The Event Summary Press Release,

July 17, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA is releasing this press as a summary press for Dr. John Garang Memorial Day Third Anniversary that was commemorated on Saturday of July 2nd, 2016 in great city of Lincoln, Nebraska. It was a weekend of July 4th, an importance day in United States of America. For people who might not know story behind this date in United States of America people’s History. Pleasantly by spotlight it, the July 4th of 1776 was the day and the date whereby the United States of America gained its Independence. So as always, this date is being observed every year by the United State citizens to honors their freedom founders and heroes.
Dr. John Garang Memorial Day was founded by Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA in 2014 as the way to remembers their brothers and sisters who have voluntarily sacrificed for our people Momnaau/Freedom. The First time Dr. John Garang Memorial Day was observed by Twic East Community members was September 27, 2014 in great city of Des Moines, Iowa. Meanwhile, the Second Anniversary was commemorated last year on July 3rd, 2015 in great city of Syracuse, New York. This Event is not limits to our sons and daughters only but our Community of Eastern Twic Dinka does recognize other heroes of our nations whenever we commemorate Dr. John Garang Memorial Day.
This great Event was attained by difference communities of South Sudan, Sudanese, Administrative areas like Abyei, South Khordufan, Blue Nile, Darfur region, also the Event was attained by people from outsider border of our republic of South Sudan. In addition too, Dr. John Garang Memorial Day was attained by many veterans from Anya Nya One, Anya Nya Two and SPLM/A struggles’ times veterans as well. For instance, the family of CDR. Yusuf Kwa was one of the recognizable guests who were in Dr. John Garang Third Anniversary celebrations. People were happy, and at the same time it was memories refreshing times for them to looks back when it comes to what they have done to our country voluntarily. Plus it was a great moment for them to recalls and appreciates their brothers and sisters who are not longer with them yet they were critical parts of our nation independence on July 9, 2011.
Some of our nation struggles’ histories since 1950s until 2005 were narrated by living legends who did attend Dr. John Garang Memorial Day Third Anniversary. Again, most of these histories were driven from Anya Nya One, Anya Nya Two upto the days of the SPLM/A eras. Creditably, among gathering dignitaries, there were former long time Chairman of the SPLM/A and Founder, Dr. John Garang bodyguards personnel. Meanwhile other heroes were from our nation as well as from different parts of former united Sudan movements. These heroes too were including people from Nuba Mountain, Blue Nile, Darfur, etc. The Event was an enjoyable scene because of many heroes who did sing some of their memories songs of past days of struggles. Plus many other formidable anecdotes notes dating back to their movements periods for our people freedom.
The Eastern Twi Dinka people, and its leaderships would like to appreciates their members who make this an importance Event possible in great city of Lincoln, Nebraska. Starting with our local community members residing within great area of Lincoln, Nebraska. Also, we thank our members all over the U.S. who have attained the Event plus other members of ours who didn’t make it to the Event for any unavoidable reasons, but they still did play other major roles in Dr. John Garang Memorial Day Third Anniversary according to plans adoring it. Moreover, our members, we are so please for your efforts, the efforts you have exerted this have made a significant difference for Dr. John Garang Memorial Day. Lastly and not least, we highly appreciates our guests who did join us to commemorates the Event through joy and recalls. Again, our local members, you were the architect or the rock of Dr. John Garang Memorial Day. Thanks, Thanks and Thanks You All!!!
Finally, we would like to close our press by urgent South Sudanese communities’ citizens to embraces peace more than devoting to senseless killings of our peoples, either one of the two Parties involve in war win or loss, still we believe this conflict wouldn’t bear anything good to our country other than shame to any protagonists involve into this useless conflict. As being a community that put peace first over conflict solutions whenever situation might dictate it, we think peace is more beneficial to any citizens of our country compare to war bad results possess at the end of the day.
Also, we don’t see this conflict as it is between Dinkas and Nuers and/or any other South Sudanese’ tribes. In reality, we do consider this conflict as for few elites in leadership who are fighting for power greedy, and selfishness in expenses of innocent citizens who are majority and major beam base of our country of South Sudan.
Our condolences to the deceases innocent people souls of our nation, and May Almighty God comfort the broken-hearts families and friends.
May God shines the light of PEACE to our Community Citizens and our South Sudanese citizens as well!!!
Signed by:
The Executive Members of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA
“Let us first and foremost accept that we are all [South Sudanese] Sudanese. Arabism cannot unite us, Africanism that is oppose to Arabism cannot unite us, Islam cannot unite us, Christianity cannot unite us but Sudanism [South Sudanism] can unite us because it is a common factor. And let us also drop these crazy ideas that we must all be Arabs even God will not accept this. In His infinite wisdom, it is this same God that created the Arabs, the Fur, the Dinka, Nuer and all the other five hundred ethnic groups in the sudan and who this to amend God’s creation; a person who want to do this amendment, I would say is against God ( lo gazi bitya de rafauu le Rabuna I will win this case walai laziim)” By Dr. John Garang de Mabior
Do you think Abyei is a Sudanese region? IS Bor community belong to Ethiopia? You just posting article incomplete meaning.
Mawien Magol, you don’t know you are talking about, sir. This is Greater Twic East Community that nothing to do Greater Bor Community. We are not a thirty community for innocent bloods. So leave us alone, there is money or food for bloods. Thanks
Corrected: Mawien Magol, you don’t know what you are talking about, Sir. This is Greater Twic East Community that has nothing to do with Greater Bor Community. We are not a thirty community for innocent bloods. So leave us alone, there is money or food greedies in exchange for innocent bloods somewhere elese. So you might go and look other places. Thanks