By Samson Masiya,

Sept 13, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– After studying the different regions and peoples of South Sudan to find out what the different tribes think and do, here is the feedback from fellow Jieng who work in different regions of South Sudan. On how ready they are to advise on how best the Jieng can rule South Sudan as per the Dinka culture.
Here below is our advice:
First, the Jieng were mistreated by the British colonialists and after the departure of the British upon South Sudan attaining independence, all the tribes of South Sudan despised us. We had very few educated Jieng, which led to all the top government posts being filled by people from other tribe. This made Jieng to envy other tribes.
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We are now totally convinced that should we follow to the letter what is stipulated in this document, herewith known as The Dinka Development Plan (DDP) Dinka shall rise and shine and we shall be able to rule South Sudan for at least 200 years!
Fundamental steps to be taken by Jieng:
1. Increase the number of schools in Dinka states and post in them highly educated teachers. We shall take it upon ourselves to fill the schools with pupils and students every year.
2. We must ensure that Jieng are made military officers in order to equate the of non Dinka Military Officers, or even to supersede them. We must not accept the non-Dinka to boast that they are cleverer than us.
3. With immediate effect, send Jieng students abroad on scholarships. We must ensure that vacancies are reserved for them in key government positions to deter people from other tribes being employed in such positions, such that our sons and daughters get employed immediately upon their return. In the unlikely event, should a non Dinka be employed in key position, then he should not be a boss to a Jieng
4. Increase the number of industries and factories in Dinka States in order to boost our economic power. We are well aware that this will cause the other districts to become jealous of any developments in Dinka, but this shall force the other regions to federate with us is basing on our strong purchasing power base. The only serious opposition we might face from the non Dinka, especially should the number of industries in their region increases.
5. We are aware that there is a considerable number of non-Dinka in the army police and Prisons’ forces more than the Jieng We should increase the numbers of Jieng to supersede the non-Dinka, and we request that this be implemented as soon as possible. We foresee our danger and forces in order to topple government. We therefore recommend that the following Non Dinka army officers Clement Wani Konga, Johnson, Juma Okot and Rizik Hassan Zachariah relieve immediately in order to promote Jieng army officers to head the armed forces and govern state.
We do not trust other tribes, we need General Paul Malong maintains the position of Chief of Staff With respect to Police, General Pieng Deng should be remove from the position of the Inspector General of Police and General Manyok should be made the commissioner for Prisons.
Should these recommendations delay to be implemented, we shall suffer heavily There is quite a considerable number of non Dinka officers in the Police and Prisons forces have served for quite a long time although they are not well educated. We should promote these not so intelligent elderly officers but not the young energetic Jieng youthful officers should be strategically put to work side by side with these non-Dinka officers so that with time we weed out the non-Dinka and replace them with the Jieng youthful officers.
The good in keeping the elderly non-Dinka officers is that they despise any advice from the youthful non-Dinka that could lead them to get ideas of topping our government. We should be wary of despite being illiterate because he can easily join with intelligent Nuer who can plan to topple our government. We do not want that non-Dinka, to be head of the Special Branch this post should be given to a Jieng.
6 We wish that all recruiting officers in all government departments are Jieng this will give a chance to those Jieng who did not get access to education to get access to wealth. Any NGOs or foreign national who mistreats a Jieng should be expelled from South Sudan.
The following ministries should be headed by Jieng:
Finance and Economic Planning Agriculture; Education, Health, Defense, Interior and national security The non-Dinka should not be given an opportunity to head ministries or even departments that are directly in the line of developing the country
7. Whenever a need arises to carry out a project in non-Dinka state, the same project should also be carried out in Dinka states, as a must. Should there be any program to be executed by the non Dinka, we must see to it that also Jieng officers are involved
8. Send as many Jieng officers as possible to work in non-Dinka states, especially as Army officers, Prison Warders, Wildlife officers and at the borders. This shall make the people in non-Dinka States believe that we Jieng are the best educated and most suitable. Ensure that the Police Commissioner for non-Dinka States is always a Jieng who shall give us a non-compromised report or exactly what the non-Dinka are up to. These Police commissioners in non-Dinka state should also encourage the fanning of divisions among the non-Dinka and any progressive non-Dinka with the intent of uniting non-Dinka should be deal with. In fact should there be any developmental projects to be carried out in non Dinka state, they should be along the border areas with Dinka state in order for the Jieng to benefit the most.
