Press Release

Press Statement From SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission In Canada July 22, 2016

SPLM/SPLA mission to Canada post for a picture after a meeting in Calgary, Alberta(Photo: supplied)
SPLM/SPLA mission to Canada post for a picture after a meeting in Calgary, Alberta(Photo: supplied)

July 23, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada would like to state its position on the escalating violence in the Republic of South Sudan that break out on July 08, 2016 during an assassination attempt on the life of our Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA / First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon which led unnecessary death to innocent citizens.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada would like to extend its earnest condolences, grief and sympathies to the families, relatives, friends, communities of those who sacrificed their lives in President Salva Kiir and associates the Jieng Council of Elder (JCE) murdering scheme.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada would like to make our position very clear that we stand behind and remains loyal to the Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA-IO H.E General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon as the only Leader of the SPLM/SPLA-IO and only Representative of SPLM/SPLA-IO in the Transitional Government of National Unity during this transitional period.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada denounced and disowned Former Chief Negotiator General Taban Deng Gai and Mr. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth. We would like to inform the people of South Sudan that the Mission accepted that General Taban Deng Gai and cohorts dismissal by the Chairman and Commander in General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon from the SPLM/SPLA-IO and that the Chairman relieved Taban Deng Gai from ministerial position on July 22th  2016 for the reason that Mr. Gai has defected to Salva Kiir’s camp.The Mission denounced Taban Deng Gai  Political Bureau endorsing him as First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan as illegal as the Political Bureau has no quorum and it is held in the absences of our Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon to chair the meeting.

The South Sudan President Salva Kiir has no right to appoint SPLM/SPLA-IO official in an attempt to replace the Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon as stipulated in the Compromised Peace Agreement that the allows for the Chairman of SPLM/SPLA-IO and its leadership to elect or select from their party to replace any official vacancy that comes as a results of death or mental problem. This is another violation of the ARCISS.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada condemns the assassination attempt on life of our Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon. We also condemn the continued attacks and hunt down of the Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon by Juba regime tribal militias and organized forces.

The Mission endorsed and accepted the Ceasefire declared by our Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon on July 11, 2016. The SPLM/SPLA-IO condemn Juba continues violation of the Ceasefire declared by the two partners to the Compromised Peace Agreement (The Presidency).

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada condemn the assassination of two SPLM/SPLA-IO Cadres Cde George Gismala and Comrade Domach Koat Pinyien by Juba SPLA-IG. We also condemn the torturing of the SPLM/SPLA-IO Secretary General Cde Dr. Dhieu Mathok Wol on July 14, 2016 leading to his deadly and vital organs injuries. The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission in Canada therefore appeals for the peace guarantors like TROIKA, IGAD PLUS and the international community to relocate our SPLM/SPLA-IO Advanced Team Members and Ministers Loyal to our Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon to Pagak General Headquarters.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada endorse the Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon position and call on the deployment of third party forces and any intervention armies from the IGAD, AU or United Nations in Juba to act a buffer. This will help the full implementation of ARCISS and deter Juba from continuous killing of its citizens and assassinations of SPLM/SPLA-IO officials in Juba.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada endorse the full deployment of SPLA-IO 2,910 force as per Security Arrangement to be fully positioned in the capital Juba before the return and commencement of our Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA-IO General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon position, duties and responsibilities as First Vice President of the Republic of Sudan.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada condemned the government of South Sudan militarization of Juba and its consistent violations of the Security arrangement and the Compromised Peace Agreement in general. The SPLM/SPLA-Canada Mission support and appeal for demilitarization of Juba to allow the full and peaceful implementation of the Transitional Government of National Unity and the Compromised Agreement in General.

The Mission endorse and calls for the establishment of Cantonment areas in Equatoria, Bahr El Ghazal regions as per the Security Arrangement and full deployment of SPLM/SPLA-IO forces in those regions in their respective cantonment barracks.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO condemned the redeployment of Uganda People Defence Forces and militarization of Juba by Uganda Armed Forces known as UPDF. This is a clear violation of the Compromised Peace Agreement that asked all foreign troops like Uganda to leave South Sudan.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada appeals to the international community, TROIKA member states, AU, China, IGAD PLUS to put more pressure on Uganda to withdraw their forces from South Sudan and avoid fueling the South Sudan conflict and delaying the implementation of the Compromised Peace Agreement.

