Press Release

Series of Confrontations Between FDP/SSAF Forces With SPLA in and Around Torit, Eastern Equatoria

By Col. Mario Loliwa Bertino ,

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July 4, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– The FDP/SSAF led by Hon. Gabriel Changson Changforces had been in action and series of confrontations with the SPLA forces in Eastern Equatoria per the below details.

On 24th June 2016, the SPLA forces attacked our forces around Loronyo areas (18 KM from state capital- Torit) in Eastern Equatoria. Our forces repulsed the SPLA forces and captured 16 AK 47, 1 RPG 7, 1-82MMS and many boxes of different ammunitions.

On 28thJune 2016, the SPLA forces attacked our forces again while our forces were patrolling around Labalua Mountain (6 KM from Torit- Capital city) of Eastern Equatoria State. FDP/SSAF forces again captured 3 AK 47, 1 RPG 7, 1- 82MMS and a number of boxes of different ammunitions.

On 01st July 2016, the SPLA forces attacked our FDP/SSAF forces in around Loronyo in Eastern Equatoria, ourforces managed to enter to Torit town, Capital city of Eastern Equatoria State and managed to control the fire brigade headquarters and took more than 42 AK47 and other military equipments before withdrawing from the town.

On 02nd July 2016, the SPLAsent 3 military trucks full of SPLA soldiers and 5 mounted tactures from Juba to Torit to attack FDP/SSAF forces. Two tactures were sent by SPLA Torit to patrol in Torit town. Immediately the vehicles felt into an ambush of FDP/SSAF forces that were around the town at night. 6 SPLA soldiers were killed on spot by our forces during fighting.

On 03rd July 2016, The SPLA sent their forces again with two mounted tactures to attack our forces in around Loudo unfortunately, they didn’t manage to reach the base and decided to turn against civilians in Louda torturing the community chiefs and elders so that the community join them in fighting FDP/SSAF forces.

The operation in Eastern Equatoria is under the command of Gen. Anthony Osuru Oguaja and under overall Greater Equatoria Commander Gen. Philip Lolori Ichina, under the leadership of Hon. Gabriel Changson Chang, Chairman and Commander in Chief of FDP/SSAF.

FDP/SSAF Vision:

A South Sudan that is federally & politically united, democratically governed, culturally harmonious, socially just, economically prosperous, environmentally rich, and secure in its sovereignty enabling all South Sudanese leaves peacefully to pursue their dreams.

A south Sudan where democracy is a way of life, where political power is peacefully exchange from one political party to another through the ballot box in free, fare, credible, peaceful and transparent election throughout the Republic of South Sudan.

Col. Mario Loliwa Bertino is the FDP/SSAF Military Spokesperson for Eastern Equatoria. He can be reached at +211955 385 140 or +211922 204 982

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Malis Charles Grato July 5, 2016 at 1:07 pm

Changson Chang is not the leader of any group in Torit. Whoever wrote this article is a terror and a criminal.

Besides, SSAF is no longer the nsme of the emerging movement in Torit.

Cde. Oliwa Mario didn’t write this article. This article is seemed to have been written by one of our sons from nairobi. It is not true.

Log July 5, 2016 at 1:49 pm

If it at all happened, its a good news. I wish it happens more often,


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