Press Release

South Sudan: Civilians Evacuate Renk Town Due to Shelling.

SPLA using sophisticated weapons
SPLA using sophisticated weapons (photo file by Nyamilepedia)

Feb 17, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — Renk county and its neighboring areas at the far north of the country have been in turmoil for the last five days. Consecutive clashes between the two factions of SPLA, the SPLA-Juba and SPLA-IO, have raged from Kaka Turjeria, Manyo County, to the bordering towns in Renk County in the last few days.

While Juba has had upper hand in this part of the region for the last one year, latest battles have inflicted heavy loses on SPLA-Juba.

According to SPLA military sources from Northern Upper Nile, the battles have been deadly, leaving trails of dead and wounded soldiers, majorly in Kaka and its suburbs.

The government soldiers fleeing Kaka to neighboring Renk, Palouch and Adar have raised panic in these areas, forcing the residents to cross the border to Kosti and border towns in Sudan.

Unconfirmed number of people have been reportedly wounded in Renk as artillery hit the town from the western side of the Nile River, an area controlled by the forces of SPLA-IO, according to local sources.

The SPLA [IO] sources have further confirmed minor clashes on the west bank of the river, southwest of Renk, alleging that their forces overran an area that was originally controlled by SPLA-Juba.

In the late afternoon, yesterday, civilians fled Renk amid shelling; fearing that fighting could erupt at any time between the SPLA-Juba forces and SPLA-IO fighters.

Related reports indicate that the shelling from the western side of the river began at 4:00 p.m., prompting the civilians to flee toward areas along the Upper Nile-Sudan border.

Following the battle of Kaka, and yesterday shelling, Nyamilepedia confirmed today from the natives on the ground that at least few people were injured in the shelling, and Palouch air trip has been very busy exiting the wounded soldiers to Juba. Some tukuls were also burned by stray bullets.

The opposition further admitted having launched an attack on Kaka area southwest of Renk, claiming to have captured the town.

Capt. Paul Malith spokesman of Div-7 said the two warring parties were in combat for five hours yesterday and succeeded in overrunning Kaka. He told Nyamilepedia that their forces took Kaka from the government following serious shelling on their position.

“It is not a surprise that the government have carried out attacks in Shilluk kingdom for the whole of this week as you may have witnessed Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Bilieu was inciting the attack and vowed to overrun our current position in Wedakona over state run SSTV,” he added.

Malith further claimed that their forces have captured 12 pickup trucks, mounted with heavy weapons, two Walid armored personnel carriers and a store of ammunition in Kaka.

Attempt to reach the SPLA-Juba faction to comment on the reports has been overshadowed by the latest media resolutions from the Minister of Information, and Government Spokesman, Michael Makuei Lueth.

Hon. Makuei threatens to shutdown any media house and/or drag journalists to court should they report the two sides of the conflict or any defeat of the governments allied forces.

“Miraya: you are interviewing rebels. If it happens again we are shutting you down. And this must be made very clear. We are shutting you down if you interview any rebel here to disseminate his or her plans and policies within South Sudan,” said Makuei.

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AGUMUT February 17, 2015 at 6:16 am

It seems Riek Machar is not the commander of rebels soldiers on the ground. Maybe Nuer are divided into factions again..

Tuol Nyakang February 17, 2015 at 8:16 am

What do you expect from him? @agumut.

Mawien Magol February 17, 2015 at 9:25 pm

People were expected him to respect peace. The SPLA Juba was ready to retakes all Lou counties but because of peace deal he stop going there. What do guys want exactly? There is no short cut to presidency

Gatkuoth Lok February 17, 2015 at 11:01 am

Nonsensical and absurd dear AGUMUT to express your irrational wishful thinking.

GatNor February 17, 2015 at 11:40 am

Gatluak Paŋuɛ̈l Robbers from Bortown just kiiled an Anyuak Chief in an Ambush.


Loberito February 17, 2015 at 3:18 pm

Why do you think Dr. Riek Machar is not a commander-Chief Agumut? Is that because Renk is under attacked? Probably Slavatore is no longer Commander-Chief too because his forces attacked Mighty freedom fighters. Slavatore is in trouble. The regime is losing a war and economic of the country. The freedom fighters have all the rights to shell Renk because the President violated ceasefire by extending his psoition as the president for more two Years. The President extended his time as he wishes and what do you expect from the fighters?

