Press Release

The Connection Between the Taliban and Israel

Israel is Not Only the Tribe of Judah,

Tens of thousands of Jews protested in New York City on Sunday against plans by Israel to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the IDF(Photo credit: World Jewish Congress)
Tens of thousands of Jews protested in New York City on Sunday against plans by Israel to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the IDF(Photo credit: World Jewish Congress)

Sep 28, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Although most people tend to think that the Jews are the nation of Israel, the truth is that the Jews (ie. from the tribe of Judah) are only one of twelve Israeli tribes. The other eleven tribes are: Revbn (commonly referred to as Reuben), Shmavn (ie. Shimon), Lvi (Levi), Zbvlvn (Zebulun), Yshshchr (Yisschar), Dn (Dan), Gd (Gad), Eshr (Asher), Nptli (Naphtali), Yvsp (Yosef), and Bnymyn (Binyamin).

If we count the members of these “lost” tribes, then the total number of Israeli’s worldwide is at least 200 million people.

The Pashtuns in Afghanistan – The Taliban Is Israeli

Here I am going to start bringing evidence to the fact that the Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan are from the lost tribes of Israel, who fell into exile when Asyria conquered the Kingdom of Israel a few thousand years ago. These Pashtuns are also the ones currently waging a war against American troops who invaded Afghanistan almost twenty years ago. They number around 50 million people.

Even though they are Muslim, many of them have a tradition that they are from the tribes of Israel, although I do not know how many of them will be willing to talk about this tradition publicly as long as the State of Israel continues to treat the United States as its best friend.

In this section of the book I quote extensively from Eliyahu Avichail’s book, “The Tribes of Israel — the Lost and The Dispersed”, because of his extensive field work in gathering evidence about the identities of Israel’s lost tribes.

Before delving into Avichail’s proofs, I would like to first mention a short movie that also speaks about the Pashtuns’ Israeli identity, and even contains interviews with Taliban organizers and village elders who acknowledge their Israeli identity:

“Quest for the Lost Tribes – Part 1”, directed by Simcha Jacobovici.

In minute 6:40 of the movie, Dr. Sayid Wahab, a local Pashtun judge, talks about how some of the Pashtuns in rural villages have a tradition of granting shelter to someone accused of murder, which is similar to the Torah commandment to provide cities of shelter to those accused of murder, until it can be determined if it was an accidental death or intentional homicide (Numbers 35, 11).

In minute 10:55, Abdullah Musakhel (ie. congregation of Musa/Moses) talks about how his grandfather would tell him that he is Israeli. The interview with Musakhel is especially interesting because he called himself a “Taliban organizer”. The Taliban is normally regarded as a fanatical Muslim group, yet, Abdullah Musakhel, an organizer within that group, still found it necessary to speak on camera with an Israeli director (Simcha Jacobovici) about their shared Israeli heritage. With that said, the interview was conducted a few decades ago, before America invaded Afghanistan. I am not so sure if Musakhel or his children would be willing to talk about their Israeli heritage now, considering that the “State” of Israel still remains one of America’s best friends in the Middle East.

In minute 11:40, Muhumad Ashrat, a village elder, says that his grandparents told him that the Jews are Pashtuns, just like the Pashtuns are Pashtuns (because both groups are part of the nation of Israel).

In addition to this movie and Avichail’s book, there is also a Facebook group for Pashtuns and Jews who want to talk about their shared Israeli identity:

“The People of Israel’s Jirga – Pashtuns and Jews”

