Press Release

Press Release: SSOMA Briefing on the Sant’Egidio Oct 9-12, 2020

Thomas Cirilo's SSOMA group posting for a picture ...
Thomas Cirilo’s SSOMA group posting for a picture in Rome, Italy October 2020(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

Oct 13, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The following press releases were issued on the last day of the Sant’Egidio peace mediation in Rome, Italy, by the spokespersons of the South Sudan Opposition Movement Alliance(SSOMA).

Briefing by Kwaje Lasu

The South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) would like to inform its members, supporters, the people of South Sudan, and the International Community that SSOMA and the R-TGONU resumed the Rome Peace Process under the auspices of the Community of SANT’EGIDIO that commenced on the 9th – 12th October, 2020 in Rome, Italy.

This round of peace talks focused on recommitment of SSOMA and R-TGONU to COHA, participation in the CTSMVM, and negotiation on Declaration of Principles to guide upcoming talks to address the root causes of the conflict in South Sudan.

The composition of SSOMA team to the peace talks are the leaders and delegates of NAS, NDM-PF, SSNMC, and UDRM/A.

After extensive four (4) days of cordial and productive discussion and deliberations, the parties agreed on recommitment to COHA and participation in CTSAMVM as well as the Framework for the Declaration of Principles.

The parties initialed the COHA Recommitment document and the agreed points of the proposed Declaration Principles pending the discussion of the remaining points in the next round of talks that will take place on the 30th November 2020.

We thank the Community of SANT’EGIDIO for hosting the talks and we assure our supporters and the people of South Sudan that SSOMA is committed to the Rome Peace Process under the auspices of the Community of Sant’Egidio to achieve just and sustainable peace in South Sudan.

Briefing by Deng Vanang,

South Sudan government – SSOMA peace negotiations in Rome end without signing any agreement.

COHA, Cessation of Hostilities’ Agreement  has only been agreed on and  initialled by the two parties.

While its signing is differed to 30th November, 2020 when the same parties reconvene and tie  to DOP-ten-point document  for further discussion by the rival parties.

Two of those points objected to by the government are referendum and borders and boundaries as stood on 1/1/1956.

Point-3 of the DOP – Declaration Of Principles and its section C: talks of subjection of the draft constitution to referendum, which the government rejected , saying it should be the yet to be reconstituted Revitalized National Assembly to handle the matter without referring it to the plebiscite.

By insisting on a transitional national parliament, the government knows it has the majority of MPs and money to compromise some opposition MPs  to circumvent the popular will.

Point-8 is the government’s opposition to the mention that borders and boundaries of South Sudan shall be as of 1/1/1956.

By rejecting this proposal, the government still has the unethical mission of either re-instating its defunct 32 states or conquering more communal lands from politically incorrect ethnic groups  and handing them over to more favored ones.

Deng Vanang, is the official Spokesman of SSOMA’s Rome delegation. He can be reached through his email at dvanang@gmail.com

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