Elbow Chuol February 17, 2015 at 6:51 am

They are also fleeing Melut as we talks with now

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 10:24 am

Brother Elbow Choul I keep telling you, we in Melut, Renk , Maban and Akoka are waiting for your ignorant rebels to come to us and we will show them the lesson that they will never forget, just wait, you can shell us from there but if you get in, then you will see.
its our land and we will protect it for last minutes, you will be happy when you get there I assure brother.

GatNor February 17, 2015 at 11:08 am

Your land eh? You who? You the cowards women and child murderers? Your forces just retreated from Kaka. You don’t even read before commenting do you?

“Capt. Paul Malith spokesman of Div-7 said the two warring parties were in combat for five hours yesterday and succeeded in overrunning Kaka. He told Nyamilepedia that their forces took Kaka from the government following serious shelling on their position.”

You sound much like Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Bilieu who was inciting attacks only to be defeated and ran even before he stop talking. You should just zip it partner.

Wed Aljunub February 17, 2015 at 5:19 pm

I would like to say this again to you Mr GatNor, please take the word coward away from your mouth. if you think Nuer is brave than Dinka why you invades Shuluk areas on other side of west bank of the Nile and Dinka is bordering you, you should come directly and fight them in their areas instead. do not telling nonsence to people

GatNor February 17, 2015 at 9:01 pm

If you are not following the events here is a recap. Government Armed the Chulluks, and the Bruns extremist and attacked Nuer civilians in the process kidnapped some Nuer UN Workers who were identified to be Nuers and never to be seen again. this communities attacked Nuers based on their ethnics to demonstrate having pledge allegion to the government. So they did target Nuers because it is the same normal practice the government of South Sudan against the Nuers. Just days ago government started to burn down chuluk towns and residents before evacuating knowing that the opposition forces are coming to take the town or push out the government forces from the town. And so it happened that they been fooled into a war they should be a party to since it is the Dinkas going after Nuers in all corners of this planet. Now you see where I am coming from. Justify that for me if you could. Give me the literal translation of the word coward and if it does not describe the cowardice actions of the perpetrators starting from Dec/2013 in Juba to the few days ago. Maybe I will drop the word. Don’t burn everytime I say the word because I have a reason for doing so. If it describe you and the ideology that you as a persona supports I will keep saying it till you burn even more. get it?

GatNor February 17, 2015 at 9:04 pm

Why to please a unreasonable COWARD like you? Hell F&N No!

jingmirpuk February 18, 2015 at 1:04 am

By Gatnor Nyabol we want to fight you until you guys vow and confess for what you have done including your president husband(UGANDA MUSEVENI).

Loberito February 17, 2015 at 3:21 pm

Wow, one wonders what kind of power do you have in Maban? The freedom fighters challenged Ugandan forces and you in Maban have more power than Ugandan forces?

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 7:55 pm

Yes Mr. Loberito, we will show our power in Maban, Melut, Akoka and Renk Mark our words, ask the rebels , they had learned many lessons, and I do not think they that stupid to try again, that’s why they at Shuluk Area’s

jingmirpuk February 18, 2015 at 12:46 am

MR.donkey your time is up with money lover that you brought think carefully and check your balance we will show Nuer fight for foriener.

GatNor February 17, 2015 at 6:51 am

Renk Should never be in control of Juba -Faction given its strategic geographical positioning, I am surprised the war generals did not prioritised its take over early. Malakal is weak without Renk and Renk is weak without Malakal. One falls and the other will follow.

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 11:21 am

Sorry Brother GatNor, you guys will never get it, I keep telling Nuer brothers, if you want to survive then make sure you are coming to Northern Upper Nile, How many times they tried and fail, but next time we will go over west side chasing you.
they know Northern Uppe Nile is not easy people, we are peaceful clan but when you attack us then you will know that was your big mistake.

joseph February 17, 2015 at 11:29 pm

Am still keeping talking you both parties that you need to think wish as you know both of this tribe is Majority you need to think good so that you rule the Country forever with out giving this post to small clan if you guys mean like what you are saying we are born to Rule and you know this position is for our Country and it is for ever body so if you guys mean like what you are saying both parties you can withdrawal any small tribe those are there with you in the ground to where they came from and you can remain there Nuer and Dinka so that we see they weakness of one tribe to end our conflict and also and forgrian in our country need to be taken back and all Dinkas and Nuer who are there in Juba should go to there own state and they of rise of the tribe who are in Juba or in else where who are not belong to that state or that County should move to where he come from to finish our conflict soon in this way like now we don,t know which party is strong Nuer or Dinka stop saying the word Rebel and Government it is the conflict between Dinka and Nuer but because there is some fear they Dinka are useing all the Government solider while this war is not for the all Country and for the Nuer of cousre the rest of tribe who are there may be my position is given to some one so i will be enemy to that person like state governor or Country leader so my advisa to all the rest of the tribe out of Nuer and Dinka you need to move out if you are with Dinka or you are with Nuer and tell them to move from your County or State soon but we don,t like to fight with you and we don,t dislike you this is where we come to our solution if we did like this my friend dinka and nuer we can safe our country soon

Loberito February 18, 2015 at 12:19 am

That is very logical Joseph!