9. Please ensure that many Jieng join and lead all political parties in south Sudan, as this will make the other tribes believe that it is only the Jieng who are capable of leading the nation. We should instill this myth in the minds of all the other tribes by ensuring that only Jieng are appointed in key administrative posts. This will serve us well since the country is headed for development because then all the other tribes in South Sudan shall be made to believe that it is only Jieng who are capable of being good leaders and that anything good can only be found in Dinka
10. The Jieng are quite unhappy about the current boundaries with non Dinka States This is particularly in greater Upper Nile state
11. We should be secretive on whatever goes on within Dinka. All developmental projects in states should not be broadcast on the national Radio or even in the newspapers People without a strong foundation should not be allowed to work in Dinka states At the same time, people who are well conversant with Dinka but despise us should also not be allowed in Dinka states. This should be so be in order to avoid the impression that Dinka states is being developed at a fast rate at the expense of other regions.
12. The following Leading government agency should be headed by Jieng Ministry of Defense Ministry of Interior Ministry of national security Ministry of Justice, Ministry of finance and Ministry of Education. All this is possible but it seems that there is an element of inferiority complex.
This is the full report of our investigations from all the 10 states of South Sudan.
As per our wishes, there should be no elections at all. For what benefit is it to hold general elections today? The general elections we held in the first place was because we wanted to end now whom do we want to expel to necessitate the holding of general elections? We acknowledge the authority commanded by the President SPLA/M, a phenomenon that has generated a lot of envy among our fellow SPLM inner circle. Should we allow any other person to take over that position, we as Jieng shall be subjected to enormous suffering.
We should increase the ranks of Jieng officers within the army and not from any other tribe. We and the commander of the Special Force must be a Jieng and not from any other tribe. We do not want Non Dinka to head the Special Branch. They are not be trusted and can easily poison us.
There is no doubt that we are capable of ruling South Sudan for 50 years should General Salva Kiir Mayardit collaborate with the great sons of Jieng such as Gen. Paul Malong, Gen. Kuol Mayang Juk, Tiller Riing, Pieng Deng, David Deng Athorbei and God blessed us to cooperate and work together.
Should anyone attempt to do our President any harm, we are willing to sacrifice our own lives for him.
Long live our son, we are his confidants and this document should remain confidential, and be circulated only amongst our most trusted.
Our Great Leader, General Salva Kiir Mayardit
1. You should not be deceived by anyone that the Non Dinka detests James Wani lgga. We the Jieng like Gen. Malong so much, because it is through him that we can deal decisively with the Non Dinka.
2. Save us from the non-Dinka the like of Pagan Amum who should not be made the Secretary General of SPLM/A party. We protest Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro being given any post in SPLM/A Party. We detest Anna: Itto and non-Dinka, being the organizer of the SPLMA Party.
3. Save us from the non-Dinka. We do not want Jadala, Thomas Cirilo to be in a position where he can gain access to government secrets because he shall then be in a position to pass them over to the non-Dinka
4. Save us from the non-Dinka. Great leader, a considerable number of Jieng should be posted in Non Dinka land in order to keep us updated on what the non-Dinka are up to.
5. Save us from the non-Dinka. You gave our land to the non-Dinka, when shall it be returned to us?
6. Save us from the non-Dinka. Your Excellency, with all our hearts we request you to save us from the non-Dinka and ensure that James Wani lgga remains the vice president and Louise Lobong remains governor of Namurunyang state.
17. Save us from non-Dinka. Your Excellency, you are well aware of how the Non Dinka disrespects us, why have you decided to keep silent.
This is all, Your Excellency that there is to inform you. We shall send you an envoy at a later time.
We have nominated you as the Party President and wish you success.
Thank the Heavens. Signed on behalf of Jieng Council of Elders (JCE):
Justice Ambrose Riny Thiik Chairman
Hon. Joshua Dau Diu
Hon. Aldo Ajou Deng
Hon. Maker Thiong Maal
Hon. Parmena Aluong

Amoks Jeing caner of evildoers.
