Press Release

The 15 SPLM-IO Chapters In The United States Of America Unreservedly Rejects And Denounced The Usurped 1st Vice President Taban Deng Gai

Country Coordinator USA,

Chapters USA

SPLM-USA National Sec

Oct. 5th, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– We the SPLM-IO chapters in the United States of America unanimously continue our support to SPLM/A IO under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny the Chairman and C-in-C. We the fifteen Chapters also regret losing an individual from the Chapter of South Dakota. Ahchor Dhel ran the Chapter in South Dakota and has officially deserted his position. His official release is yet to be approved by the Mission Office of the office of Representative of the SPLM/A IO in USA, and he will be notified of his official release through a letter accordingly. The Chapter Office of South Dakota is yet to identify a chapter leader. The Coordination Office shall monitor the process.

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The fifteen SPLM/A IO Chapters support the position of the SPLM/A IO under the leadership of Dr. Riek on the peace initiative which had been proposed in Addis Ababa and signed as Agreed terms to the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan. The terms of the Agreement underscores peace in terms of justice, equality and transparency amongst all south Sudanese. It also called for reforms in the current dysfunctional institutions within the Country in particular the military institution. The fifteen SPLA IO Chapters reject and condemn in very strong terms the current deal which is getting struck by Taban Deng Gai because of the following reasons:

  1. This deal shall bring about failure of reconciliation amongst communities because Taban Deng Gai does not represent any constituent but hand full of people who worry about their interest oppose to common interest of South Sudanese.
  2. The deal shall fail to produce reforms within the current governmental organs like the military. As a result the military personals shall continue to mistreat citizens of the Country
  3. The deal shall allow the current government entities such as military to subdue citizens from natural rights and forcefully inject fear into communities. Communities would be silenced by power of guns and forced calm shall prevail in the name of peace. This is the form of peace the deal shall bring.
  4. The nation shall never enjoy freedom, justice and equality. The list will go on and on.

The Chapter; therefore, calls upon all South Sudanese to realize that real values of good life is at stake under the deal that Taban Deng Gai has struck with the Government and to also rise up against the deal, calling for the implementation of the Addis Ababa Agreement and also by joining and supporting SPLM/A under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon.



National Coordinator,

Sabata Ramba,

Chapter Leadership with respect to their states;

  1. John Lado; Head of Chapter in Texas
  2. William; Head of Chapter in Washington
  3. James Kuay; Head of Chapter in Utah
  4. Casim Abucha; Head of Chapter in Arizona
  5. Makuel Wie; Head of Chapter in Nebraska
  6. Simon Pouch; Head of Chapter in Iowa
  7. Timothy Gonda; Head of Chapter in Minnesota
  8. Julius Dima; Head of Chapter in Kansas Missouri
  9. Michael Gatwech; Head of Chapter in Tennessee
  10. (Coordination Office); Temporary Head of Chapter in South Dakota
  11. Marco Rut; Head of Chapter in North Dakota
  12. DubolLuok; Head of Chapter in Maine
  13. Dejoik Thor; Head of Chapter in Alaska
  14. Peter Gak; Head of Chapter in California
  15. Abraham Gideon; Head of Chapter in Colorado

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