Guanbiet February 17, 2015 at 7:10 am

please, whoever stay in that location should take care for her or his life, please evacuate donot incite like government because Government usually tell fail for way of getting soldier moral

John Jal Kuach February 17, 2015 at 8:14 am

don’t worried mr Gumut being distance from politicits that why we be victims over 20,000.in a war” campaign serious planned out a ARMY FORCES on SST. only bullet can change dictators.

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 11:17 am

Believe Brother John Jan that bullet will finish you up before Salva, you guys are just insane idiot and foolish, do you think you can overthrow the government, damn, wake up brother and come into your sense before there will be no Nuer any more.

kim puoch ruey March 16, 2015 at 4:05 am

comgratulation capt malitith for recapturing gabat in east ayond

John Jal Kuach February 17, 2015 at 8:21 am

no more trust shilluk &bor.

Biculkuon February 17, 2015 at 8:59 am

I like that development, let them smell that smoke very well

Kobi nyayoach korroth February 17, 2015 at 9:36 am

Agumut or what ever you call yourself Dr. Machar is fair honest and kind person and is imfortant person to nuer tribe instead to have two side don’t tell alie we continue fighting the government of Kiir’s tribal men

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 11:32 am

who is honest brother Reik damn you guys are all the same educated non educated all the shit. feel sorry for you if you think Reik is a honest then that’s mean in Nuer no honest men at all.
that man is an ass hole, killer, and thirsty blood killer, you and your ignorant Reik are going no where.

jingmirpuk February 18, 2015 at 1:23 am

Malek I could be happy you could be a pure Danka of Bhar
– elgazel I,m a real Nuer from Nasir town jikany Kiir can you guys close your lip not use such word again BORN TO RULE? YOUR RULING NOW BECAME killing innocents and wasting South Sudan resource you are now incompetence

AGUMUT February 17, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Dr.Riek Machar is a greedy of power,but Nuer tribe are very very primitives like ISIS born YOUTH of the WESTERN WORLD.

Loberito February 18, 2015 at 12:29 am

Slowly down Agumut. Are you telling us that Nuer are primitive or it is the President who killed the Nuer who is Primitive?

Robert Ohisa February 17, 2015 at 10:00 am

For those Jeing who are afraid of some body leading them please be advice that, the time has come for someone else to lead south Sudan your Dinka leaders has lost their brains in greed your greed has taken as nowhere. it is time to let understand that no one is born to rule. when people were dying with hunger in night 80s Abil Aliar was busy throwing the food that was met for millions of hungry people south Sudan in the River Nail. when will the Dinkas learn how to be good to their neighbors and those who help them.


Engineer: Sururu. February 17, 2015 at 11:50 am


Loberito February 17, 2015 at 6:51 pm

You got it right brother Robert.

Tamu Lotta February 18, 2015 at 12:22 am

Yes I agree with you Loberito since Kirr what to stay so long I think there will be no peace at all then freedom fighters will inter Renk after oil will be closed.and new fresh Dura will be much for this year.

Deng Luak (@dengluak) February 17, 2015 at 10:59 am

those are late soviet weaponry obtained by Uganda to forge Salva kiir to use them. That what I been saying all the times that we have to clear Upper nile before M7 realize he is losing the war. Importantly shot down Paloch oilfields in Upper nile in prevent to finance the M7 war games. People are relaying on peace that help Salva kiir and his supporters acquiring mesile system. Now, what?

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 7:58 pm

No one will be able to shut down Paloch /Adar oil field, we are there protecting it, you come and we will show your final fate.

John Korsuk Wani February 17, 2015 at 11:10 am

You people are abusing the internet. War is give and take. At the end there will be a looser and winner. Nobody must boast about war. The truth is that there are casualties on both side and at the end they are South Sudanese. Think this way, if Nuer come in the the Dinka or another tribe goes into the bush, how will it look like? Let us not think like animals who do not have common sense but use human sense please.


GatNor February 17, 2015 at 11:27 am

On another development some youths in Lake State are agitated that the commander-in-sh*t general salva kiir showed up empty handed without any tangible solution to resolves the tribal and revenge killings he massively had a hand in by his divisive policies. Lets wait and see how long he will be allow to stay by the angry youngsters.

