Press Release

Deputy Chairperson of Nuer Council of Elders Confirmed his loyalty to Dr. Riek Machar

Nuer Supreme Council Responses To The Jieng Council of Elders
Nuer Supreme Council Responses To The Jieng Council of Elders

October 11, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—-There are a lot of allegations that Nuer Elders have deserted or defected from SPLM-IO Under the Leadership of Dr.Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon. That is not true!

“If there are any individuals or people who did, it is not all the members of the Nuer Council of Elders” Read the press.

The Nuer Council of Elders is a community based body created to oversee the interests of the Nuer community in general. That had happened when the genocide or the massacre of the Nuer community took place in Juba 15-20th December 2013.

The remnant Sons and Daughters of the Nuer, who have been systematically targeted  and massacred by the regime in Juba for the reasons only known to its leadership, run away for the safety of their life.

Including Comrade Dr.Riek Machar, they found themselves in the town of Nasir. These categories consisted of Youth, Women, Community Elders, Cultural and traditional leader, politicians and soldiers.

Due to the need, they decided to organize themselves and form a Resistant Movement called SPLM/A to lead the struggle, and elected Comrade Dr.Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon as their Leader.

This Movement is not really a political Party. Many of the members who were not members of SPLM Party before also joined.

The question is, did we the survivors, who came out from Juba learned any lesson from the terrible situation which the Nuer and others people around them are going through?

The rebellion in some situation is natural and expected. We must realize that what had happened to the Nuer people is different compared to any normal events. Therefore, the Nuer nation needs Unity to face it.

The vision of the Nuer Council of Elders is  to oversee the interest of the Nuer Community in general and concerns to ensures that the root causes of the conflict and killing of over 17,420 Ethnic innocent Nuer in Juba.

Between the 15-20th December 2013 many Nuer, mostly Women, children and elderly people were killed and as elders who believe in natural justice, the perpetrators of the Nuer massacres must be taken to court of Justice!

The aggrieved community (The Nuer) felt that till now none of the culprits/perpetrators has been held responsible and accountable for the massacre in Juba.

As part of the future goals and objectives of the Nuer Council of Elders; the original idea was to get a forum in Pangak  to elect members of the Council of Elders through democratic process. That will happened in the Near future.

In conclusion; the Nuer Council of Elders is determined to ensure that Justice must prevails in the court, (ICC).

My Last advised is to those who ever defected, “This is what the Lord says; Do not fight against your relatives. Go back home, for what has happened is my doing” (2 Chronicles 11:1-4)

And to the Leaders, if you are a leader, consider carefully your leadership style so that you do not drive away people from your leadership, community or nation. We have hardly learned from the history, haven’t We?

Signed by:

Rev.Matthew M. Deang

Deputy Chairperson of the Nuer Council of Elders

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GatNor October 11, 2015 at 1:12 pm

I think the best retribution and compansation is by taking the land from our agressive soon to be neighbors the Jaang. Nuers need to go back into the old strategic displacement style of encroaching neighbors where young volunters like the white army are dispatch to stand gaurds from a distant untill the agressors relocated hench irradicting any emminent threats.

There is so much wealth and land already tranfered to the foregners that are helping the Jaang to systematically destroy Nuer Nation and the best way to transfere the costs is as I suggested above. There is no other way around it. Its either you consider implementing my suggestion or your council should be dismantled and Nuers can surrendered to the Jaang’s unstoppable encroaching Councils.

AMEN October 12, 2015 at 9:46 am

There is no NUER COUNCIL OF ELDERS (NCE) they just want to imitation what Dinka did when there is JIENG COUNCIL OF ELDERS (JCE) and that of DINKA was formed before CPA sign by JONH GARANG MABIOR, I adviced Nuer elders not to imitate what the DINKA did. JCE is wise forum which consisted with educated and strong politicans and they are not there to advcie the government of south sudan. they are there to see the problem facing JIENG in their Villages

GatNor October 13, 2015 at 10:54 am

First of all “what’s in the name”

No worries budd, Nuers will one day form a strong organization that will only accept members that will pledge an oath of legend to advancing & protection of Nuer interest.

When that day arrives South Sudan will be a safer place for all because Nuer interest is consistent to the interest of the whole nation of South Sudan unlike that of Jaang’s.

The good thing is it will be an organization of visionaries sprinkle some patriots of MNW on that and the world is ours from there and beyond.


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