A Partial List of Proofs That the Pashtuns are Israeli

  1. Some of them have a tradition that they are from “Bnai Yisrayel”.
  2. Some of their tribes carry the same names as Israel’s tribes: The Yusefzai tribe – “sons of Yusef/Joseph” in Pashto; Afridi tribe, similar to the Israeli tribe of Ephraim, who was one of Joseph’s sons; Reuveni tribe, named after the Israeli tribe of Reuben; Shinari tribe, named after the tribe of Shimon; Levani tribe, named after the tribe of Levi; Dephtani tribe, like the Israeli tribe of Naphtali; Gadi tribe, after the tribe of Gad; Ashuri tribe, after the tribe of Asher; and more.
  3. Pashtun men have Israeli names not found among other Muslims, such as Shmuel and Yisrael.
  4. Most of them have an external appearance that is very similar to that of Mizrahi Jews, while some also have lighter skin, like Ashkenazi Jews. The Pashtuns are the only large community in Afghanistan who look so similar to the Jews, while other Afghan ethnicities tend to look more like Asians.
  5. Parts of Afghanistan are called after places in Israel. For example, the Dashet Yehud Desert located on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan is named after the Judean Desert – “Mdbar Yehuda“.
  6. The Afghan royal family has a family tree dating back to the first King of Israel, Shaul, son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin. They claim that Afghanistan is called after Afghana, who they say was a grandson of King Shaul and the forefather of the Afghan monarchy. Aabd e Rashid is one of the most famous members of this royal family because he was one of the first Afghans to accept Islam, and, to his disgrace, he and his followers also forced many other Pashtuns to convert to Islam; there is evidence that some of the more rural tribes tried to fight and stay loyal to their Israeli traditions up until a few hundred years ago, but eventually fell under the control of the Muslim converts.
  7. Even after converting to Israel, rural Pashtuns have still managed to keep a few of the Torah’s laws because these laws are considered part of the Pashtun tribal code, also known as Pashtunwali. In rural Pashtun areas, Pashtunwali law is viewed as more important than Islamic law, which is why many of them faithfully keep Pashtunwali, even when it contradicts Islamic laws.

Pashtunwali Contains Vestiges of Torah Law

Eliyahu Avichail contains many interviews from Jews who used to be part of Afghanistan’s small Jewish community and saw the similarities between Pashtun traditions and Torah law firsthand. Here is a list of some of these Pashtun traditions, along with a reference to how those traditions are based in Torah law:

  1. Covering of the Blood: The Torah commands to cover the blood spilled after slaughtering an animal (Leviticus 17, 13). The Pashtuns also do this.
  2. Circumcision on the Eight Day: Afghans are some of the only Muslims who circumcise their sons on the eight day, just as the Torah commands. Among other Muslims there is no requirement to carry out the circumcision on the eight day, which is why many of them conduct the circumcision when the boy is older.
  3. Four Cornered Garment: Some of the tribes wear a traditional four cornered garment with strings attached to it, which is similar to the Torah commandment of tztzit (Number 15, 37).
  4. Female Purity: Pashtun women are not supposed to touch others during their menstrual period, and when their period is over, they are supposed to wash themselves. This is similar to the Torah commandments for a woman during her state of Nida/menstrual impurity (Leviticus 15, 19).
  5. Keeping Kosher: Unlike other Muslims, traditional Pashtuns won’t eat certain types of food that are considered unkosher according to the Torah, such as oysters, shellfish, camel meat, and horse meat. They also have a tradition of kosher birds that they are allowed to eat (Leviticus 11, 1). Many of them also do not eat meat and milk together, just as the Torah commands (Exodus 23, 19).
  6. Keeping the Seventh Day as Shabbat: The seventh day of the week is a day of rest for the traditional Pashtuns, called “the day of Phatah”, which is similar to the Torah commandment to treat the seventh day of the week as a holy day of rest – Shabbat. In contrast, Islam claims that the sixth day is supposed to be a holy day, which is why most Muslims don’t treat Saturday as different than any other day of the week.
  7. Passover: Some rural Pashtuns have a tradition of brushing their door posts with blood during times of plague, just as Israel was commanded to do during the plague that killed every Egyptian firstborn son. Although there is no Torah commandment to continue doing so after Israel left Egypt, this Pashtun tradition is, nonetheless, another piece of evidence that the Pashtuns are the decedents of those same Israeli’s who had to do so before leaving Egyptian slavery.

The War in Afghanistan is a War Against Amalek

America’s invasion of Afghanistan is one example of the was that has been raging between Amalek (the ancient Germanic tribes which conquered Europe 1,500 years ago) and Israel over the last thousand years.

This is true even though America did not invade Afghanistan with the stated intention of hurting Israel, but because they wanted to avenge the toppling of the Twin Towers by killing Osama Bin Laden. Now that they’ve killed Bin Laden, they are staying there because American military bases allow them to sow terror among regional leaders in Southwest Asia, so that these leaders will allow American companies unfair access to their labor force and natural resources.

Similarly, the Pashtun Israeli tribes there are not fighting Amalek because they heard that doing so is part of a Torah commandment to wipe Amalek out of existence. They just want to expel the foreigners who invaded their land almost twenty years ago because one man, Osama Bin Laden, chose to hide among them. It doesn’t help America’s case that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated in 2011, and yet, American troops still remain there at the time that I am translating this book, in the year 2020 of the Christian/secular calendar.

