Latest Press Release South Sudan news

The United Nations Betrayal of the South Sudan Internally Displaced Persons 

Why the United Nations and International Community Betrayed the People of South Sudan. A  Case of an Urgency to United Nations Security Council

To The United Nations Security Council 

Brig. Gen. Samuel Mut Gai 

Director General,

Office of the Chief of General Staffs of the SPLA (IO)  

May 13, 2021 — Negotiations come and go, and this one of South Sudan shall go no matter the discrepancies  on the side of the negotiators and the regime in question against the innocent civilians. With all  the due respect, the handing over of the South Sudanese Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) to  the same regime, which had slaughtered and chased them to Internally Displaced Camps without  the completion of the security arrangements, and the deployment of the unify forces, as stipulated  in the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan, is not only a betrayal  by the United Nations (UN) and the international community; rather, it is by legal definition a  crime against the humanity. Unless otherwise, the UN is not considering the innocent people of  South Sudan human beings. To begin with, the United Nations’ and the International community’s way of handling the case of South Sudan is bearing no fruits on all accounts and may qualify the  world’s supreme body for objective judgment as accomplice and partner in crimes against  humanity with the regime in Juba if they could allow the regime in question to protect the  vulnerable South Sudanese whom have been in the UN cells for over 7yrs under the leadership of a cruel master.  

South Sudan's internally displaced persons voice their anger through a demonstration as US ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley, visit them(Photo: file)
South Sudan’s internally displaced persons voice their anger through a demonstration as US ambassador to UN, Nikki Haley, visit them(Photo: file)

The conflict in South Sudan is very dynamic making it not unique from other conflicts around  the world, which the United Nations and the international community had successfully handled.  For the UN to not be blamed for this betrayal, the UN needs to reconsider other strategic ways of  handling and/or solving the issue of IDPs in South Sudan. 

South Sudan’s political establishment in relation to governance and services delivery have been  from the start non-existing or hijacked by special interest groups which comprises of actors from  the region and outside the region. Ethnic political concepts and ego based on false belief made it  possible for special interest groups to usurp and disabled all government institutions and the top  leadership in the country.  

Conflict in South Sudan is all about the lack or complete absence of a functional government  whereby the government of the day which claims the right of sovereignty is just an organized 

ethnic group of men & women who are using the name of a nation and national resources for their  own benefits. Advising South Sudan leaders to do what they don’t know and/or what they don’t  want would be just a waste of time and resources by the international community. The false claim  used by the regime in Juba, that South Sudan is a sovereign country, which can run and manage  her own affairs without the intervention of the international community is just nothing more than  a mere mockery to the people of South Sudan and the international community.  

South Sudan is just an independent country on the paper, but such a nation is not by all accounts  ranging from services delivery to governance, is way behind more than the old days when the  people were in the bush fighting the liberation war. Every sound-minded human being is aware of  this fact. 

The political road map provided in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the  Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan may sound legitimate and well-thought. Indeed, there  is nothing wrong with how the road map has been designed the way it is, but there is a big concern on how it will be implemented as required since one of the partners doesn’t comply with the rules and procedures setup by the mediators and such individual peace partner (the government of South  Sudan) is able to get away without being held onto account by the mediators who seemed to have  everything and all the powers to bring the government of South Sudan to her knees.  

The United Nations and her international partners have for the last 7yrs. spent billions of dollars  on food aids and peacekeeping operations in South Sudan while South Sudanese are dying in  thousands every month. Such a huge sum of money would have been well spent if the UN and her  international partners choose the right option, which is the removal of Salva Kiir Mayardit  government earlier. Such an option would have saved lives lost because of continued food and  physical insecurity. A quick fix of reforming and correcting the behavior of the same people  (leaders) who messed up the country won’t be likely possible.  

The barbaric actions committed by the government against the innocent people of South Sudan right after the signing of the peace agreement in September 2018, are clear examples of how mere  and gentle persuasions won’t change the regime’s ruthless habit and its determination to suppress  the voices of the people and democratic transformation in the country.  

The people of South Sudan do really appreciate the effort and the commitment shown by the  region, the international community and the United Nations to bring peace to South Sudan.  However, the slow process and the rate of activities committed by the government against the  implementation of peace agreement are some of the major concerns and warning signs, which  indicate that this peace will culminate with unimagined dire consequences that will include mass  killing and possible genocide if urgent action is not taken by the United Nations Security Council. 

