![Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon leader of SPLM-IO [Photo supplies Ali Ngethi]](https://i0.wp.com/nyamile.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/dr-machar.jpg?resize=600%2C400)
SPLM-IO, SPLM-Juba and G-11 on Wednesday signed an agreement in Arusha, Tanzania, to begin reunifying the party. Misunderstandings and empowerment of dictatorship within the SPLM led to the outbreak of fighting in south Sudan 13 months ago that has killed tens of thousands of people mostly from one ethnicity [Nuer] and driven 2 million people from their homes.
The agreement reveal that after previously refusing to do so, Kiir has accepted to discuss issues of corruption, insecurity, ethnic politics and reform of a movement that lacked direction and vision, Machar said by phone on Friday from Nairobi Kenyan.
“Salva Kiir lost his case in Arusha, he should just resign,” Machar said. “He took the country to war because of that, now he comes and admits he was wrong, so why would he remain in power.”
South Sudan’s oil output, which provides about 90 percent of government income, has fallen to 160,000 barrels per day since fighting erupted in December 2013. Army commanders rebelled in three states, including crude-producing Unity and Upper Nile, after Kiir arrested rivals for allegedly plotting a coup.
There have been revelation that Leaders from Tanzania’s ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi will consult with President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Comrade Deng Alor Kuol, the head of a G-11, on the structure of the SPLM’s leadership. Discontent from members of the Resistance movement about the reunification agreement is based on a false assumption that Kiir will remain chairman, Machar said.
“This is not the case,” he said. “We’re still talking.” Disagreements on power-sharing between Machar and Kiir are blocking the finalization of a transitional government which the warring parties have agreed to form.
While Machar can contest the chairmanship at a future convention, Kiir has no plans to step down, said presidential spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny.
“That’s the beginning of him backing out from the agreement,” he said by phone from Juba on Friday evening, referring to Machar. “Whenever an agreement is reached, he begins to find ways of spoiling them.”
The SPLM factions’ pact pledged to bar any member found guilty of “gross human rights violation” from public office in the party and government.
Machar also urged the African Union to publish its report on an inquiry into the crisis and atrocities. “Some people are saying it will blow off the peace process he said. “To me no, we should face the reality of the situation.”
Machar said he “understands the frustration” people may have at the party leaders’ failure to govern and their violent split.
Unless a transitional government is formed, elections will go ahead as scheduled on June 30, the government said on Thursday. Holding a vote would be “ludicrous” because of war in three regions and spreading insurgencies, Machar said.
“They should seek peace instead of seeking the legitimization of President Salva Kiir,” he said.
South Sudan has been draged to its old days by lack of visionary leadership from the leaders in the ruling party. Many people are suffering in IDPs camps in Juba, Malakal, Unity State, Lake, Warrap and Jonglei State respectively. Little children died every day due to malnutrition, epidemics diseases and lack of sanitation in the camps because of congestion and shortage of basic needs.
The Vulnerable south Sudanese living in UN camps who are stunted of fearing to go back to their homes because they are being targeted by their fellow citizens who secure the upper hand of the President need Peace to come at once.
Dr.Machar is not the president of South Sudan,so simple.
I like the modern world. The Leader of SPLM-OI is likely in in PRISON,but he DENIED.
Hey Agumut! i hope you are out of your mind. read Arusha agreement very well you will find out that, kiir admit his weakness how come you jump to Dr.Riek who fought for your right twice, he is a champion for independence and now he will be a champion for democracy what do needs again from him? you want him to be in jail because of his intelligences?
Please tell me exactly,is it a body or a REBELLION??
Salva Kiir must step down first so that we can achieve the peace we need peace without #SALVAKIIR indeed.
His Body language might be for Nuer only if like his new look,but our people will never ever repeat the same mistake again when John Garang was double standard.
So all Nuer are going to fight and die because of that mentally ill body language of Riek.
Awek Teny Awek is just barking, how can he say this while he knows his boss admit that his leadership lost direction and that was the cause for all this mess. now is a time for Kiir to admit every thing and come out for public apology
peace ‘ll be a chieve if salva kiir step down, am hopefull that south sudan ‘ll be calm if machar came.this tirbel corruptist must go!!
No other choices from Riek Machar to propose just only the stepping down of President Salva Kiir is only a real choice? Hunting power by indirect ways I don’t think it going to work, Riek Machar has been a power- hunter since 1991,after his movement turned apart (self-determination) he went back to Khartoum and became the enemy of South Sudanese people, he fought against SPLA /SPLM together with Omer Al beshiir. Nothing to do with elected president to step down, why we want to violate the constitution values that we made as a guide to run the Nation.
I never seen where stupidity translated to be success!,only from stupid majority Dinka.i would have hanged myself if God created me dinka,for one reason because useless kirr,came from them.
I Tuol walwalkuikoy, Sidam,ley nyakang reath.
salva kiir must step down if he really admited that what cause the problem is merly a political issues of splm,2-let him begin to correct the mindless machines i.g makuei lueth(eng mean false) & malak ayuen ateny wek etc…about talking negative things about Nuer vs Dinka. most of dinka were not happy when salva kiir order the killing of Nuer si juba,
IT is some thing impossible for the case that Dr Machar demanded for resignation of kiir while people are suffering in hunger due to the war imposed on them by the SPLM party as they diagreed on the same matter .mr kiir .s term is very near so people should wait for election.
´We demand Compensations
We Demand Compensations
We Demand Compensations
We Demand compensations
We Demanded Compensations and not a BODY Language.
How can you demand for comensations when your economy is even nowhere to national standard? Do you even have cash to pay the civil servant?
Our demand will be there for long period,it will happen,but not in 2015.
I would like to inform you in advanced that the nuer people would not accepted this reunification of the party .because same of them have very low reasoning capacity. they will talk about power sharing while the reunification of party is done
Dr macher will lead nuer people to the river .please nuer people stop supporting riak then supported another person tether then riak .you have people with knowledge. Raik macher is finished you nuer .why him every time .ln 1991 and now.the ICC will called him soon.and he will left you nuer when he has finishing you.do not be like sheep who just following were one of gone to.be human being .have reasoning capacity.
Reunification of SPLM is the way forward to strengthen the peace process in Addis Ababa, it just to guarantee warring parties to unite in one party in advance because SPLM/IO and SPLM-FD think that to be in the SPLM is the only way to be in the power rather than to create another party.
That is why Dr. Riek stick to SPLM/A
There are so many reasons to let Dinka president pack and go, for instance he and his brothers have been committed human atrocities since December 2013 up to now a day, to me he has been actually lost what so called legitimacy, and let him pack his property and go.