Press Release

IDPS in Bor Welcomed Dr Machar’s Decision for Signing Peace Agreement in Ethiopia to end 20 Months Long Conflict.

South Sudan internal displaced persons (IDPs) in Bor -Jonglei UN-Base/ (Photo file)
South Sudan internal displaced persons (IDPs) in Bor -Jonglei UN-Base/ (Photo file)

August 23, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-We welcome and humbly congratulated the chairman of SPLM- IO for taking a very fruitful step for signing the compromised peace proposal drafted by IGAD- plus to end the long war in young nation.

These war is  a Man made disaster we have loses so many lives of innocents populations around the country, it can be end by the nationalist people who mind for the suffering of children ,elderly men and women.  We know that this crisis was imposed on the peoples of south Sudan by some few individuals who are supporting their own benefits instead of the lives of peoples of this nation.

Our concerns as the internal displaced persons is only peace,  it’s the only option to stop distructions and killing of women,  children  in greater upper Nile that have been done by the UPDF and Salva Kiir militiamen who are calling themselves government but they don’t show up any goodness that can make government a true government.

We calls on all south Sudanese peoples who are against peace  to except peace and live in very calm situations .

Those who are manipulated to protests are anti  peace lovers and are supporting their  owns interest then public interest think bigger to what Kiir and Malong are doing time has come for peace , for us to lives harmony in our nation.

This war is tribal war but time has come, that is why Machar and his groups sign the peace deal to cut off the suffering of young generations.  We lose hope, many have been kills by conflict and more in bad conditions living in unsafe places in swarm where there is no shelters.  Over 50,000 malnutrition with no food.

More had left to neighboring countries like;  Uganda , Kenya , Ethiopia.  They have been displaced in their home by this war. Salva Kiir and his gang groups refused to sign peace in front of international community.

We urges peoples of this nation to be against government who doesn’t need the suffering of our children to be stop. Let all stand behind peace lovers in which to returns in our normal lives that we would have freedom of movement without fear.

Then our children can have access to education / learning . Salva kiir’s children are some where outside country he can not sign peace as long he don’t have a single child even in front lines where many more have die in order to keep him on power forever .

Leadership in south Sudan is not a kingdom-ship that could not be change and give chance to others to safes people but dictators have their open way that is not yet full of their bodies.

Museveni Friend to president Kiir match-out in round table in Addis Ababa because his influence have not been given a rooms in the talks . He is working harder to dismantle peace agreement but IGAD realized at last the that he is the EBOLA of south Sudanese people he brought his owns citizens to come and die for other homes affairs.

We calls international community AU and US government to give more sanctions on anti peace lovers in the country.

Peace has collapsed many time in Ethiopia  yet no implementation of sanctions and UN arms embargo .
talking with out implementation must not helps to bring peace in these nation.
south Sudan is a new born nation and to be rule by Democracy ways and transparency.
individual sanction and totally change of the regime can free civilians in south Sudan.

We need government of the people and for the people for our children well in free conditions. We need a leader  that can be elected and would not kills peoples who voted for him.

We need a leader who can united us with no discrimination.  We need a leader who can treat us equally and give us the same services school, hospital and many more that are needed by human being.

We don,t need leader who concentrated in his owns family and tribe . No important tribe in true leadership but there have been important in juba regime that is why he kills children in Dec 15/2015 over 20’000 kills and many more in Leer,  Malakal, Mapel training center, Nasir, Fangak juba regime under president Kiir and his allies  forces have kills many peoples mostly women and children in those area.

Why people are running from government to the bushes and swarms where there is rebel.  In south Sudan people are enjoying to stay freely in rebel controlled areas instead peoples to stays from government areas.

Kiir must go or sign  peace.

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