Latest Press Release South Sudan

PRESS RELEASE: An appeals to Designate South Sudan as a Failed State.

An Appeals to:

UN Security Council,

CC: USA, Troika, Russia, China, EU, AU, Rwanda and FDRE.

By the South Sudan Civil Society and South Sudan Civil Right Watch.

Starving children in South Sudan, the world's youngest nation that is now hit by famine(photo: file)
Starving children in South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation that is now hit by famine(photo: file)

Thursday, March 20, 2025(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan has been in the tribal conflict for more than eleven years (2013-Present) and known for the Human right violations, atrocities, judicial killings, raping, collective punishment, massacre on ethnic line, corruptions and unlawful arrests on individuals.

Observing these tragedies for more than a decade, South Sudan reached it is peak of failure based on the criteria that a failed state could be.

Therefore, no doubt, it is failed State.

There is no form of violation which is not committed by South Sudan government under President Kiir, and failed on Services delivery since, they have been using the country resources to purchases weapons, bribery and hiring foreign troops to kill its own citizens.

To be clear enough, South Sudan Civil Society and South Sudan Civil Right Watch held joint meeting and evaluated all the Points and conclude that the country failed miserably and could hardly recover from this chronic chaos, insecurity, political instability and poverty.

The steps committed by the failed Government of the Republic of South Sudan are.

  1. Killing on Ethnics and tribal basis.
  2. Working without Constitutions and using JCE (Jieng Council of Elder) bilaws to govern the country for more than ten years.

  3. Hiring Foreign mercenaries to kill its own citizens and failed to pay the country army.

  4. Failed to deliver services such as healthy care, Schools, water supply, and other basics needs.

  5. Failed to pay civil servant’s salaries for more than 2 years.

  6. Demanding higher taxes from traders and NGO workers beyond necessaries without the services in returns.

  7. Recruiting and arming tribal Militias against other tribes.

  8. Absolute poverty, starvations and hunger.

  9. Failed to provide safety and security of its own civilians and everyone’s security is on their own hands.

After careful evaluations, the National Civil Society Organisations and Human right Watch came up with the decisions to forward the matter to international community and United nation security councils to designate and put South Sudan in the list of failed states with the below recommendations.

  1. Designate South Sudan as failed state and remove President Kiir.
  • Put South Sudan under United Nation (UN) administrations for 8 years.

  • Taking President Salva Kiir to ICC, along with Koang Chuol Ranley, Kuol Manyang Juok, Marial Chinuong, Gathoth Mai Ngooth, Akol Koor Kuch and many Other Sanctioned by UNSC for atrocities they committed against humanity.

  • Sanction government of Uganda for Fuelling the South Sudan insecurity for more than 10 years just for the economic interest in the country.

  • mandate Ethiopia troops who Have long story of maintaining Security to safeguard civilians’ safety in the Country.

  • Your excellency, we urge you, to consider our appeals and take our recommendation into matters and acts accordingly.

    We are open for further clarifications and interviews if any phrase is not clear.

    We will look forwards to receive positive feedback before it is too late.


    1. Gatluak HothNyang, Chairperson of Civil Right Watch, South Sudan, Signed.
  • Abraham Awolich, Chairperson of PCCA, Signed,

  • Edmund Yakani, President, EACSOF, Signed.

  • The Signed, stamped and scanned copy is mailed to UNSC email.

    May God bless South Sudan.

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