This has remained the case even though the Afghan Taliban has never carried out any acts of global jihad because it is a local Islamic movement, whose focus has always been on imposing Islamic law within Afghanistan – not on the whole world. That’s also the reason why the Taliban has publicly stated that it is willing to stop providing shelter to members of Al-Qaeda once America pulls its troops out of Afghanistan.

If that is the case, then why is it still correct to label the war between America and the Pashtuns as a war between Amalek and Israel?

The bottom line is that America is an Amaleki/Germanic country, while the Pashtuns are an Israeli people, which is why a war has managed to break out between them, even though they are located on opposite sides of the world. The war broke out because both of them are not only on opposite sides of the world, but on opposite sides of the moral spectrum: the Pashtuns are mostly poor and rural people who live a humble lifestyle, while the Americans are a mostly rich and urban group who live a lifestyle of promiscuity and moral abandonment, which they fund by exploiting African-Americans and Hispanics at home, and internationally exploiting almost every other non-Western nation abroad. The moral clash is what has always led to a military clash between Israel and Amalek, even when the Israelis don’t identify as Israelis and the Amalekis don’t identify as Amalek.

A historical review of the Israel-Amalek war also shows that the war between America and the Pashtuns is only one of many wars that have taken place over the last century between Israel’s lost tribes and the West, and this is a subject that I will expand upon later in the chapter, when talking about America’s wars in Asia.

Important Side Note: I do not identify with the theology of the Taliban or with some of their tactics, but I do identify with the Israeli Pashtuns, who are currently suffering from a foreign invasion and daily aerial bombardments by American planes. That has been just part of their suffering for the last 18 years.

The Kashmiris in Northern India

Similar to the Pashtuns, there are also numerous Israeli tribes in Kashmir, with names such as: Asheriya (tribe of Asher), Gada (tribe of Gad), Denad (tribe of Dan), Levi (just like the Israeli tribe of Levi), Kehan (named after the Cohen family, who are the sons of Moses’s brother, Aharon, as well as being spiritual leaders within Israel).

Similar to Afghanistan, certain areas of Kashmir have also been named after places in Israel. One such area is Goshen, located in the Ananteng region, which is perhaps named after the Goshen area of Egypt, where Israel settled during its time of enslavement there. The Israeli tribes in Kashmir most probably called it Goshen in order to remind themselves that just as they were saved from the exile in Egypt, they will also one day return to Israel from the exile in Kashmir.

Another few examples: Cohen, in the Ogtipor region, and Levi Pora, in the Handoera region.

The Pashtuns and Kashmiris share a historical connection, which is why some Kashmiris used to speak Pashto (the language of the Pashtuns), and also why some Pashtuns tribes helped the Kashmiris during a civil war there. Just as the Pashtuns continue to fight for independence from both America and Pakistan, the Kashmiris are also engaged in a struggle for independence, but in their case the foreign occupier is India.

Israeli Tribes in Africa

The Igbo in Nigeria

They are the third largest ethnic group in Nigeria, at around 30 million people. Many of them are avid supporters of Zionism, and some of them have already started treating the Torah’s commandments as something that must be kept, instead of only being talked about. The Israelis of Igbo are currently known to include members from the tribes of Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.

Approximately 15% of all Africans abducted to European and American slavery were Igbo, which makes them one of the ethnic groups to suffer the most from the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

The slavery didn’t stop in Egypt, but continued at the hands of Western Amaleki countries, who kidnapped, tortured, and enslaved Israelis from Africa. One of the most troubling aspects of this story is that Amaleki slave holders so thoroughly oppressed the Igbo Israelis that many of them were not able to pass down the tradition of their Israeli heritage to their descendants, which is why most African-Americans have no idea whether they are Igbo Israelis or not. Some of them have even joined the American army in order to find a way out of poverty, without knowing that by serving in Afghanistan, they are helping Amalek kill and oppress their fellow Israeli brothers. We can add this to the long list of horrible byproducts of slavery, in addition to the job discrimination, police harassment, discriminatory court proceedings, and media character assassination carried out against African-Americans on a daily basis.

