July 25, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– The community management committee, council of elders and civil society representatives, condemns the target killing and raping of IDPS women in strongest terms possible, and call for the perpetrators to be brought to book of justice by AU- commission of enquiries on Human Rights.
Calls; we call upon the United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and International community to remember their roles stipulated on UN charter on civilians’ protection. We deeply value your effort in particular United Nations peacekeeping Forces in South Sudan at both POCs-Juba although there are enormous acts against IDPs, we demand for full protection of civilians.
Following the recent violence between the two forces loyal to president Kiir and first vice president Dr. Riak Machar. The fight which erupted on Friday 8th July, 2016 in J1 presidential palace has raised fear among IDPS in POC one. This has made the leadership of the Camp and Civil Society led by Youth for Change to appeal to UN Security Council, UNMISS and all International community to review their full mandate on civilians’ protection in unmiss (s).
As a result of the fight; we are notifying you on civilians’ suffering and causalities sustained in POCs are critical. The 231 IDPs were wounded through government shielding in UNMISS premises POCs. Some of them sustained minor gunshots and some are severely wounded and 52 IDPs died on spot and includes children, women and men through government shielding with an intended deliberately target shooting on civilians in UN premises in the four days fight.
Deplores; the human rights violations against IDPs civilians in POCs by forces loyal to government. There are serious cases and uncalled for crimes committed. Rapes and forceful sexual violence against women who were raped from Jebel check-point and Yei road when they went to the market to look for food items to buy. This happened because their children were hardily starving since there was a low humanitarian intervention by UN agencies providing services.
Rape cases; we regret on 17 July 2016, about the forcefully sexual violence against idps women who were ruthlessly raped by government soldiers on their way to jebel market. Reasons of their going out was caused by lack of food and water in POCs, they had sacrificed their own lives to get out from UNMISS camps to search for food. On 18/7/2016, 72 women were raped and 28 of them were taken to bushes and still missing.
On 19/7/2016, nine women were also raped at jebel checkpoint, seven were released and two were found dead in nearby houses according to the eye witness. On other hand, on 20/7/2016, Nuer idps women who went to Juba in search for food, on their way back to POCs.
In separate story; Nuer idps women were attacked by Dinka women with forceful back-up from their husbands who stood at the road side and pointing at Nuer idps women with guns. Their goods and food items was taken by attackers.
Warns, the attacks on civilians in UNMISS camps all over the country, in particular unmiss Bor, Malakal and unmiss (s) in juba. There are disappearance cases of idps in around the unmiss camps in juba by SPLA-IG soldiers and whereabouts them is not known and eye witnesses confirmed that the bodies of the missing idps were founded in the bush.
Regrettably; Meanwhile Mr. Sammy Lony the executive director of Youth for Change, a civil society organization operating in UNMISS Camps, has condemns the arbitrary arrest, disappearances of idps and unlawful detention of humanitarian worker in the country. South Sudanese people must make sure that they support peace building in the republic of South Sudan, and not to rally behind their tribal leaders.
We would also want to appeal United Nations Mission in South Sudan-UNMISS and the rest of international bodies to beef up security in the camps and outside protection of civilians’ sites.
We also request the parties to the conflict in south Sudan to reestablish a ground to peaceful implementation of the agreement. There is a need to restore trust amongst the people of South Sudan and to live in harmony.
Conclusively; we therefore welcome, the deployment of regional third forces to provide civilians protection in South Sudan, since government is not fully protecting its citizens and IDPs who are sheltering in UNMISS camps.
Persons consent (singed):
- Mr. Yonus Tut Ruon, Chairperson poc-1(consent).
- Mr. Kielkiel Sammy Lony, Civil Society Representative, Youth for Change_South Sudan team leader (consent)
You can reach the author at youth4change.ssudan@gmail.comm