Goweng Torbaar February 17, 2015 at 11:57 am

Run run and run for your dear life, e kac lora. Now it is a fight between South Sudanese and foriegn force of Kiir and his Militia. where are Nuer wew of Dinka and where is Guelweng? they all die. Tell those who are busy to come to Juba that there is no room for wounded people here. All hospitals are full of wounded brought from Bentiu

James Gatwech Makuei February 17, 2015 at 12:23 pm

No doubt unless Mrs. Nyankiir Museveni has resign in a presidency thus when there should be stability in S. Sudan.

Raan Wuntiit February 18, 2015 at 12:30 am

The war of words will not help brothers joint one side and call it a day.

chuol deng February 17, 2015 at 12:30 pm

For the government to shutdown all media will not help them let them come to front line and see how fighting is.

Bol Deng February 17, 2015 at 9:49 pm

Let them shutdown them all. The Us will see how the government they have been supporting doing things.

Tut John February 17, 2015 at 12:32 pm

Renk will fall down very soon and I hope those kiir troops in Zero area will be killed all. Than palouch will follow it. Dogs dont cry, it is not the first round, SPLA-IO will defeat u soon.

Malek Auger February 17, 2015 at 8:01 pm

Brother Tut John I keep telling you , your nuer brothers will never cross that river to Maban, Melut, Akoka or Renk, it will be their final graveyard brother

Bol Deng February 17, 2015 at 9:44 pm

It would be a good news for both freedom fighters and their supporters as well. pal ouch will be a turning point of falling of Salva Kiir government.

Goikuach February 17, 2015 at 12:37 pm

I think it is time for government to attack Lou Nuer counties. Declare an all out war since these rebels are not respecting ceasefire agreements. Let the war be settled militarily.

Bol Deng February 17, 2015 at 9:39 pm

I hope the government fearing attempting attack Lou Nuer areas. If government attacking Lou Nuer this dry season, none will be going back to Juba. This year is not the same like last year war when war was not arranged. I hope the consequences have been seen by government in Renk fighting, and there are no white army who perusing without stops in that location.

warfive February 17, 2015 at 7:17 pm

Its true indeed Nuer are brave in nature when it come to defends themselves if it wasn’t Uganda troops would been penetrated in to Lounuer territory but because white Armies fuckin proved to dumb as mojieng and their coward scary ass Ugandans. once again Jieng need to advise their an Alcoholic president to stop Drinking too much alcoholic before signed his death certificate so let’s watch how he behaves.

Loberito February 18, 2015 at 12:44 am

Warfive, President is not an alcoholic for nothing. The blood of innocent civilians plus frustration of losing the country must be the factors. The President needs to take a break to recover otherwise…

Mawien Magol February 17, 2015 at 8:38 pm

The Sophisticated weapons which we have seen are not from the government side but they are from rebels control and they are now using these new sophisticate weapons against civilians population in Renk county. I am very sure Juba’s government did not transfer any kind of these new weapons to war zone. It is very surprised for the rebels to use modern weapons like what we have seen in far away Renk county and if the government want to use these sophisticated weapons then, things are going to be bad.

I have come to agree with those who said, early that, the former vice president who turned rebel leader had no control on the others of his generals and the attacked on Monday shown exactly that, the rebels themselves are divided some thing which the supporters of rebels leader and the former vice president himself wouldn’t want to tell to IGAD,AU and the UN but clearly, this is what It is now. You got Sudanese of Northern Sudan strongly disagree with Omar al Bashir about arming Southern Sudanese rebels saying, if they make peace themselves then, they turned these guns against us and this debated still going in the North Sudan now.

Dr. Riek Machar must admitted and air out if there is another coup attempted in the bush by his generals.

Loang Paul February 18, 2015 at 12:49 am

Akoka and malut are nothing as long as we clear Renk this all areas will deserted themselves.

Malek Auger February 18, 2015 at 8:31 am

hahahahahaha I knew it you are so ignorant, brother you will never take over any of these area’s northern upper nile, Renk is your grave

bol teal james February 18, 2015 at 1:32 am


Tamu Lotta February 18, 2015 at 6:28 pm

Nobody talking about Dinka or Nuer to fight. Problem is Kirr he doesn’t know how to save life of south Sudan poor people. Since the independent of the country only corruption no vision. So let him go immediately Riak can led the country. what is the reason for fighting our brothers in one country?. The country need to settle with good ideas.


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