The way to recover from American servitude is not that much different than the path of recovery from Egyptian servitude: it requires learning and keeping the Torah, and leaving the land in which you were enslaved, so that you will not be there when they invent a new excuse for subjugating their minorities.

Although there have been quite a few academic studies proving the Igbo’s Israeli identity, the state of Israel currently refuses to formally recognize their Israeli identity because the state’s leaders fear that a formal recognition of the Igbo’s Israeliness would cause millions of Igbo’s from Nigeria to move to Israel, in which case Israel would stop being a Western state and start being a more Israeli/Yashar-Eli state. Doing so could also lead to an end to the state of Israel’s unholy alliance with the West, which is why the state’s secular leaders prefer to betray their brothers.

The irony of this situation is that the grandparents of many Israeli Jews suffered from the same time of discrimination when British warships stopped them from coming to Israel. Yet they still choose to do the same thing to their brothers with the darker skin.

I have listed a few sources about the Igbo’s Israeli identity in the article, “Better to Be a Nigger from Nigeria – A Letter”.

The Lemba in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and South Africa

They are a congregation of around seventy thousand people, who have kept certain commandments from the Torah, such as: kosher food, male circumcision, socially ostracizing those who choose to marry outside of the congregation (in order to prevent the congregation from assimilating into other cultures), sanctifying one day of the week for resting, and more.

They also have a tradition which says that they arrived to Africa by way of Yemen, after leaving Israel.

Most of them are currently Muslims or Christians, but genetic testing has shown that many of them carry the specific Y-chromosome associated with the Cohen family, who are supposed to be the spiritual leaders of Israel. This is in addition to other genetic findings.

The Rusape in Zimbabwe

There are certain resemblances between them and the Lebma, but with fewer proofs about their Israeli identity.

I will not outline these proofs here because I am trying to cover many different topics in this book, which is why I cannot expand on the full body of evidence for each lost tribe or even talk about all of the lost tribes. With that said, there is a great need for more research on this topic, and whoever decides to do so is doing a good thing.


Today, most of them are Christians, but they have a tradition which says that they are from the sons of Israel. One of their princes, Ndriana Rabarioelina, has publicly talked about his family’s Israeli identity.

Three years ago, 120 of them formally converted to Orthodox Judaism, and there are many others who would like to do so. This is in addition to a small congregation within Madagascar who engage in animal sacrifices in a way that is similar to what is written in the Torah.

There are about 25 million people in Madagascar, but I have not seen any information specifying how many of them are from the Israeli tribes.


Eliyahu Avichail’s book claims that there a few hundred thousand Israelis there who have kept some of the Torah’s commandments, such as eating kosher food. His book claims that most of them converted to Christianity, but not all of them did so by choice.

The Huassa tribe traces its lineage to the Israeli tribe of Yissachar. The Bankon and Ba-Sa tribes also trace their heritage back to Israel, and the Ba-Sa’s tribe’s name even means “in transit” in Hebrew, which could be a reference to the fact that they wanted to view their stay in Africa as a temporary transit point, until returning to Israel.


Eliyahu Avichail’s book does not talk about the Somalis, but Isaiah’s prophecy hints that those living on the Somali coast are form the tribe of Zebulun. Many of them are also fishermen, just like the tribe of Zebulun during the First Temple period.

Side Note on Somali pirates: Somali piracy began when foreign ships began taking advantage of the Somali navy’s weakness to dump industrial waste on the Somali coast. In order to stop the ships from killing off their livelihood, armed fishermen began threatening the ships. Eventually, the completely understandable desire to guard their livelihood and the environment deteriorated into the very undesirable actions of Somali piracy.

Israeli Tribes in the Far East

Japan – Tribe of Reuben

The Japanese have a history of war with China, which seems to have started since the early days of Japan, when the Japanese traveled eastwards from Israel to Japan. According to my understanding, they are from the tribe of Reuben.

Here is a list of proofs for their Israeli identity from Eliyahu Avichail’s book:

  1. There is a Japanese organization for those who want to return to their Israeli identity, called “the Association of the Ten Tribes”. Many of them try to keep the Torah according to the mistaken interpretations of the Rabbis, but with the added addition of also ascribing importance to Jesus, even though he is a Christian idol. The movement back to the Torah is a very important step that deserves a lot of praise, but ascribing religious importance to Jesus is a big mistake, and keeping the Torah according to the mistaken interpretations of the Rabbis can only provide partial help because they are only partially keeping the Torah themselves.
  2. There is a famous Japanese professor who has made it his specialty to trace many of the words in ancient Japanese songs back to their original Hebrew roots.
  3. They used to have certain traditions for guarding against menstrual impurity and other types of impurity, similar to what is outlined in the Torah.
  4. The family members of a murder victim used to be the ones who were supposed to carry out the death penalty against the murderer, which is something that the Torah also commands to do.

