our teargas is bullet by the President.Residents of Wau Town went to street to make demonstration to reject the decision made by the government to move Wau Town to another place with in Wau.Ten people were killed by the government on street. Some of them were arrested and put to jails.The president committed the crimes. Does Constitution permitted him to do so?
Nuer Civilians massacred in 2013 at daylight in Juba
The president Kiir has personal problems with Dr Machar in their SPLM political party, but what is the reason the president killed civilians who do not involved themselves in politics in the country?The people who were killed by the president do not even met with Dr Machar one day one time, when he was in Juba.Does Constitution permitted the President to kills citizens? Do we have article in Constitution that has permitted him to massacre civilians?People do not believe in war but the president impose war against his opponents.
Why president killed civilians who were not members of SPLM/A party? The president destroyed house of Dr Machar in Juba before Peter Gatdet defected in Jonglei State. Our people have been suffering from war since 2006.The man is not only measure threats to politicians but also to all citizens including his tribesmen.President Kiir killed those who voted him into power. Let us hope for positive change ,we can not continues like this for the president to killing us daily. Americans and Israeli believe in their leaders and their countries but not so in South Sudan. Let us believe Dr Machar to change our country. The best way to teach people is by telling them story.
The Author is the Student of Information Technology at Cavendish Universty- Uganda. he can be contact on gualkuiny@hotmail.com