Nov 8th, 2018 (Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s latest peace agreement seems to be holding its ground with keys advocacy groups coming out in support of it. Several waves of peace agreement have been signed and the rival parties appear to show lack of seriousness to implement every piece of it, however, this lack of commitment is surprisingly changing.
In Summary
- South Sudan Women Advocacy and Empowerment believed this peace can work and appeal to South Sudanese women to raise their voice in support of peace.
- Women’s participation in the peace process is essential to promote harmony and healing.
- Women are the most affected by the South Sudan conflict.
Women’s voice in this peace process is very essential according to South Sudan Women Advocacy and Empowerment.
Koat Diw Gach, speaking on behave of the organization, he said, “any peace progress” in the world’s youngest nation is benefiting South Sudanese women who have endured so much for so long.
Koat, an OYA appointed Ambassador who is volunteering at European commission under the Africa Desk for development and a member of South Sudan Women Advocacy and Empowerment, currently in Europe’s capital Brussels, Belgium, believes just like Rwanda and currently Ethiopia, South Sudan can overcome its perspective toward women.
“The organization is in support of any peace in our nation and we are asking South Sudanese women to participate and promote this peace. It is their peace. This peace can work and it will work.” Koat added on phone from Brussels, Belgium.
According to International Rescue Committee (IRC), 2017 summary reports, NO SAFE PLACE: A LIFETIME OF VIOLENCE FOR CONFLICT-AFFECTED WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SOUTH SUDAN, “Up to 33% of women reported experiencing non-partner sexual violence (including rape, attempted rape or any other unwanted sexual acts) during their lifetime.”
Several different reports indicate “rape” being used as a weapon of war in South Sudan.
This particular suffering and continued enduring of hardship forced many women to leave their homes and “85 % percent of the South Sudanese population” living in refugee camps across Africa are women and children, according to UN agencies statistics.
According to the women advocacy group, “the continued suffering of South Sudanese women should make us ask the glaring question-what the hell are we doing to protect them?”
They believe that any change to women situation needs collective responsibility and more women advocacy groups and the international community should join the boat in helping women in the world’s youngest nation realize and improve their social status, economic empowerment, and political participation.
Since its conception in early 2016, South Sudan Women Advocacy and Empowerment has aimed to advocate for the promotion and protection of the rights of South Sudanese women as embodied in Women’s Human Rights Conventions and in the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan.
The organization is currently based in Brussels, Belgium with Rebecca Andrew Kong as the Founder and the President.