Unfortunately, the biggest and most important piece of evidence to the Japanese’s Israeli identity remains hidden in the High Shinto Temple.

There are certain similarities between the Shinto Temple and the Israeli Temple, such as the division of the temple into three areas of holiness: one in which any man can enter, one in which only the Cohanim/priests can enter, and one in which only the High Priest can enter (“Cohen Hagadol” in the Israeli Temple).

The holiest layer of the Israeli Temple contained the Ark of Testimony, which had carrying poles on the outside and held the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments on the inside – the fact that the Ten Commandments were engraved in stone was supposed to serve as testimony to the true version of the Ten Commandments, if any later generation were to ever forget this. The Shinto Temple also contains a similar ark with carrying poles on the outside and a holy document kept inside, which is why they call their ark the “Ark of the Book”.

The similarity between the two arks is because Japan’s Israeli forefathers wanted the document and holy objects contained in the “Ark of the Book” to provide testimony about Japan’s Israeli identity to any later generations who might forget where they came from. These forefathers tried to copy the method used in the Israeli ark, but the problem is that most Japanese have, in fact, forgotten their Israeli identity, while the Shinto priests seem to have forgotten that the whole point of the “Ark of the Book” is that they show it to any Japanese generation who forgets their Israeli identity.

Eliyahu Avichail claims that the Japanese he visited with told him that one of these artifacts is a sword with the Hebrews words “I will be that which I will be” engraved upon it, which is exactly what Yhvh told Moses when commanding him to go to Pharaoh and lead Israel out of Egypt – אהיה אשר אהיה. The Shinto priests bring this sword with them to certain rituals of the Japanese royal family, but keep it wrapped, so that the public won’t see.

The time for publicly showing these artifacts is long past due.

Korea – Tribe of Gad

Eliyahu Avichail’s book does not talk about the Koreans, but a few years ago I read that there may be a connection between them and Israel because of the origins of the Korean tribe of Buyeo. Isaiah’s prophecy also contains hints about their Israeli heritage, and there the Korean Peninsula is referred to by the Hebrew name Erym/ארים – אר ים, which is in contrast to the name given to the Americas – איים – אי ים.

Currently, there are many South Koreans who learn the Babylonian Talmud currently used by the Jews out of a desire to become smart and successful, just like the Jews. The decision to express their desire for success by trying to learn a Jewish interpretation to the Torah is an expression of a larger desire to rediscover their Israeli identity, which is something positive, but it’s better to simply open the Written Torah and learn it yourself, instead of doing so through the lens of mistaken Rabbinic interpretations. Why learn a translation of the Rabbinic interpretation to the Written Torah (ie. the Babylonian Talmud, translated to Korean), when you can at least learn a translation of the Written Torah itself, without the addition of the Rabbinic commentary?

[The best would be to learn the written Torah in its original language, Hebrew, but that is something which can only be attained as part of a gradual process of learning.]

In my opinion, the Korean’s decision to attain success by learning from another Israeli tribe is at least partial proof of their Israeli identity because many nations want to be successful, but most of them do not express that desire by connecting with Israel. The fact that the Koreans chose to express that desire by connecting with another Israeli tribe at least shows that they have Israeli tendencies.

I currently haven’t found any evidence to prove that they are specifically from the tribe of Gad, except for the fact that Gad and Reuben were both located on the eastern border of Israel during the First Temple Period, which is similar to the way in which the Koreans and Japanese have settled in the Far East.

Both countries have also suffered from wars with the United States – Amalek. Japan was conquered by the U.S.A. in World War Two, while South Korea was conquered in the 1950’s, during the Korean-American war. The defeat suffered by both countries was so great that both have surrendered to the fact that American troops and military bases will continue to remain on their soil with no end in sight. Unlike Japan, the United States had no clear justification for their invasion of Korea, other than the fake slogan that there was a need “to fight communism”. Amaleki countries almost always come up with some sort of moral excuse to explain their conquests, even though the true reason has always been to sow fear among world leaders and then extort them.

