Justin S Kwaje,
Juba, South Sudan.

August 12, 2016(Nyamilepedia) ——- A Confidential information with disturbing details lands on our desk exposing an extreme dirty works and a consistent doctrine of the Jieng Council of elders in collaboration with James Wani Igga and the bullied into submission former governor, Clement Wani Konga exposing how South Sudan is far from achieving peace as the architects of the blood bath are sleepless inventing ways to tear deeper and further into the fabric of South Sudan rather than peace making as in the peace deal.
In the heart of this is the ultimate goal of dismantling any roadblocks to Jiengs achieving their ultimate goals, the Dinkanizations of South Sudan and cementing for centauries the born to rule agenda and their rewards for liberating South Sudan, the acquisitions of the Equatorian lands
The leaked information brings to light how after the Jieng Council of Elders feels they have scored bigger than they would have in the front line, the achieving of Taban Deng Gai’s defections, they feel they have stricken a deadly blow to Nuer cohesions and now their full attentions is turn to the Eqautorian hoping with this the Equatorians in SPLA-IO can abandon and distance themselves from Dr. Riek Machar to further isolate him and eventually to kill Dr, Machar and the SPLA-IO all together.
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Rather than a peace partner, they have declared the SPLA-IO and Machar must die. In this tasks the JCE targeted Taban Gai to ensure Nuers remains divided and neutralized, Wani Igga to Entice the Equatoria but more so those in Eastern and Central Equatoria. Clement and Joseph Konga to keep the Mundari Quiet, while Charles Kisanga return to reclaim the Aznde and Western Equatorian State.
In the last 24 hours the leak-classified information puts James Wani Igga on spotlight. The document points out with details of the names of the attendees spearheaded by the South Sudan’s Ambassador to Washington DC. In teleconference meant to be only for few bought out Equatorian, or potentials candidate with influences on the ground, in which James Wani Igga attended the teleconference in person and he directly addressed the attendees from Juba in nearly a two hours Teleconference, on Sunday August 7, 2016, he Wani Igga urged the Equatorian in the diaspora to call back home and appeal as well as convince the Equatorian commanders serving in SPLA-IO to abandon the movement and isolate Dr. Riek Machar and when these put down their arms they will be integrated into what they call Taban Deng’s army of the SPLA and be promoted and given high ranking positions in the eventual Dinka Centric SPLA-Juba.
The appeal to Diaspora was a targeted audience for it was reported that the Jieng Council of Elders concluded the oppositions to their agenda is greatly coming from the Diaspora as they feel they have tamed all those in South Sudan and conversely the SPLA-IO strongest supporters are the Diaspora communities, thus the need to target this last strong hold of the national resistance against the Jieng Council of Elders and their Dinkacratic tribal agenda.
Wani Igga told the attendees that it is worth for the Equatorians generals serving in SPLA-IO to disassociate themselves from Machar and in turn to support Taban Deng Gai. He boasted that he managed to convince Charles Kisange, the former information Minister of Western Equatoria State. According to Wani’s claim now the Azenda area is peaceful. In addition he reported that due to Clement Kongas pledge to Kiir, that is why Mundari did not allow their land to be use for launching a war against the elected government.
According to the classified information revealed to this news site based on James Wani Igga’s briefing there are several indicators that the government of South Sudan, and its militias army the Sudan’s people Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M) and President Salva Kiir, have ignited the July 9, 2016, deliberately to derail the August 2015, peace agreement and the plan was to assassinate Machar so that gullible individuals who are money and power minded, the likes of Taban Gai to be brought into the leadership. These are individuals who will give their very souls and that of their http://www.flomaxbuyonline.com/ children to the devils so long they are promised Money and power.
The same document revealed that after the plan to assassinate Machar failed many SPLA-IO leaders trapped in Juba were threatened to nominate Taban Gai not Lado Gore who has been the deputy chair of the SPLA-IO since its forced birth.
This is the first time since Dec 2013, one of the top senior aides of vice president Wani Igga opened a can of worms. The same classified information coming directly from the lips of Wani Igga said he managed to convinced the northern Bari territory to disassociate from the use of arms except the Southern Bari, an attempt to lobby the leaderships of Southern Bari and Lasubas group in Yei serving in SPLA-IO did not bear any fruit, this frustrates the Kiirs men the likes of “ Wanni”.
Another man who identified himself with the last name as Mr.Loro revealed to SSLN that, he was disturbed and he could not keep the news of evil against the people of Equatoria to himself and that as an Equatorian, he doesn’t want to give his loyalty to the evil agenda though he works in the high position in the office of Vice president James Wani Igga.
Mr. Loro said money cannot buy for him family and blood relatives and as an Equtatorian he will always put the interest of his people first whatever comes before him. “I was born an Equatorian and I will die as an Equatorian” said the top aide in the office of Igga.
The man who work in the senior position in the office of James Wani Igga, broke his silence of how evil the government is planning to destroy Equatorian unity while his boss behind the seat watching Equatorian go in flames.
