Press Release

The Speech of Phow State Military Governor ~ Hon. Major Gen. Johnson Kuol Gai Nyoab

Delight and warmly greeting from/to Machar Teny Dhurgon PhD. Strategist Planner, Chairman & C-In C of the SPLM/SPLA-IO,

Compatriot Phow State People,

Left to Right: Lt. Gen. John Both Teny, H:E Phow State Governor, Johnson Kuol Gai and far center is Samuel Jok Kuach Toc, Division Seven Operations Commander(Photo: supplied)
Left to Right: Lt. Gen. John Both Teny, H:E Phow State Governor, Johnson Kuol Gai and far center is Samuel Jok Kuach Toc, Division Seven Operations Commander(Photo: supplied)

Oct 7, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —– My appreciation to entirely Phow State  people and its Government particularly Deputy Governor and State Secretaries, NGOs which are operating in the State, Traders, former & current Counties Commissioners, Traditional Chiefs, SPLA-IO’s  GHQs  Commanders and Field Commanders of Sector One’s 7th Division in collaboration with its gallant forces in various units. In order to achieve many objectives to take advantage from different battle field that include Warship since 2015 down to the recent  recapturing of Tonga along Wichpanyikang (Wunkur) in May 2017 that resulted to the disbarment of Taban and  Salva ally militias and capture of these weapons by our forces which we have now in SPLA-IO’s 7th Division HQs. It did not happen at all anywhere in SPLM/A-IO controlled areas to capture artilleries SUCH AS THESE in less than 3 minutes since 2013 except you Fangak and Phow State People!

When you compare Phow State People with others states of SPLM/SPLA-IO controlled areas you will get that, you are  the best, well organized and respected people who have ability to overcome and contain the enemy whenever it attempts to touch our land. In addition to your hospitality to those who are coming from different states particularly Bentiu and others as well as stability of security. You are really maintaining the spirit of honesty and integrity because no Rubbers and Looters in Phow State territory to loot people’s properties along the roads, Air or River Nile route.

Therefore the overall SPLM/SPLA-IO’s Top Leadership, Liberation Council under able and visionary leader Chairman & C-In C of SPLA-IO,  Riek Machar Teny Dgurgon- PhD. Strategist Planner is very happy with you- about your loyalty, behaviors, confident, targets and your standing firm in the people’s movement since 2013. You deserve more awards or rewards for having been preserving and protecting your land, the SPLM/SPLA-IO’s constitution and its doctrine.

I would like to appreciate Former and Current Leadership of Fashoda State  Government under leadership of Lt Gen.  Johnson OlonyThabu  Military Governor and Sector  One Commander and I would like also to extend my appreciation to Division One and Aguelek Division Commanders for their hospitality they rendered to my team as Phow State Governor. It was good accommodation and facilitation provided to us with all facilities to the team while escorting the mission in appropriate and smooth journey until you warmly received me with my delegation, you as Phow State Government and people who are here at home.

Final appreciation goes to Phow State’s  Diaspora Community (USA, Australia, Canada) for their much contribution, specially treatment of all critical wounded and provision of other facilities in Sector One’s 1st  and 7th Infantry with collaboration with  Greater Fangak People (Phow State Community in Sudan). Offering some of guerilla items or military logistics support to our gallant forces in 7th Infantry division within its different brigades that could help us contain enemy’s negative actions toward Phow State people.

In April 2016 when SPLM/SPLA-IO left  its HQs, Pagak for Juba, its intention was to implement the 2015 Compromise Peace Agreement ( the ACRISS)  in accordance with its provision as it was signed by two rival leaders, the peace partners, witnesses, grantors and international observers on17th – 26th August 2015. Unfortunately, that peace agreement could not hold water because the regime in Juba was not happy with its implementation with mysterious reasons—JCE backed reservations which obstruct the compromise agreement to progress.

Salva Kiir started and declared peace collapsed on 7th July 2016 by attacking the SPLA-IO forces on Gudele Road to Ministries at 7 pm, the SPLA-IO forces who carrying the meal for FVP’s Bodyguards who were watching the office at night. As a result the security meeting was convened on 8th July 2016 at J1 or Presidential Palace, where Salva Kiir in collaboration with the so called SPLM/SPLA-IO former chief negotiator (Taban Deng), former security chief (Thoy Chany) and former chairperson for foreign affairs (Ezekiel Lol) declared the final collapsing of the peace agreement by imposing Dog Fight on SPLA-IO’s joint forces (FVP’s Bodyguards) at the Presidential Palace (J1) in which some of our beloved comrades lost their lives. Salva Kiir and Taban’s intention to assassinate the Powerful FVP, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, who was then surrounded by his fearless and well trained soldiers. Those fearless and well trained SPLA-IO forces taught Salva Kiir militias a very good and unforgettable lesson at J1.

Thousands appreciations and thanks to the SPLA-IO’s joint forces who managed to rescue our Chairman from J1 to his residential area in Jebel Kunjur aka Pagak Two. Kiir militias falsely convinced themselves that because the size of their army was so big, so what they planned was first to disarm the FV’s Bodyguards and then arrest our Chairman.  This was impossible our protection unit could not allow Salva Kiir’s militias to win the battle despite the fact that Dr. Machar’s Guards were less in number only two companies (1, 370 out of 2, 910 troops agreed upon in the security arrangement, CPAII) without Tanks or Wulids at the same time. But it’s matter of  how to control the forces and their confident upon the issue they are defending and protecting  regardless to the number of the forces.