We also support and calls for urgent establishment of the Hybrid Court of South Sudan to try the perpetrators of Juba genocide of December 2013 and other war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the war.

The Mission accepted and endorsed the AU Summit resolutions on the deployment of Third Party Intervention Forces, solidification of UNMISS in Mandate by the United Nations Security Council, the SPLM/SPLA Mission in Canada welcomed the IGAD Heads of State and governments summit resolutions in Kigali Rwanda on July 19th 2016. Furthermore,

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission in Canada welcomed IGAD Foreign Affairs Ministers Communique released in Nairobi on July 11th2016 which calls on the deployment of third party forces in South Sudan to protect civilians and allowed smooth running of the Transitional Government of National Unity and full implementation of the Agreement on Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS).

In conclusion, the SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission in Canada and SPLM/SPLA-IO fraternity under the leadership of General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon SPLM/SPLA-IO Chairman and Commander in Chief/ First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan is committed in the peaceful resolution of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan through dialogue.

The SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission endorse the right of the SPLM/SPLA-IO to self-defence and the right to protect civilians under the SPLM/SPLA-IO controlled areas and those at risk in the Republic of South Sudan threatened by Juba SPLA-IG. We call upon our members in Canada to a bide by the Chairman and Commander in Chief General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon orders and all members loyal to our leader General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon must desist all communications with the dismissed officials and coup plotters who attempted to assassinate our Chairman and commander in Chief on July 08th 2016 .
Long live and Viva to SPLM/SPLA-IO Chairman and Commander in Chief SPLM/SPLA-IO General Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon.

Viva SPLM/SPLA-IO Freedom Fighters

Viva the Federal Republic of South Sudan

Struggle Continues and Victory is Certain.

Signed by:

  1. Ambassador Lual Mathok Wol, Representative, SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada.
  2. Ambassador Charles Wani Pioneson, Deputy Representative, SPLM/SPLA-IO Mission to Canada.
  3. Cde John Jok Dawech, SPLM-IO National Coordinator Canada
  4. Yohannes Malual Jal, Acting Director of Political Affairs.
  5. James Nguen, Director Public Relations.
  6. James Riek Hoth, Director Information Technology.
  7. Manyang Gatuor Kuon, Director of Protocol.
  8. Ruth Thomas Maluith , Director for  Resources Mobilization officer.
  9. Bejien Wang Koryom, Acting Director of Account.
  10. Joyce Wichleek, Director of Community Relations and Culture.
  11. Thomas Tut Kuonyae, Director for Finance and Administration.
  12. Ruot Chuol Biel , SPLM-IO Ontario Provincial Coordinator
  13. Samuel Hoth Dak,SPLM-IO Saskatchewan Provincial Coordinator
  14. Beda Otwari, SPLM-IO Manitoba Provincial Coordinator
  15. William Goldiet Dak, SPLM-IO British Columbia Provincial Coordinator
  16. William Riek Tut, SPLM-IO Alberta Provincial Coordinator
  17. Nhial Korow Wicleek, Country Director Relief Organization for South Sudan
  18. Thomas Ruach Chuol, Nuer S. Sudanese Community of Calgary, Chairman
  19. Mach Ter Thach , Nuer S. Sudanese Community of Edmonton, Chairman

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Tolio July 24, 2016 at 7:21 am

Third party to be a buffer between Machar’s and Kiir’s forces is a contradiction. The SPLMIO always say they don’t want foreign forces in South Sudan. Ugandan troops had to pull out from the country because the SPLMIO were opposed to them. The third party that you want to be deployed in this country falls in the category of alien forces that aren’t needed in South Sudan.

Tolio July 24, 2016 at 7:29 am

Taking members of the SPLMIO back to Fangak is a waste of resources. It was hard financially and logistically to fly them to Juba. It would be a miracle for the IGAD, UN and the international community to accept your wish of flying current members of the SPLMIO in Juba back to Fangak using donor taxpayers’ money.


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