Press Release South Sudan

Press Release: SPLM/A-IO Chapter in Australia endorses Duer Tut Duer for SPLM/A-IO Chairmanship

Dear, SPLM/A-IO Members and General Public of the Republic of South Sudan,

Victoria, Australia

Hon. Duer Tut Duer, the former SPLM/A-IO governor of Sobat State(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)
Hon. Duer Tut Duer, the former SPLM/A-IO governor of Sobat State(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

July 24, 2021 — Patriotic salutations to all our fallen heroes and heroines; SPLM -IO leadership, SPLA -IO Gallant forces and Commanders; SPLM- IO members, supporters, and sympathizers.

Dear compatriots, in the name of our beloved country, South Sudan, we, the members of SPLM/ A-IO in Australia are pleased to affirm our full support to the declaration of Honourable Duer Tut Duer as the Interim Chairman of SPLM/A –IO, and equally supports the removal of former Chairman Dr Riek Machar Dhurgon from SPLM- IO leadership.

The removal of the former Chairman of the SPLM -IO Dr Riek Machar who usurped and abused power for over 30 years, is necessary and welcomed by SPLM-IO rank & file this time. It is explicitly clear that he has failed the mission of the movement, his duties, and more importantly, he compromised the implementation of the key mechanisms of the revitalised agreement. 

Dr Machar, to advance his own personal ambition; has intentionally conceded the non-implementation of security arrangements, which could have guaranteed security for our people victimised by the war, and facilitated their safe return home from where they are displaced; IDP, POCS, and refugees camps in neighbouring foreign countries.

Honourable Duer has demonstrated distinctive competency and progressive leadership skills that qualify him to be the leader we need at this critical moment. Therefore, we believe, the wealth of skills and experience he gained through his work in the politics and administration is unmatched e.g. Commissioner of Ulang County, Chairperson of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Governor of Sobat State, Deputy Secretary for Finance, Administration in the SPLM National Secretariat, Acting Secretary for Administration and Organisation in the SPLM National Secretariat.

As an experienced administrator, he had shown great attributes of hard work, trustworthiness and anti-corruption stance which intimidated his rival. Furthermore, Honourable Duer succeeded to bring harmony within the communities, and neighbours of the respective areas he administered.

As a senior SPLM/A- IO and a Liberation Council member, he is the only leader who has repeatedly challenged the former Chairman’s malpractices, defended people’s rights and has consistently defended the implementation of Revitalised Peace Agreement in letter and spirit over the last 3 years. He spoke openly and raised concerns and insisted on the strict implementation of the agreement when the former Chairman opted instead for the formation of RTGONU and the distribution of positions compromising the security arrangements.

He had also stated on numerous occasions that “the implementation of the Peace Agreement is not about the positions, but rather, it’s about the implementation of the key provisions of the Peace Agreement”.

Duer Stood fast with our cause since the eruption of the conflict in South Sudan in 2013 till today. As Deputy Chairperson of the SPLM-IO Basic Documents Committee July 2014, he contributed immensely to the production of basic documents of the SPLM- IO organization and participated positively in processes of peace negotiations on the resolutions of conflicts in South Sudan In (2015 and 2018).

Hon Duer’s experience and great understanding of the South Sudan issues, and unwavering stand on peace and stability of our country, will indeed, promote the mission and vision of a strong SPLM-IO movement, better engage with stakeholders of the conflict, and will ensure the return of peace to our nation South Sudan.

Dear compatriots, the reign of hope, stability and peace is finally descending on our beloved country and respect for human rights and dignity will surely replace years of fear, intimidation, nepotism, corruption under the former leader. 

The Interim Chairman, Honorable Duer Tut Duer is the only able leader who will foster solidarity within the movement, promote equality, transparency, restore the unity of our people as well as ensure the full settlement of the conflict.


VIVA- Interim Chairman, Honourable Duer Tut

Signed by:

Nyajany Joshua Deiwal 

Former Chairperson of Victoria Chapter 

Contact:  ndeiwal@yahoo.com.au

Endorsed by:

  1. Duol Wuol
  2. Changkuoth Luak 
  3. Tut Tel
  4. Chuol Ruot Chuol Deng
  5. Dr. Bol Juolthor 
  6. Wal Gatluak Thong
  7. Gatdet Lual Gach
  8. Gatluak Ngut Gar
  9. Wal Lual Deng
  10. Nyaruot chuol
  11. Martha Rial
  12. Bk Gatluak 
  13. Shaker Salah Leah 
  14. Gatluak Tholbok 
  15. Rebecca Nyalam Tuach
  16. Tut Gatkuoth Gach 
  17. Lual Pal Gach 
  18. moses Deng Gatluak 
  19. Gatwech Reath Thoan

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