Press Release

Nyamilepedia Columnist threatens by SPLA Spokesperson!

Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut Nyamilepedia editor and columnist
Sirir Gabriel Yiei Rut Nyamilepedia editor and columnist

Oct 3rd, 2014 (Nyamilepedia) — Nyamilepedia Columnist Sirir Gabriel Yiei  Ruot received messages that threaten his life from Col. Philip Aguer Panyang, the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) Spokesperson on Thursday.

According to Sirir, he  told Nyamilepedia on phone that, his life is being threatened by SPLA Spokesperson through sending threatening messages and as well sending people loyal to him to the Columnist.

Mr. Sirir Gabriel Yiey Ruot has been contributing to Nyamilepedia since early this year when the crisis that have killed thousands of civilians erupted in the Republic of South Sudan where civilians were massacre and buried on mass graves in Juba.

Sirir is a Political Science Student from CAIRO University in Egypt Arabs Republic. He has written numerous articles on the issues of politics and human rights in South Sudan.

According to Mr. Sirir on interview with Nyamilepedia Editorial Team, he says Philip Aguer was reacting to his recent article he wrote last month; title “IS SSTV A DINKA OWN OR A GOVERNMENT OWN”?

Aguer told the Columnist that, he might be kill or disappears if he does not refrain from being critics to the Government of South Sudan .

Meanwhile in the same interview with Mr. Gabriel, he said what worry him is the last statement from Col. Philip Aguer where he said any one who is critical to the legitimate government of the Republic of South Sudan will be discipline or others mechanism should be put in place.

The Columnist is calling for protection from the human defenders and the world at large.

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Emmanuel Ajang Solomon October 4, 2014 at 7:46 am

Why is Philip threatening. People who only write their own option base on what government. Is doing to its people daily,I thought the government should correct its house than threatening, yet they are going as far as accusing the international community which helping us from day one maybe all of them are blind becasue of money or Oil money think is for Liir and his relatives who killing the peoples,of South Sudan using foreigners to kill them with chemical weapons yet time has not come for the answers why would the government of people do that to its own cites which mean they want to finshed us on tribal lines and get their new citizens from our East Afrcian countries who are ready to be citizens of that country becasue of high illiteracy rate there yet it will take time to open their eyes

Nyan Gatdet Chukuel March 14, 2015 at 9:23 pm

There is no way to shot people up when they have right to raise their concerns. Gabriel Yiei has every right to say what he think could take the new nation forward. I therefore would like to advise our fellow country man phillip Aguer not to engages in such a dangerous and threatening behavioral attitude. Your threatening is baseless, we will continue to air our problems and to share to those who may know it better.

Massive January 18, 2015 at 9:21 pm

Desperate, psychopath , AGuer stops threatening people.. Is Sstv Jaang own???


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