Contrary to the expectation of the suffering people of South Sudan is the declaration by the United  Nations through her official representative, the head of United Nations Mission in South Sudan, David Shearer, special representative of the U.N. secretary-general in South Sudan, said at a Juba  news conference in one of his several statements “after careful planning,” UNMISS began  withdrawing its troops from the area because UNMISS believes it is now safe for IDPs to  return home. Mr. David Shearer said that the UN is ending its protection responsibility on the internally displaced persons and officially will hand over the responsibility to a brutal regime, which cannot offer anything to the IDPs either physical security protection or economic protection. David Shearer and the entire team from UNMISS to UN Security Council are all aware of the  present and the imminent danger awaiting not only the would-be abandoned IDPs, but the general population of South Sudan. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan might have different  views and considerations on how dangerous the regime in Juba is. However, the reality of the situation  from the view of others is otherwise telling a different story about the judgment of the UNMISS  Representative to South Sudan. 

The recent incident which took place in Malakal, Upper Nile State on Saturday, March 28/2021  which resulted with the killing of 59 IDPs residents who went out to attend the celebration and the welcoming of the newly appointed Governor of Upper Nile State by South Sudan government  soldiers is a clear indication that the lives of civilians in South Sudan still in danger. What one would say if innocent civilians who were happily celebrating because peace has come to the  country were killed by the same regime which David Shearer and the UN Security Council is going  to hand over the responsibility to?  

In our right judgment, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) seemed to be siding  and has given a green light to the government of South Sudan to kill the vulnerable and innocent  civilians of South Sudan who ran to the UNMSS for their safety and survival. Civilians who ran  to UNMISS protection camps were taking this as their last resort after they ran out of all options.  

We are fully aware that UNMISS/Security Council leaderships are facing a lot of tough  challenges, but turning over the protection of civilians who have been under the custody of the  United Nations for almost 8yrs in the name of a shaky peace agreement which is not moving forward  is unacceptable. The use of “Carrot and Sticks” to force the party which does not want to implement a peace agreement as required, would have been and still is the best option to take. The looming  genocide in South Sudan will be worse than that of Rwanda which in its early stages took similar  steps to what is happening in South Sudan.  

We the citizens of South Sudan, couldn’t see it appropriate to accuse the world’s higher body, the  UN and the UN Security Council for masterminding the eminent mass killing of the South  Sudanese which can happen any minute, but the fear of seeing similar patterns to that of Rwanda  genocide taking place on the watchful eye of the United Nations Security Council is a big concern and strong warning sign. We thought that the UN Security Council had learned from the South Sudan government’s past activities and incidents committed against the internally displaced  persons in various places in South Sudan. 

The direct shooting at internally displaced persons in POC 3 and mass raping of women from IDPS  in Juba right after the escalation of fighting in J1 on July 08/2016 

The shooting and the killing of 48 Internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the UN protection base  in Bor, Jonglei State on Thursday, April 17/2014. 

Humanitarian workers, an American, an Italian and a Dutch national were gang raped in July  2016 by South Sudan government soldiers when they were found hiding in a hotel bathroom.

Sister Veronika Terézia Racková, a Slovak Catholic Nun and medical doctor were killed on May  16/2016 by South Sudan government soldiers. 

An American freelance journalist, Christopher Allen, who was killed in Kaya in Yei River State  in August 2017. The mass gang rape of 125 women in Unity State in November 2018 by South Sudan government  soldiers. 

Those are few of the many prime examples of the South Sudan government’s barbaric activities, which the region and the international community are pretending not to see as dangerous activities. 

Dr. Valerie and her team members who went to South Sudan as part of the investigation team on  small arms survey is an eyewitness who can testify on the behavior and activities of the regime.  She and her colleagues were detained in Yiey River County for nearly 24 hours in an unventilated  container simply because they didn’t want her and her team to find out the facts about the  mistreatment of civilians and arms smuggling. If a member of the UN Security Council could be  detained and had her documents confiscated, what do you think such a wild regime would do to  ordinary citizens of South Sudan?  

In conclusion, the UN Security Council needs to reconsider and rethink the strategy of handling  the case of South Sudanese IDPs before it reaches an uncontrollable stage. The UN should revise her stands on pressuring the government from dragging her feet to prevent a total collapse of social and economic fabric as it does on a slow scale day by day. The evidence pertaining to  government violations of human rights are enough, and can therefore, be used to hold the  government responsible for not being able to prioritize the peace processes. 

Recommended action like that  would save South Sudan from going down the rabbit hole and once and for all.  

Signed by:  

Brig. Gen. Samuel Mut Gai.

Director General in the Office of the Chief of General Staffs of the SPLA (IO),

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