Press Release


By: Gatmai Machar,

Ugandan Traders in Konyo-konyo Market, Juba  South Sudan
Ugandan Traders in Konyo-konyo Market, Juba South Sudan

Feb 23, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-I would like to take this opportunity to call on all my fellow citizens to wake up from their long sleep and join the call for all the foreign invaders to leave our land. Enough is enough, it’s now time to wake up and open our eyes, Our country has been turn into an employing company for all the unemployed East Africa population, it has been turn into the biggest prostitution market of the region under Kiir ‘s leadership, it has been turn into a mere business Center of the region, where unemployed youths, drug dealers & all criminals of the whole region can find employment in expense of its own citizens.

Most of the south Sudanese graduates are still loitering on the streets of Juba, Malakal, Wau, yei, Bor, Torit, Bentiu, Rumbek etc struggling to find a job while the foreign population mostly from East Africa are there enjoying both white colors and manual jobs in the country. I have never seen or heard of a country that loves foreigners more than its citizens in this world; I have only seen it
with south Sudan under Kiir mayardit.

80% of South Sudan boda -bodas are foreigners mostly Ugandans and Kenyans, 60% of the builders/constructors are foreigners, 50% of the private health
facilities are owned by foreigners mostly from Uganda and Kenya operating their own clinics with others even selling expired drugs and over charging citizens without question from the so called government, foreign teachers also occupied a big portion in the education sector, which could not be less than 30% mostly in Equatoria region, those are just few to mention, and where in East Africa can
you find a South Sudanese engaging in such businesses? You cannot find a south Sudanese engaging in boda -boda operating business in East Africa, I alert you if you tried you are risking you dear life, the same to health facilities businesses, you can hardly find a south Sudanese professional teacher, teaching in the primaries and secondary’s schools in East Africa, may be in areas which are
inhabited by refugees.

I was wondering for the last 9 years why Kiir leadership was allowing all our neighbors mostly from East Africa to fool and bully us, I could not find the answer until recently when our crisis erupted and all these corrupt neighbors rush into our land without shame to keep their desires implementer on the seat he
doesn’t deserve.

After their military involvement in our internal conflict, every south Sudanese that is not fooled by the bloody money that the regime offers to keep people silent knew the truth. Very simple, Kiir use their brains to run our country and they couldn’t tolerate to see Kiir being ousted because he implements their desires
and system of ruling.

The East Africa leadership claims that they love south Sudan and that was the reason why they intervene militarily to serve south Sudan from those who want to take power by force. Well, if that was the reason, why did they use banned chemicals weapons against the very people they are claiming to save (civilians)? Why would you destroy the environment of someone you love? The effects of chemicals weapons last for decades, if they love us why did they destroy our land? Why would you bomb cattle camps where gun men do not stays? To understand it better that, that was not the reason for their intervention, the SPLA carried out ethnic cleansing at their eye watch in Bor UN Camp, civilians were murdered in UNMISS in Bor but they could not react or withdraw after realizing that the SPLA has lose it legitimacy after killing the people it
should be protecting. The SPLA has lost its mission and objectives.
UPDF continue fighting alongside them.

The major reasons for their intervention were to keep kiir in power, such that they continue making south Sudan an employing company for their unemployed population. They know that removing kiir from power will be the end of their bully and selfish interests in south Sudan. They know that any south Sudanese that could replace Kiir would not be so tiny brained like him, he would not be
too fool to see their useless tricks.

Fellow citizens from all the three regions it’s time to wake up from that sleep of decades and open our eyes, it’s time to show our true color and the fact that we knew the whole issue ,but only giving patience a chance to judge the
situation, foreign invaders should leave today not tomorrow. Our neighbors can’t make our choices and decisions.

Gatmai Machar is a South Sudanese Student. He can be reached at

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Nikalongo sanduksanduk February 23, 2015 at 2:08 am

See, we are busy fighting, stealing our resources and lazy. We have more arable land than Kenya and Uganda put together. How much food do we produce? We need the foreigners and their services simply because nine years after the CPA, we have failed to developed any functioning institution. Take education as an example. How do you expect to have enough construction workers, health personals, accountants, engineers, teachers, etc without a functioning educational system. Look into your own backyard before blaming foreigners.

morb February 23, 2015 at 3:59 am

In South Sudan unemployment and underemployment are very high with little formal sector employment as only 12% are on paid employment (Government of South Sudan Development Plan, 2011). Income inequality remains high as the country has yet to transform its natural endowments into improved infrastructure and livelihoods. Though the country has about 47% arable land, only 5% is being cultivated with 80% of poor households depending on subsistence agriculture and livestock farming. The country’s agricultural sector has remained largely under-developed and under-funded with poor infrastructure preventing the transportation of produce to markets, leading to large post-harvest losses and chronic food insecurity.

If admitted to the East Africa Community (EAC), South Sudan will join not as the biggest and strongest economy but as one of the weakest. The following questions therefore remained to be asked; what programs and initiatives exist to manage market weaknesses so that South Sudan will not become the dumping ground of goods and services from neighbouring economies?; what provision is there by the EAC to assist South Sudan to develop the production capacity of its infant industries?; have South Sudanese citizens been consulted about ascension into the EAC?; has there been a sustained, internal debate about the inclusion of South Sudan within the EAC?

Eastern February 23, 2015 at 4:40 am

Comrade Sirir,

On this particular observations I disagree with you as your article is not well researched at all. It reads like an incitement against foreigners in South Sudan.

Let me make this known to you: South Sudanese are very proud people for reasons best know to those exhibiting that trait. South Sudanese are very selective if it comes to what the world has to offer. Most foreigners in South Sudan are involved in private businesses and others are working for international organisations. Other foreigners fluked their ways into the government system thanks to the action of own fellow South Sudanese.

South Sudanese youths do not want work which can get them messy: they enjoy classy clothing, cherish, etc even as they cannot afford them. You see this in a grand way in the country awash with corrupt practices. A government official earning SSP 1,200 (about USD 300) per month is driving a car valued at over USD 60,000. Rents a palatial home in a foreign country and owns a mansion in three suburbs of Juba! He does not have a known business. The question is where did such a person get the money, Cde. Sirir?

It’s important to note that South Sudanese need foreigners more than they need us. We depend on foreigners for everything you can possibly think of. Let your kith and kin in the country update you. Don’t leave in Utopia!

Joash king February 23, 2015 at 9:07 am

My friend you should think more than twice before writting this article.if u are inciting your fello citizens to expel all foreighners from s.sudan,who do u think benefits more from the other? 80% of foreighner here are poor common people who take just nuts out of their sweat. How many s.sudanese have big businesses,massions & are taking lots of dollar every day to east africa? Which state can produce food enough for its people not to rely on foreigh imported foods? Despite the fact that s.sudan has a vast fertile land u can’t even tell your fello youth restrain themselves from playing dumuna all day and do productive things. Man next time style up and try to write articles that bare sense.

warfive February 23, 2015 at 9:26 pm

Whoever came and make benefits in South Sudan is here just like a dog grabs bones and run away with it specially fuckins Ugandans,Somalians, Kenyans, Ethiopians whose governments support the South Sudan political crisis’s turmoil.


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