Press Release

How Wau Massacre Was Planned And How The SPLA-IO Promptly Intervened

By. Dominic Ukelo,

UNMISS provides protection to civilians fleeing Violence in Wau by UNMISS(Photo credits: UNMISS)
UNMISS provides protection to civilians fleeing Violence in Wau
by UNMISS(Photo credits: UNMISS)

July 2, 2016(Nyamilepedia) ——- It is unfortunate to recall that prior to the massacre of innocent civilians, the government affiliated arm groups, especially Mathiang Anyoor, were supported by SPLA division 5 in random shooting, killing, terrorizing, intimidating the civilian in and around the capital of Western Bah Al Gazal State, Wau. The commander of the 5th division ordered his troops to distribute arms to militia men and women in the city in order to carry out the ethnic cleansing against Fertit community.

On Friday, June 23 2016, two Land Cruiser vehicles were loaded with weapons and ammunitions from the SPLA Division 5 head quarter stationed in Krenti, and headed to the southeast part of Wau town, which was inhabited mostly by the South Sudan army chief of general staff Paul Malong Awan´s  militia to distribute these weapons and ammunitions. The weapons and ammunitions then been distributed to the militia men and women, where the militia moved to the southern parts of Wau town inhabited by Fertit tribes, and opened fire randomly on the residential areas.

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After Malong´s militia indiscriminately opened fire at the innocent civilians, the IO forces around WBGS received an urgent help call from Wau citizens, in which the IO forces managed to create secure corridors, and successfully evacuated most of the Fertit civilians from the city in order to protect them from further attacks. Indeed, majority of the Fertit citizens were successfully rescued from an absolute massacre. However, other civilians who remained in the city were, unfortunately, brutally murderedin coldblood by Mathiang Anyoor militia and the SPLA-IG troops from the 5th division.

We stand in solidarity with the Fertit community in Western Bahr Al Ghazal State (WBGS), particularly with the innocent civilians of the Wau massacre and others who are being targeted across the country by the Dinka government troops under President Salva Kiir Mayardit. We call on the people of South Sudan, other peace loving nations and the International Community to condemn the mass killing of un-arm civilians in Wau. We also call on the SPLA and Mathiang Anyoor to exercise discipline, self-control, and refrain from turning their frustration against the civilians in the event of losing battle against the opposition army.

We are devastated by the fact that government is recruiting and backing a variety of militia armed groups in the country, specifically Salva Kiir and Gen. Paul Malong Awan’s recruitment of the Mathiang Anyoor militia that involved in the recent destabilization of Wau town. The same Mathiang Anyoor that the African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan accused of having conducted house-to-house massacres in Juba in December 2013. We are concerned by the Mathiang Anyoor´s activities, which have been contributing to the disability and mass killing of innocent people in the country, especially in Wau.

We welcome the condemnation and solidarity letters worldwide issued by South Sudanese communities, especially by Lou Nuer Community in Australia, Melbourne. We also thank our WBGS communities globally, particularly in the EU, USA, Australia, and everywhere for quickly coming out with the support and condemnation letters against the mistreatment of the innocent civilians by Salva Kiir´s government. We stand behind our people of WBGS community, specifically our community and leadership in Wau.

We call on the TGoNU to fully and without delay implement the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, especially chapter two on the Permanent Ceasefire and the Security Arrangement. The people of Western Bahr Al Gazal State and Greater Equatoria are in shock and are disappointed by president Salva Kiir Mayardit´s denial of the cantonment areas in the both Western Bahr Al Gazal State and Greater Equatoria.

Chapter 2.2 of the permanent ceasefire and transitional security arrangement, clearly stated that ” warring parties agree that the forces that shall be cantoned shall be those forces previously in combat in Juba, Jonglei, Unity, and Upper Nile States, and any other forces related to the conflict in other areas that are declared by the warring Parties during the Permanent Ceasefire Arrangements Workshop” In which the leaders of IO have declared their forces to the government, during the two workshops in Addis Ababa, where the IO have confirmed that their forces also are present in both the Western Bahr Al Gazal State and Greater Equatoria areas.

We call on president Salva Kiir Mayardit to accept the cantonment areas in both Greater Bahr Al Gazal and Greater Equatoria in order to harmonize the peace and stability all over South Sudan and prevent further bloodshed in the Republic of South Sudan.

The writer of this article is a South Sudanese economist. He can be reached through his E-mail ukelodominc@gmail.com

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Gatdarwich July 2, 2016 at 11:02 am

Killer nyankiir’s genocidal régime has proven beyond reasonable doubts that it will and shall always deliver deaths and destructions to the nonJenges–the patriot 63 tribes in south Sudan full stop

Beek July 2, 2016 at 12:34 pm

Wau are bunch of militia and esay to be use by Khartoum and most of them wanted to become officials because of government money.

Beek July 2, 2016 at 12:40 pm

Dinkas are business people and have nothing to do with politics. Militias have to try very hard in order to change their own way of life. Untie Dinka need to stop.

Beek July 2, 2016 at 2:22 pm

I meant anti Dinka.

Beek July 2, 2016 at 12:44 pm

Those groups don’t know how to talk,it is like a same language Hilter had used against Jews,

Beek July 2, 2016 at 1:05 pm

Dear Ukelo, please i had live in Wau and i know how they behave inclusing your own or your so-called Lou/ Jur Chol. Dinka are South Sudanese.

Hoiloom July 3, 2016 at 7:00 am


Dinka are business people or a bunch of lazy thieves who empty public coffer? Give us a break! Some of us have visited Bhar el Gazal and have witnessed how your lazy folks flock to city by abandoning their villages. As we speak your people are migrating to DarFur in search of food when there is no insecurity in your region. Come to Upper Nile and see how people work on the land (farming).


Beek July 3, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Keep commenting boy.

stone July 3, 2016 at 6:20 pm

In the whole World, dinkas are known lazy people who know only ready made things.

Muonyjang[Man of Men] July 5, 2016 at 1:52 am

Hahahaha you mean Dinkas are lazy but they are your freedom fighters.Pliz be careful you will know us who are we.Salva will not leave that chair through bullets unless election.We are now aware if there is another war again then we will start with Equatoria because the dog who don’t know hyiena physically always misbehave so will teach you a lesson.

Jack Leder August 1, 2016 at 4:54 am

None of the suspects were known to intelligence services, and only Ramzi A, who was born in Nice, had a criminal record for robbery and drug offences. This suspect led police to discover a Kalashnikov and a bag of ammunition, however the purpose of the weapons was unclear.


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