Dear All,

Dec 2, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —– We, the people of Rubkotna County of Lich State, Political and military leaders, intellectuals, Elders, Chiefs, Women, youth and students of SPLM/A–IO have met in our respective locations between 24th – 27th November 2017, and discussed the defection of Gen. Ruai Kuol Jal, Former Military Governor of Lich State and his group declared on 23rd November 2017 in Khartoum (Sudan) of having formed a new Movement called National People’s Alliance Movement (NPAM) with its Military wing known as National People’s Alliance Forces (NPAF).
In our careful deliberation of the subject matter with logical reasoning and critical analysis in regard to the future of our community in particular and that of the people of South Sudan in general, we found that:
- This New Movement will not be able to address the root causes of the conflict and will never bring peace and stability for the entire people of South Sudan at all.
- The so called NPAM is a camouflaging and destructive hand of the regime in Juba and its collaborating agents whose dual aims is to snatch the people of Rubkotna County out of SPLM/A –IO or divide the Rubkotna Community in particular and Lich State in general in order to weaken the people Movement under the able leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon.
- NPAM is a fatal device to undermine the objectives of people’s Popular Movement and to prolong the suffering of our civil population particularly in Rubkotna County and Lich State and in South Sudan in general as well.
- SPLM/A-IO is the only option to rescue and alleviate the suffering of the people of South Sudan in general and any deviation of this kind shall be seriously confronted without hesitation.
In light of the above, we the undersigned Rubkotna Community (Leek Community) political and military leaders, elders, civil society and Community members do hereby condemn and denounce in the strongest terms possible the defection of Gen. Ruai Kuol Jal, the Former Governor of Lich State and his group at this particular moment whereas the whole world is orchestrating the revitalization of peace process in South Sudan.
We therefore, call upon all our community members here at home and in Diaspora to distant themselves from the so called NPAM/NPAF whose alliances and Motives are questionable.
It is our strong believe that SPLM/A-IO under the Chairman and C- in-C Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon has an authentic popular political objectives and principles of establishing a true Federal Democratic system of Governance in South Sudan as enshrined in the four basic documents (i. e the constitution, the Manifesto, the Internal Regulations and the Business Code of Conduct) as endorsed in SPLM-IO national convention, Pagak 2015.
In conclusion, we, the Leek people would want to assure all our comrades in struggle not to lend an ear to the Ruai-Exit allegations (Ruai’s defection). Our stand shall always be firmed and unshakable towards defending the SPLM/A-IO objectives and principles under the able leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny -Dhurgon.
Viva Rubkotna County !!
Viva South Sudan !!
Viva Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon !!
Viva SPLM-IO !!
The struggle continues !!
S/No | Names in full | Title | Signature |
1 | Hon. Thomas Maluit Hoth | Ex- Commissioner | |
2 | Eng. Faruok Gatkuoth Kam | Ex- Commissioner | |
3 | Hon. Simon Jalduong Matuek | Ex- Commissioner | |
4 | Eng. William Garjang Gieng | Ex- Commissioner | |
5 | Hon. Dak Turoal Thay | Ex- Minister | |
6 | Cde. Isaac Loang Nguth | Deputy Commissioner | |
7 | Major. Gen. Stephen Chap | SPLA–IO Officer | |
8 | Cde. John Paluath Kol | State Mayor | |
9 | Cde. Thomas Gatjuol Jal | Police officer | |
10 | Col. Kolang Roal Muth | SPLA-IO Officer | |
11 | Cde. James Tut Chuol | official | |
12 | Col. Michael Chabek R | SPLA-IO Officer | |
13 | Cde. Peter Dador | Ex-Dean, Bentiu College | |
14 | Cde. Nhial Goyok Jiech | Community chairman | |
15 | Chief Robert Tungwar K | Paramount Chief | |
16 | Chief Juoy Machar Turoal | State town Chief | |
17 | Rev. Stephen Nger Patai | Pastor | |
18 | Cde. David Duoth Nger | SPLA –IO officer | |
19 | Cde. John Tutthiang L. | SPLA-IO officer | |
20 | Cfe. Gatgur Nor Malual | Chief | |
21 | Cde. Jang Tungwar K | SPLA –IO officer | |
22 | Cde. Andrew Bol Kol | official | |
23 | Cde. Wichmuon Chuol W | official | |
24 | Cde. Peter Latjor Tiach | SPLA-IO officer | |
25 | Cde. Peter Loth Jam | SPLA-IO officer | |
26 | Cde. Mut Koang Duoth | SPLA-IO Officer | |
27 | Cde. Loang Puok Thiech | Chairman, Rubkotna | |
28 | Cde. Bayak Jiech | Chairman, Payam | |
29 | Cde. Diew Wuoi | Chairman, Budaang | |
30 | Cde. Juai Lony | Chairman, Ngop | |
31 | Cde. Wechker Deng | Chairman, Panhieny | |
32 | Cde. Stephen Long Bol | Chairman, Norlamwel | |
33 | Cde. Mut Gai | Chairman, Dhorbor |
1 comment
Dear my people, I am really overwhelm with your decision and I am grateful you have made that commitment. Although you are not in our land where Leek resides, any decision you make will save life for those at home and in diaspora. I live in Canada but I follow what happening there and I am very much affected by the conflict particularly in RupKhona county. Yes, I applaud your courage of making that decision to save the life of our brothers and sisters who may not see properly the vision. Yes, for you Gatkueiguong, you give a good example to the Leek’s children even though new generations emerge now, they should be paid attention to what you say. And those young ones should learn from you. Yes, I see your names they are familiar to me. Do not change that position on standing up for Leek’s children division. Conflicts that happen more often in Unity State, it affect us more than the rest of others counties.
Stay awake then because not only that the people of Unity State are relying on you as long as my mind remember but the whole world is going to rely on your Son. I am speaking specifically, the one who is on the world eye at the movement but you haven’t been given the knowledge concerning him yet. From today onward be aware of circulating news.