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Press: Akobo Youth Association (AYA) in Juba Condemns unauthorized meeting with Ministers

Juba, South Sudan.

The Minister of Wildlife and Tourism Hon. Rizik Zechariah Hassan and Minister of Water Resources Hon. Manawa Peter Gatkuoth meeting unauthorized summoned to represent Akobo local youth representatives on issues of poaching of wildlife in Akobo County(Photo credit: supplied)

June 3, 2022 — Akobo Youth Association (AYA) in Juba learned with great dismay that, two of its unauthorized members have met on 29th of May, 2022 with the ministers of Wildlife and Tourism and, the Water Resources and Irrigation, Hon. Rizik Zechariah Hassan & Hon. Manawa Peter Gatkuoth, in the office of Honorable Manawa. What caused the pang of guilt to the Akobo youth leadership in Juba was that, the outcome of a meeting held by those two unsanctioned members with the ministers has been published on the 30th of May, 2022 by the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation official online page. What appeared to be a private conversation was apparently circulated on social media outlets as if such a concession was convinced by representatives who acted on behalf of the Akobo Youth Association Board in Juba. 

In spite of the fact that, Akobo youth leadership in Juba remained unaware of the context of that meeting, the purported agenda of the meeting between the two ministers and those distrusted members of AYA was falsely articulated to be conferred on the recent media posts of animals poached somewhere in a rural part of South Sudan. However, the same media outlets alleged that, the trophy hunting may have been performed by a suspected farmer from Akobo County, we from the Board of Akobo youth ‘leadership in Juba could not established the authenticity of the finding before proper deliberation in a joint fact-finding between Akobo youth leadership and the concern ministry. Akobo youth leadership is yet to comment on whether the poaching took place in Akobo or not. This is because the genuineness of such a report is still unclear until a proper contact is made between the line ministry and AYA Board. 

Nevertheless, the leadership of Akobo Youth Association in Juba is hereby issuing this public notice supplementing a strong condemnation of an unusual act by those assumed members who, without prior consent of the Akobo Youth Association (AYA) leadership, were fabricated to be in lieu of this association in that alleged meeting. This Press Statement is to inform our dear membership- Akobo youth community in Juba and elsewhere specifically, and the general public  that: 

  1. AYA leadership in Juba was not aware of a youth of this association membership by the name of Geng Deng Nguoth. He is not our member. And, in a wider consultation that we had with other parts of Akobo youth leadership on the grounds, it’s equally the same that, we have no member like this in capacity of representing Akobo youth leadership in any location.
  1. Our latest updates about this individual person indicated that, a person by name- Geng Deng Nguoth was a member of the armed forces (soldier) who, after abandoning the cantonment site in Malakal, he recently came to Juba on his own mission. And, his visit to the office of the minister of Water Resources and Irrigation was partly on a private objective. 
  1. Based on the contact we had so far with the ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, we were told a meeting that brought together the two ministers was coincidental. That means, without erstwhile intention, the meeting happened accidentally once the Honorable Minister of Animals Resources and Tourism came to visit the minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in seeking advice from his colleague on the same issue of alleged Akobo trophy hunters. And, without the minister’s preceding intention, he found those suspected members wandering in the office of his colleague (Manawa). Because the minister (Rizik Zechariah Hassan) was so interested to discuss with any youth from Akobo county about the animals poaching allegation, 
  1. Hence, the Akobo Youth Association Board is on the talks with the ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation that the office of the Minister is to write its own revocation statement for public consumption in this regard. And, in addition, the AYA Board still follows up with the Ministry of Animals Resources and Tourism in a bid to establish a fact-finding caravan between the ministry and Akobo Youth Association. Efforts are underway persuade the ministry onto a joint investigation when a team comprises of members from the ministry and Akobo Youth Association embark on fact-finding mission to Akobo when agreement is reached. 

Moreover, the incumbent Akobo Youth Association (AYA) leadership is the sole representative of the Akobo County youth in Juba. And, as this board came to existence through popular election, there is no doubt that, it’s only the right-holder answerable to all the issues involving Akobo youth community. And, whoever prompted to forfeit its legal status and, lobbying for illicit business in the name of Akobo County youth, that individual person is not only disapproved in a moral sense, but also legally reliable of his/her illegal undertaking under the law. 

In this regard, AYA is aware of the poaching in the country law as an environmental crime. Therefore, Akobo Youth Association leadership doesn’t condone any activity that contravenes the country laws, nor does it have an intent to compromise the national regulations established to protect all the renewable natural resources. We considered animal poaching in any part of South Sudan as one of the most serious threats to the survival of plant and animal populations. 

And, to minimizes the rate of poaching that has a detrimental effect on biodiversity both within and outside the protected areas such as, the illegal poaching and/or harvesting of the South Sudan wildlife by anyone with intention of possessing, transporting, consuming or selling it, Akobo Youth Association is ready to cooperates both the government of South Sudan’s Ministry of Animal Resources and Tourism, others concerns bodies, and private citizens including the citizens of the Akobo County in conservation of the wildlife population. As one of our Association prime objectives, AYA is very keen to work with the above mentioned bodies so that species are not depleted locally and the functionality of our ecosystems is not disturbed. 


For more information you can reach MRS. Nyachuka Chot Riek Pathot, Chairperson of the Akobo Youth Association Juba/Republic of South Suda, at  0924740004 WhatsApp No: +211924740004 

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