All of this is in addition to the economic sanctions placed upon North Korea since it succeeded in repelling the American invasion. The sanctions have not really helped topple North Korea’s evil dictatorship, which is why the ruling family there still continue to live in decadent luxury. But it has caused millions of North Koreans to suffer from malnutrition and starvation.

Instead of cooperating with those sanctions, we need to start imposing our own set of sanctions on America and Europe. At the very least, we need to stop helping Amalek starve the North Koreans.

Proof of the Connection Between Korea and Japan

There is some proof of a connection between the Japanese ruling family and the Koreans, especially with the Baekje Kingdom in Korea, which is called Kudara in Japan. For example, in the Battle of Baekgang, the Japanese sent tens of thousands of soldiers to help their allies in an internal Korean war, but lost, and had to evacuate thousands of Korean refugees to Japan in order to save them.

Japan’s previous Emperor, called Emperor Ahito, publicly talked about this connection when quoting a document called the Shoku Nihongi. The Samguk Sagi also talks about a historical connection between the two, although it does so through the use of mythical stories.

The Shilong in Burma and India, and the Kerans in Burma

The Kerans fled China in the distant past and are now fighting for independence from Burma. I have not seen much evidence of their Israeli identity other than the fact that the Shilong say that they are related to the Kerans, and there is plenty of evidence to the Israeli identity of the Shilong.

Some of the Shilong currently live in Israel, after converting to Orthodox Judaism. They identify themselves as members of the Joseph subtribes, Ephraim and Menasheh.

Many of those who have stayed in Asia still keep practices that are similar to what is outlined in the Torah, such as:

  1. They abide by a lunar calendar.
  2. Eating blood is prohibited.
  3. They keep the laws pertaining to menstrual impurity and leprosy, to a certain extent.
  4. They give a tenth of their income to their spiritual leaders, which is similar to the Torah commandment to give a tenth of one’s income to the tribe of Levi, who then must separate ten percent of that and give it to the Cohen family.

The Chiang Min in North-West China

They also keep some traditions that are similar to those written the Torah, such as bringing part of their fields produce to the spiritual leaders. They also tend to throw blood on their door posts in order to guard the home, which is similar to what Israel was commanded to do when leaving Egypt.

Israelis Who Completely Assimilated

The Anusim in Portugal

Many Jews were forced to convert to Christianity or die during the Spanish Inquisition, and they are called Anusim in Hebrew. Common estimates maintain that around one third of the Portuguese are descendants from these Jews. This is in addition to the Jews who fled to South America out of the hope that the Spanish would not persecute them there; that hope was, unfortunately, short-lived for many of them.


Eliyahu Avichail’s book claims that many Israelis living in the area of Kurdistan assimilated into Kurdish society and now consider themselves to be Kurdish Muslims. I have yet to see proof of this, but Avichail was the one who actually traveled around the world and saw many of the proofs written in his book with his own eyes, which is why I don’t doubt his claim.

While he mostly wrote about Jews who assimilated to Kurdish society after the destruction of the First Temple, some Jews were forced to do so in the not-so-distant past because of the anti-Semitic riots that rocked the Arab world upon the creation of the state of Israel.

I have read in the news how some of the Jews would currently like to return to their Jewish roots and move to Israel, but the state is unwilling to recognize them as Jews because they only have a Jewish father, instead of a Jewish mother. This is an example of the very significant negative effects that mistaken Rabbinic law can have on the lives of others because the decision to only recognize the sons of Jewish mothers, instead of Jewish fathers, completely contradicts the Written Torah. In the Written Torah, the son of an Israeli father and non-Israeli mother is Israeli, but the son of an Israeli mother and non-Israeli father is considered to be a part of his father’s nation, and not his mother’s. He can accept the Torah’s commandments and be a part of the congregation, but he is not an Israeli; he is a righteous member of another nation, who will receive reward for choosing to keep the Torah.

Just as tribal identity is passed down from the father, Israeli identity is also passed down from the father, because tribal identity and Israeli identity are inseparable.

There are people in Kurdistan whose lives may one day be at stake because of the Rabbinic refusal to return to the original document of the Torah. Now is the time to fix the mistakes of our forefathers, whether they were Muslims in Afghanistan, Christians in Africa, or Rabbis.

For more information you can reach the authors of this articles through email at jonathanzadikany@walla.co.il.

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