Press Release

SPLM/SPLA(IO): “Dr. Machar Under House Arrest” Is Another Malicious Propaganda Fabricated By Salva Kiir Regime ~ Mabior Garang de Mabior


By Mabior Garang de Mabior,

Mabior Garang De Mabior (Chairperson) National Committee For Information And Public Relations (Photo: via Chimpsreporters)
Mabior Garang De Mabior (Chairperson)
National Committee For Information And
Public Relations (Photo: via Chimpsreporters)

Dec 15, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— The leadership of the SPLM/SPLA (in opposition) makes the following statement regarding the unfolding situation in South Sudan in recent weeks:


  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) refutes the allegations made recently, purporting that the Chairman and Commander in Chief – Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhuorgon is under house arrest in Pretoria, South Africa;

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  • These dangerous allegations despite being denied by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson Clayson Monyela when he spoke to Reuters News Agency, some reputable media houses in the region have still gone ahead and published this misinformation from the propaganda machine of the regime in Juba;
  • This malicious propaganda is part of a campaign by the regime in Juba;
  • The horizons of whoever fabricated this story are obviously limited to Juba city limits, as they think that all countries operate like South Sudan, without due process of law;
  • The arrest of the Chairman and C-in-C was just the wishful thinking of the regime in Juba and it would not solve the root causes of the conflict;


  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) welcomes national dialogue as a means to establish a genuine state in South Sudan, this is what the SPLM Leaders, led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhuorgon, when on December 6, 2013; they called for a national dialogue;
  • The President responded to this by introduced violence into the political process leading to the Massacre the night of December 16, 2013; tomorrow marks the third anniversary of this massacre;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO); however, does not believe that President Salva Kiir has the credibility to lead this dialogue;
  • The root cause of the current conflict in South Sudan, was the rejection (violently) of national dialogue, after the members of the SPLM/SPLA at the grassroots level unanimously (in all the ten states) declared that the Movement had failed to deliver on the promises of the liberation struggle under the Chairmanship of Comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit; this is clearly documented in the Final Report of the African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan, known as the Obasanjo Report, (http://www.peaceau.org>auciss.final.report.pdf);
  • There was another chance for national dialogue, national reconciliation and healing after the signing of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS), the Agreement dedicates Chapter V: Transitional Justice, Accountability, Reconciliation and Healing to this cause;
  • This chance; however, was squandered when President Salva Kiir, Chief of Staff Paul Malong and Director of Internal Security Akol Koor directed military operations in Juba between July 8-11, 2016 – which culminated in the collapse of the Agreement, as documented by the USC-PoE Letter to the Secretary General, subject: “Letter date 22 January from the Panel of Experts on South Sudan established pursuant to Security Council resolution 2206 (2015) addressed to the President of the Security Council” (http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/s_2016_70.pdf)
  • If President Salva Kiir is genuine about national dialogue, reconciliation and healing; then, instead of decreeing peace, he should allow for the Agreement he claims to be implementing with his FVP, to establish the hybrid court, as real peace must be concurrent with justice and accountability; and the leadership of the SPLM/SPLA(IO) are ready to face justice, we are on record in that regard;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) would like to reiterate our commitment to a national dialogue based on: Chapter V of the Agreement; Transitional Justice, Accountability, Reconciliation and Healing;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO); however, rejects such a dialogue being led by President Salva Kiir before facing the hybrid court; and call on President Salva Kiir to withdraw his private army known as Mathiang Anyor from the villages of Equatoria and Western Bhargazal; where according to UN Special Advisor on Prevention of Genocide – Adam Dieng: genocide looms; and, as reported by the UN News Center (11 Nov) in an article entitled: “Risk of ‘outright ethnic war’ and genocide in South Sudan, UN envoy warns” (http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=55538#.WEa_d3T6jqA);.
  • The dialogue being led by President Salva Kiir is just an attempt by the regime to circumvent justice and accountability.


  • The SPLM/SPLA is committed to a peaceful resolution to the conflict in South Sudan, while reserving the natural right to defend the Movement and the vulnerable people of South Sudan in light of the genocidal policies of the regime, which includes not only brutal massacres, but also rape of women and killing of men and boys, displacement of indigenous populations and resettlement of their traditional lands by President Salva Kiir’s private army known as Mathiang Anyor;
  • The SPLM/SPLA is committed to the peace process, despite the fact that the IGAD Peace Process is fundamentally flawed, as one of the warring parties (the regime in Juba), is at the same time a member of the body mediating the conflict, this is a contradiction;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) is committed to (without reservations): The outcome of the “Visit of the Chiefs of Defense of IGAD to Juba 14/7/2016”;
  • The: Communique of the Heads of State and Government of IGAD Plus on the situation in South Sudan of 16/7/2016, Kigali, Rwanda;
  • The: Communique of the Second IGAD Plus Extraordinary Summit on the Situation in the Republic of South Sudan of 5/8/2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
  • The: Communique of AU Peace Security Council (PSC) 616th Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 11/08/2016; and
  • The: UN Security Council Resolution No.2304 (2016 of 12/08/2016 on South Sudan, New York, USA.
  • It is the implementation of these resolutions that will create the conducive environment for a genuine national dialogue;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) shall continue to wage the protracted struggle in order to change the human condition in the country and achieve genuine peace, reconciliation and healing in the country; and, the method of struggle will be dictated by the prevailing objective conditions; and, in that regard we call on President Salva Kiir and his regime to halt their genocidal plans and allow for the unconditional implementation of UNSC Resolution 2304 (2016); which will allow for the deployment of the Regional Protection Force and will create the necessary security atmosphere so that all the stakeholders to the Agreement return to resume its implementation;
  • The SPLM/SPLA(IO) calls on the regime in Juba and the IGAD, who are propping up the genocidal regime in Juba, to reject seeking a military solution, so that the people of South Sudan can transform the struggle from its current armed form;
  • The People of South Sudan are not fooled by the attempts by the regime in Juba to decree peace, the current war in South Sudan is not a war against Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhuorgon, it is a people’s war in defense from a regime which uses political tribalism as an ideology, in a much similar way to Apartheid South Africa;
  • It is the contention of the SPLM/SPLA(IO) that decreeing peace, or the IGAD countries denying the leaders of the Movement entry to their countries, or imagining that the People’s Movement will cease to function with the sideling of her leaders will not change the human condition in the country;

The Struggle Continues!





WhatsApp: +254 717 293 583(Mabior Garang)

WhatsApp: +254 705 435 658(Manawa Peter – D. Chairperson of Information and Public Relations)

WhatsApp: +211 956 433 336 (Puok Both – Director of Information and Public Relations)

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1 comment

Fact January 8, 2017 at 2:53 am

Mabior Garang need to know that his stepdad Riek Machar is under house arrest in South Africa and is out of South Sudanese politic. He is living on donated items by Salvation Army in South Africa. It is a matter of time before he can be deported to South Sudan like his former spokesman.


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