Press Release




The IGAD leaders meeting on a sideline in New York(Photo: supplied)
The IGAD leaders meeting on a sideline in New York(Photo: supplied)

Oct 9th, 2014 (Nyamilepedia) — It’s very unfortunate that a peace deal which was started to mediate since January this year has never hold fruits up to now. This is a big challenge and a total shame to the regional block of East African states (IGAD) and their partners including the Troika (US, UK &NORWAY).

How on earth when you can be authorized to handle or solve a case in your capacity and you will fail to arrive at an amicable solution to it? This is the tenth month in which the regional bloc is still mediating.

Mistake lies on the mediators (IGAD) and partners because since the beginning of the peace process in January from Ethiopia, they have not failed to identify frankly who caused the war in South Sudan, but they failed to frankly tell the causer that he was wrong.

Salva kiir’s led government has imposed the current catastrophic conflict and the world must stand up firmly to openly tell the juba government that it held responsibilities for the war in South Sudan.

IGAD member states and partners at any of their comments at the venue of the peace talk and elsewhere have been using the words (“BOTHSIDES”) on several occasions to describe the warring parties even when it’s one side that was wrong.

“BOTH SIDES”these two words are the ones which have hindered the peace to come and must continue not to bring peace unless IGAD and partners changes their minds to fully withdraw from mentioning the words (both sides) whenever they comment.


In the event when the two parties are involved in the conflict, one side (not both of them) is/are the cause. Only one side must cause it like when the juba regime has caused it.

Therefore, according to my opinion it’s the same juba regime that must be held accountable for the “root cause “the regime should not always delay peace which is needed by the people of this country given their past sinful act in December last year.
We are not for a dictator and will never be for him in this country. Juba regime does not represent our interest any longer, it represent the interests of its dissident loyalists lured to support the regime because of money.

The world has already known how the conflict had begun in December 15 last year. South Sudan presidency straightly on SSTV announced faulty to the world that there was a failed coup and after thorough investigations from all walks of lives around the world, then the world failed to tell if there was a coup indeed in South Sudan. Also the Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni whose mercenaries are fighting alongside the desperate regime of Salva kiir also confirmed during the IGAD summit in May this year, there he said no coup.

If that was the case, what punishment can be given to the person who have lied to the world that there was a coup which had became baseless? Simply, he should be made to relinquish from power immediately if the world is very clean indeed.

Is it not in the pretext of an alleged coup in South Sudan that more than 20,000 Nuer civilians lost their lives in juba when they were ethnically targeted by a privately trained militia men from both Warrap state and Aweil in December last year? And there was no coup. So the reason to why civilians were massacred is a great evident enough to change such leadership which has caused atrocities. Juba regime is not exception to the kinds. Such government must not negotiate with the people; it should be isolated once and for all if the world care a lot.

So, IGAD and the world must admit to hold the juba based government accountable instead of blaming both side if they really mean to bring peace back to south Sudanese. Failure to immediately do so, then unless God will begins to perform miracles otherwise South Sudan will continue to bloodshed given the current position of an east African regional bloc (IGAD), which is shying away from openly telling those who have imposed this war their mistake.

The author is a concern South Sudan citizen at luoykuoth@gmail.com.

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