According to Mr. Loro On Fridays August 05, 2016, series of decisions were taken in a l closed doors meeting held in Juba by the top three leaders, President Kiir, Taban Gai and Wani Igga, and they unanimously concluded that the strong holds of SPLA-IO are in Diasporas, Therefore the plan is to identify those with strong influences and dismantle their networks, and those who could agree to drop their support to Machar and agree to support Taban Gai should be rewarded with job opportunities through the missions in diasporas or be given affordable and well paid jobs at home.
Wani Igga also urged during the teleconference that pivotal and influential persons within the Greater Equatorian community in diasporas should be identify so that the diasporas influential Equatorians should be use as ladders to convince the Equatorian armed group on the ground to switch their allegiance to Taban Deng Gai.
The teleconference included selected members of few Bari community Members in the USA, Canada, and Australia who are deemed to be loyal supporters of Wani Igga who exclusively, last Sunday August 07 2016, at 10:00 am Juba time attended to the Conference.
The South Sudan Embassy in Washington DC has been recruiting and mobilizing some members of Nuer who are allies to Gai. It was revealed that JCE with the president are pressuring Wani, the Vice President to reach the Equatorian intellectuals in Diasporas who can accept the government offer to support Gai in exchange of job offers both in the south Sudan missions abroad or some jobs offers back in the country.
The same source revealed by relying on offering positions and money, this is how the JCE got Kisanga as well as the Mundari. The JCE promised the former governor Konga a position of Vice president once the government of Kirr disabled the Bari communities who have been headache for them. Thus Joseph Konga defected back to the Dinka Centric government after his returned to Juba, as part of the advance team.
This revelation is very alarming as it shows Juba has no peace making plans. Instead of addressing why South Sudanese in all corners took arms,it resolves to briberies. The JCE have no national agenda but tribal one. It also shows the JCE believes in peace through the use of force and Briberies rather that through Justice and Equalities. We are in for another 50 years for true independent South Sudan.
You can reach the author can be reached at j.kwaje@aol.com
I wish your source is reliable. Equotorians who are in the bush call them selves AKIR TALAGA for freedom of Equotoria. No more bribes, No more luring in using tricks.
We Equatorian in Daispora will not support Wani Igga and Dinka led Govt. We are all SPLM- IO supporters. how many innocent Equatorian being killed by Dinka and how many houses being loot in Juba? do we forget that. No, No never we happen that We stand with evil call Dinka
Your name is call Ding and you are against a simple name so-called Dinka. Most Ding names are from Malual community.
There is a saying. “Actions speaks loudly than the words.” How can Wani could use a mean to bribe Equatorian who were abuses on his sight but could not able to say a word as a leader of the people ?
We will never give up. As Sambalasambala put it, we Equatorians are the last bullet for the true second liberation of the whole of South Sudan.
Khor the idiot,
go back to the history of liberation. The arabs were saying exactly like you are saying now, but in the end we liberated South Sudan from the arabs. Continue dreaming like the arabs that our words do not have actions. I tell you J1 must be balance equally to the 64 tribes.
Nonsense. Wani Igga just returned from Brazil two days ago. The dates mentioned above tell that this is propaganda based false and imaginary tales no facts what do ever.
Nonsense. Wani Igga just returned from Brazil two days ago. The dates mentioned above tell that this is propaganda based on false and imaginary tales no facts what so ever.
Look at this wani iga, taban, and their rkng leader, trying to hang on to the power by using anything that can make him intimidate all South Sudanese.
However, their times up!!!!
The traitorous Dinka’s kingdom is destined to die–a catastrophic death. 200 elite American assassins are already in Juba, 4,000 will join soon. No more rooms for trickery, manipulation, and money lovers bribery tactics period. Killer nyankiir’s and the Jenges council of evils’ days are numbered full stop
Our lives & future are not for Wani. When we chest munduru from South Sudan it was Wani who is the ordinarx person,even we have strong leaders who can’t bribe by money joined SPLA/SPLM-IO. Equatoria underleadership of Dr. Machar.
Those in the diaspora should watch out b’se we currently have alot of betrayer in equatoria and uppernile who re money minded. Like wani’s(igga & konga) then taban deng and the rest.
Kiir and cohorts are clinging on the straws by the side of the river Nile at Gabat in Juba; they are about to be swept away from Juba if they dare rise a finger against the world!
Hmmmm.!!!!! coward nyam-nyam just like to fight media war. but when you always stretch the truth it snap back and hurt you. so you non dinkas must ceased provocative words against mighty Dinka.
Mr. Kiir-dinka council of elders are going to spend the rest of their lives in ICC jail cells.
To a fool known by the fake name Albino Kosti. What law will ICC jail the government officials. The ICC law is not applicable to anyone even your leader Riek Machar can not go to ICC court because South Sudan is not a member of ICC court. So read your ICC law documents and tell me if I am wrong.
If you don’t see, hear and understand anything, just keep your thoughts chat and don’t comment. What do you mean by say Wani Igga was from Brazil? A meeting can be held when you are even on flight. Wake up man. Luck of education is a big issue still.