On Sunday 10 of July 2016 at 8:28 am,  President Kiir’s forces  attacked  the SPLA-IO troops again at Jebel Kunjur Site Two- Check Point where the SPLA-IO’s join forces  positioned as per agreement as well as government soldiers carried out air bombardment and ground attack at Site One where the FVP’s house located , but IO forces repulsed them. The fighting was still continuing until midnight of 11 July 2016 at 12 am, SPLA-IO forces were in defending position. At the same night IO troops made the tactical withdrawal into the bushes of Western  part of Central Equotoria State  toward Western Equatoria.

Two weeks later President Kiir came up with bias and illegal decree, relieved Dr. Machar from FVP and appointed Taban Deng Gai  as FVP on 25 July 2016, hence the Worldwide, Peace Partners  (IGAD, Troika and International Observers) and overall SPLM/SPLA-IO Leadership Council understood that, the Compromise Peace Agreement has been abolished by Kiir and Taban in addition to JMEC Chairman-Festo Magae. Meanwhile the government soldiers were still continuing to attack on SPLA-IO position in Equatoria with one single aim; to kill the Chairman by using heavy artillery, Drone aircraft to detect the location of Chairman and  Black Walter bombardment Company for killing terrorists, but by help from our Almighty God and SPLA-IO’s  joint forces and  its troops in Greater Equatoria they defended and managed to rescue the Chairman safely. All those attempts to kill Dr. Machar could not succeed because he and the SPLM/SPLA-IO is fighting for the right of the majority South Sudanese; democratic nation in order to establish good governance for the people of South Sudan’s well-being and never struggle for establishment of terrorism institution. Kiir-Taban militias and companies achieved not the target, Dr. Machar was not harmed until we reached to South Sudan-DRC border with us where he was airlifted by UN to DRC then to  Sudan for medical treatment after 40 days on walking by foot. Thanks to  DRC government & UN Former Secretary General, Ban Kimoon! Thanks to Sudan Government for her care of Machar’s health!

We in the SPLM/SPLA –IO have so far said and we still say it today that the 2015 peace agreement had collapsed but Kiir & Taban faction is responsible; no peace and no legitimacy of Transitional Government of National Unity (TGNU) anymore in Republic of South Sudan . But (SPLM/SPLA –IO) becomes stronger than before and ready to tackle, contain, resist the acts of that Satan in details and request the public to continue with popular uprising against the clique and rogue regime’s brutal activities toward lying and killing its own citizens. Therefore the People’s Movement by all costs  would have to fight hard to bring the  last Peace of Purpose to restore hope and stability of South Sudan people to establish Federal Governance, Democratic, Human Rights, Justice & Equality, Accountability and Respect of Rule of Law; would pursue & hold to accounts all those who committed the atrocities during 2013 massacre of civilian nationwide to be subjected to the court. The SPLM/SPLA-IO  has won the war politically and economically as per as $1= SSP 25 in Juba while is $1=13 SSP in the IO’s controlled areas.  Its  manpower is in high morale, alert and confident to overcome the regime soon while Kiir and Taban lost the confident on their troops that occur by looting in the national capital and its fake routes where suppose to be the safe places in the nation before to go beyond.

Now the SPLM/SPLA-IO Top Leadership organs change its scenario of believing in Peace without Purpose as it was disappointed by what happened in July 2016; we  lost the confident and trust on Juba JCE regime and JMEC which are happy with the killing of vulnerable people of South Sudan  intentionally through their several violations of peace agreement until its collapse.  The SPLM/SPLA-IO  will accept, the peace of purpose that will attain and address the root causes of 2013 civil war with fair power sharing and clear security arrangement in order to avoid bias reservations of Kiir and his ally militia Taban El-Taban. We cannot accept the so called national dialogue which Salava Kiir and Taban is imposing to replace the ARCISS.

Action, mobilization remains the top priority of the People’s Movement to assure public of peace crumple inline to be aware in all combatants front to liberate and protect the nation from disintegration and transformation into ethnic state as well as Kiir dreaming by creating tribal states and annexing land of certain community to other. For instance, Greater Pigi County is annexed to Malakal while its community was not consulted this is a day dream that will not happen. And historically, the people of Greater Pigi belong to Phow State  (Greater Fangak) that comprised of former three counties read as Fangak, Ayod and Pigi County geographically, culturally and socially. The regime ideology has shown that  its really wanted to disintegrate and create permanent conflict in the world’s youngest nation. Through SPLM/SPLA-IO commitment, struggling, confident and its manpower (SPLA-IO troops) under visionary leadership of Dr. Machar, we will bring back our nation into stability, harmony and will make it great again.  

Viva………………………….………….. Dr. Machar………………………………..Viva!

Viva……………………….……..Phow State People……………………………….Viva!


Viva…….………………………………South Sudan…………………………..…..Viva!

Thank you very much

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