Press Release,
By Gawaar-Nuer Community,

August 9, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– We, the Gawaar-Nuer Community in Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, United States, Canada and Australia, welcomes the popular demand of our people that is now endorsed by the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), African Union, the United States of America and allies to deploy a third-party force to break the senseless war in our country.
South Sudanese have suffered enough from a senseless civil war that is being funded and imposed by their own leaders, who are misusing the natural resources at the expense of the suffering innocent civilians. Instead of feeling ashamed that the people they want to govern are either starving to death in the bushes and swarms or being fed by the international community, South Sudan “liberators” turned self-serving politicians are more proud of killing, corruption, raping and looting from. The leaders who are desensitized by war think that these atrocities, war crimes and human rights abuses are normal and should be tolerated in 21st century.
At this point any good-will ambassador who has a better solution to restore peace in our country and return our people to the rightful path of prosperity is more than welcomed to help. It is in our culture and norms that when a brother failed to manage his own family, a distanced brother or a neighbor has a right to step in to restore the situation. Therefore we do not support many baseless and misleading arguments that are being presented by the failed, incompetence and senseless leaders that are imposing this unwanted war in our country. It is time for the region and the international partners to step in and say enough is enough.
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As explained in IGAD-Plus communique, the protection or intervention force will protect civilians, national installations, Juba International Airport and as well as provide the most needed security for our national city, Juba. In this regards, protection force will establish, disarm and punish the undercovered government funded bandits that have been raping, looting and killing civilians under the banner of “unknown gunmen”. Given that South Sudan cannot defend itself and its population from militias, tribal organizations like the Jieng Council of Elders and “Unknown gunmen”, the region has a natural right to intervene before South Sudan “unknown gunmen” begin going rampage in the neighboring countries.
To quickly unrest this senseless war and to contain it from escalation, the Gawar-Nuer worldwide calls on the United Nations and partners to expedite the deployment of the regional force so that a permanent peace turns to South Sudan.
Furthermore, the Gawaar-Nuer urge the UNSC, UNMISS, AU and IGAD to investigate the root causes of the recent dogfight in Juba and bring the perpetrators to justice.
The GNC calls on other Nuer sections to support the decision of IGAD in order for the third force to be deployed in Juba, South Sudan, to create a political environment where the peace agreement can be fully implemented in letter and spirit.
Gawaar-Nuer Community Condemn the Divide and Rule policy of Jieng Council of Elders using Taban Deng Gai and Other Nuer-wew.
We, the Gawaar- Nuer Community all over the world never recognize the illegal and bloody imposition of Gen. Taban Deng Gai to replace Dr. Riek Machar Teny. Taban was not appointed. He is being imposed on the people of South Sudan by the Dinka Council of Elders to destroy the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, 2015.
All Gawaar-Nuer Community of Ayod County stand with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO/A) under the able leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgoin, Chairman, Commander in Chief and the First Vice President of South Sudan. This is a divide and rule on the Nuer society by Dinka Council of Elders in Juba. It is very worrisome that some glutton Nuer, who cannot see the policy of Dinka, think that it is a chance for them to eat. Gawaar-Nuer Community will never allow or tolerate the divide and rule policy of the Dinka Council of Elders.
Those who divide Nuer society will not be allowed in the society of ‘’Naath’’ community all over the world and therefore, let all Nuer have confidential list for those who divided Nuer society by their selfish interests. Taban Deng Gai is devilish politician, who feeds on the blood of Nuer son. who fought for his stomach and not the interests of Nuer nations. Why our people have used in different ways instead to focus on the unity, peace of Nuer community.
Lastly, the unity of Nuer is paramount for Nuer to exist in South Sudan and elsewhere in the world. Let Nuer stands with Dr. Machar so that they can achieve the lasting peace in our country, South Sudan.
“We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same. We are united by the reality that all colours and all cultures are distinct & individual. We are harmonious in the reality that we are all held to this earth by the same gravity. We don’t share blood, but we share the air that keeps us alive. I will not blind myself and say that my black brother is not different from me. I will not blind myself and say that my brown sister is not different from me. But my black brother is he as much as I am me. But my brown sister is she as much as I am me.” C.JoyBel C.
- Wuor Gatjak Puol chairman of Gawaar-Nuer Community Uganda
- Dobuol Both, Chairman of Gawaar-Nuer Community in (South Sudan)PoCs(UNMISS)
- Abraham Tuom Chairman of Gawaar-Nuer Community in United States
- Gatkuoth Tut Chairman of Gawaar-Nuer Community in Kenya
- Thomas Riek Chairman of Gawaar-Nuer Youth in Kakuma Refugee in northern Kenya
None of u in south sudan who fuelled war and they even dont fight.our people have die enough and we said enough is enough.anybody or anyone is my brothers or my sister despites differences as long as he/she is a south sudan by nationality.God will funish those who pust us into war against ourselves.
Those people is salva kirr and paul malong. These guys are one to blame for cause south sudanese to kill each others.
Yuo highly welcome
Dear Gawaar-Nuer Commmunity all over the world,
Thank for press statement about regional troops to be deployed in South Sudan very soon. Let us hope for the best in our country, South Sudan.
All Gaawar sections must stand behind with Dr. Riek Machar Teny to the end of the South Sudan crisis, avoid communication with opportunists like the group of Taban Deng Gai.