Jeing-apiel Vs Junob-apool.
Amoks Jeings Elders kethai aka (@ll).
All SS will sue Jeing elders group, kiir’s family ?,malong family ? and others thieves to bring back the stolen money.
Good News
To: All peace lovers SS
Repeat: All ladies ? & gentlemen around the globe.
Be informed that we shouldn’t panic, because historical ” Dinkas” actually they are not REAl SS people, but the migrated into Sudan, in 12th century from Gahana.
Cricummecial evidents are as follows but not limited to:
1- Alex Hilley ( book called “ROOTS” read it & feel it & live it.
2- watch the film Konti Kenty aka Tobbei.
3- they fears revenge from other neighbours domination
4- looters and thieves of West African years ago.
Let JCE (just caners of evildoers”
Suck their DDplan into water and drink it then prepare for long journey back to your original land Gahana now & not tomorrow.
Thugs thieves leave us alone denm right.
Dinka in Gahana, they were the people pointed out in the historical complexities of children and men and women stolen from others tribes in the kingdom of Gahana in West Africa years ago ” snatched people” sold them to the White Men along the coast. That’s why this behaviour still in their blood upto now in ROSS.
African American caused by their ancestry.
Shame on Dinka.
Now Dinkas stolen South Sudanese men,women & children lives in their long-drawn -out war from 2013-2020.
They stolen RoSS national resources,because they knew that they are leaving to their origin soon or later. See The Sentry Report,UN&AU reports.
History repeated itself. It happened years ago and today. God will punish the JCE.
Let your filthy kiir pay visit to Gahana, to negotiate yr return otherwise we all 63 tribes will ejects or flushes Dinkas out from RoSS, in Shame & mourn.
Steal children
Steal cattle,
Steal nation resources
Steal precious lives of RoSS peoples
Steal peace & love , peaceful coexistence.
Shame on dinka caners of evil.
JCE, unknown gunmen steal the Dignity of American journalists & other foreigners aid workers in Terrian Hotel in Juba, arranged systematic abuse and shoot and kill a Nuerman, why??????????!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, thanks dear, Samson Masiya, for yr valuable information.
Of course, we must named them & shamed to their graveyards forever.
Since, they have stoles our nationhood, people lives,dignity, prosperity & sustainable peace. To hell with JCE.
Viva, RoSS.
Viva, 63 tribes peace lovers.
Amoks JCE-all cannibalists and cobras’ serpents in Juba.
Please, return the stolen oilmoney & leaves to yr origin country Gahana.
Cursed tribe in the Africa not even South Sudan alone.
The Dinka JCEvildoers BURDEN has caused South Sudan the curse of the nation-state. Because they didn’t acknowledged God in RoSS, abundant national resources. Pp
Dear All the Equatorians,
we need to be vigilant on this nonsense. The world knows who are the most educated, powerful and politically oriented in the Republic of south Sudan. Danka’s will never get educated psychologically because it was a curse from their Nyalit. even if they went to the most popular university but still the behaviors has no different from the primitives. So never worry, one day we will not see any Danka’s in south Sudan once the core obstacles is removed. Let them enjoy our blood money before they are dried up with no reason.
King Kong,
You are so losing it brother, take it easy. Focus on changing the ethnic-centric Jaang regime by any means necessary. Your message though should resonate with your audience as your are in a media platform accessible by many.
I on the other hand do join and salute you in joining Dr. Machar in believing that a quest for a total federation of the states of South Sudan is the path where each state will harness more controls over its state affairs is fathomable.
This will not only render federal government powerless in hopes of declaring war on any particular ethnics tribe as we seen in 2013 on Nuer and 2016 on Equatorians but will also regulate by preventing and or discouraging treacherous deluded ideas from incubation.
— It will regulate and isolate the central government from having saboteurs from this struggle the oppositions have taken arms for and the next future governments.
— Nuer traitors currently being use by Jaang will no longer be usefull and would have to pack and go with the rest of the Nuer.
* The same with every other useless tools from other tribes being use by Jaangs tribal government.
Saddam was treated like a cow and that have nothing to do with South Sudan. Do you want to tell everyone of us that Riek Machar has been treated like a cow too?