![Capt. Mabior Garang de Mabior, the Chairman of National Committee for Information and Public Relations with Dr. Machar and Amb. Ezekiel Lul Gatkuoth(Photo: file)](https://i0.wp.com/www.nyamile.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/screen-shot-2015-06-12-at-3-44-28-pm.png?resize=655%2C348)
Dec 12, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— The leadership of the SPLM/SPLA (in opposition) deeply regret the selfish Communique of the 29th Extraordinary Summit of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government. In light of this blatant disregard for the peace process, the SPLM/SPLA(IO) issue the following statement:
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- Condemns the misinformation, intended to portray an image to the world that there is still a functioning Government of National Unity (TGoNU) in Juba; however, the truth is the Agreement in Juba has collapsed and what remains in Juba is a Junta guided by an ideology of political tribalism;
- The SPLM/SPLA(IO) contention is in line with the various reports which have been published by the United Nations Security Council – Panel of Experts (UNSC-PoE) on South Sudan; which, not only reflects the collapse of the Agreement and the human rights violations committed by the forces of the regime in Juba; and, while the IGAD Heads of State and Government where shy to name them; President Salva Kiir, his Chief of Staff – Paul Malong and the Director of Internal Security – Akol Koor are identified as directing the violence which led to the collapse of the Agreement in July 2016. This is clearly shown by the UNSC-PoE Letter to the Secretary General, subject: “Letter dated 22 January from the Panel of Experts on South Sudan established pursuant to Security Council resolution 2206 (2015) addressed to the President of the Security Council” (http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/s_2016_70.pdf);
- The various letters by the UNSC PoE, to the President of the Security Council, have all documented how IGAD has colluded with the regime in Juba and have continued to facilitate procurement of guns and bombs, despite the signing of the Agreement in August 2015. This has been reported by various media houses including the prestigious Wall Street Journal; in an article entitled: “Uganda to Supply South Sudan Weapons”;
- It has also come to the attention of the SPLM/SPLA(IO) leadership, that the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are also involved in this facilitation, as demonstrated by the recent letter by the Deputy Defense Attaché of the Embassy of South Sudan in Addis Ababa, to the Chief of Staff in Juba; Subject: $55,000 (Fifty-Five Thousand United State Dollars Only). This letter details payment to be made to Ethiopia’s Ministry of National Defense for transportation of weapons that will end up being used to kill citizens of South Sudan. The letter is available online: (http://www.nyamile.com/2016/11/30/revealed-south-sudan-govt-bought-lethal-weapons-from-ethiopia/);and
- In light of these contradictions; the SPLM/SPLA(IO) further contends, that the IGAD Peace Process is fundamentally flawed and condemns in the strongest terms the duplicity of IGAD, who claim to be mediators, yet they are a party to the conflict.
- It is a contradiction for IGAD to be mediators, and for President Salva Kiir to be the Commander in Chief of one of the warring parties; while at the same instance be a part of the mediation. This bizarre reality has resulted in the use of the IGAD Peace Process as a weapon in the arsenal of the regime in Juba, to the detriment of the people of South Sudan.
- The duplicity of IGAD has also resulted in the closure of all channels of dialogue and the regimes insistence on finding a military solution and backed by the Region in this pursuit, the SPLM/SPLA(IO) reserve the natural right to defend the Movement and the dignity of the people of South Sudan, from a government that is (with support from the region) killing its own people; and, from the looming genocide the UN Special Advisor on Prevention of Genocide – Adam Dieng recently warned about; and, as reported by the UN News Center (11 Nov) in an article entitled: “Risk of ‘outright ethnic war’ and genocide in South Sudan, UN envoy warns” (http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=55538#.WEa_d3T6jqA).
The SPLM/SPLA(IO) has been committed to peace since the start of dialogue in January 2014, and as a matter of policy, continue to be committed to finding a peaceful resolution to the current civil war. The SPLM/SPLA(IO) has demonstrated this commitment on several occasions, including going to Juba under regional pressure, despite provisions of the ARCISS being circumvented by the guarantors. The SPLM/SPLA(IO) believes that ‘our sophisticated weapon’ is not guns and bombs, but our ideas. The idea of the Movement is for peace to return to the Country through a negotiated settlement and we call on the African Union to rescue the peace process and in this vein, the SPLM/SPLA(IO) is:
- Committed to a return to dialogue with the ARCISS as the basis for this renewed dialogue;
- The SPLM/SPLA(IO) contention is that the IGAD Peace Process is fundamentally flawed, as one of the warring parties (the regime in Juba), is at the same time a member of the body mediating the conflict, this is a contradiction;
- The SPLM/SPLA(IO) has committed to (without reservations): The outcome of the “Visit of the Chiefs of Defense of IGAD to Juba 14/7/2016”;
- The: Communique of the Heads of State and Government of IGAD Plus on the situation in South Sudan of 16/7/2016, Kigali, Rwanda;
- The: Communique of the Second IGAD Plus Extraordinary Summit on the Situation in the Republic of South Sudan of 5/8/2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
- The: Communique of AU Peace Security Council (PSC) 616th Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 11/08/2016; and
- The: UN Security Council Resolution No.2304 (2016 of 12/08/2016 on South Sudan, New York, USA.
- The SPLM/SPLA(IO) is fully committed to peace.
The SPLM/SPLA(IO) reiterates unequivocally, our committed to a negotiated settlement as the fastest and least costly way to end the war and bring about fundamental change in the country. The ARCISS as a negotiated settlement, to which the warring parties committed; and which was witnessed by the region and the world, is the best way to address the root causes of the conflict. The Final Report of the African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan, known as the Obasanjo Report, details the root causes of the conflict and the events leading up to the eruption of violence in December 2013. (http://www.peaceau.org>auciss.final.report.pdf)
The ARCISS has provisions which will address these root causes among the most fundamental being: issues to do with the establishment of a constitution, which is guaranteed in CHAPTER I: TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN, Article 13, which establishes the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) and even has the whole of CHAPTER VI: PARAMETERS FOR PERMANENT CONSTITUTION dedicated to this; it addresses issue relating to the economy in CHAPTER IV: RESOURCE, ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT; it addresses issues of justice and accountability in Chapter V. TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, ACCOUNTABLITY, RECONCILIATION AND HEALING and the Movement has gone on record, stating our commitment to the establishment of a Hybrid Court of Justice. The leadership of the SPLM/SPLA(IO) are committed to the cause of liberty and justice and as such do not fear to face justice.
The SPLM/SPLA(IO) calls on the regime in Juba and her allies in IGAD, to renounce violence and abandon the futile strategy of isolating the SPLM/SPLA(IO) politically while they supply the regime in Juba with guns and bombs to kill the people of South Sudan. This is wishful thinking and it will never work; the SPLM/SPLA(IO) is a mass popular Movement which has won the confidence of the majority of the population of South Sudan, including those trapped under the yoke of the regime in Juba. The regime in Juba may collude with the region to isolate the political leadership of the people’s movement, including kidnapping, illegal deportation and banning (all tactics reminiscent of Apartheid in Africa); however, these tactics will not bring about peace, it will not change the human condition in South Sudan, they will only fuel the war.
WhatsApp: +254 717 293 583(Mabior Garang)
WhatsApp: +254 705 435 658(Manawa Peter – D. Chairperson of Information and Public Relations)
WhatsApp: +211 956 433 336 (Puok Both – Director of Information and Public Relations)
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