Press Release


For Immediate Release,

By Dak Bouth,

Nairobi, Kenya


10th December 2017(Nyamilepedia) —– ‘‘While our people, the people of South Sudan, are passing through these difficult times in their long history of struggle for freedom, justice, equality and prosperity, it is not possible for me to remain unperturbed by, indifferent or insensitive to this unprecedented trepidation, immense suffering, fragmentation and internecine fighting occasioned by the events of December 15, 2013’’. Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba, 2014.

We are so sorry to learn the tragic death of over 70 people in Lake State as result of inter clans clash on 8th December 2017. We felt shock to read this sad news again on nyamilepedia.com and Radio Miraya. We acknowledge this huge loss with sincere regret. Our thoughts are with the bereaved families in lake state and elsewhere in South Sudan. Please receive condolences.

We condemn this continuous killing. We need paradigm shift to avert this uncouth and uncivilized behavior of war in South Sudan. Just a week and half ago on 27th November 2017, we lost over 96 innocent civilians in one village of Duk, Jonglei state in the hand of merciless government militia from Pibor state which is another the government stronghold.

The killing in Duk began in the wee hours and goes up to noon time. Upon invading the said village, the attackers looted properties and set homes ablaze before escaping with over 50 children and dozen women.

If at all the government’s hands were clean and if they were not privy to the attack in Duk, they would have come to the rescue of the victims, and perhaps that huge loss would have been minimized. Even after that fateful day, the regime in Juba has done absolutely nothing to rescue those abducted children and women. To add salt to injury, they turned down the humble request to ferry the wounded to the clinics in Bor town. This silence gesture epitomizes guiltiness on President Salva Kiir and company.

Prior to that incident, on 7th December 2017, a journalist, Mr Thedros Tombe who work for Bakhita Radio was gunned down in broad day light in the capital Juba. And as usual, no investigation whatsoever was conducted up to date.

Earlier on Tuesday 6th December 2017, two young boys, Kuol Yuol and Buai Gatkuoth went missing. Only yesterday morning their bodies were found lying in Jabel Kujur area in Juba. Still the rogue authorities in Juba remain mum on the same as if nothing is going wrong. These empirical evidences demonstrate that the regime of the day is thriving in runaway crimes and killings.

We reiterate that we condemn President Salva Kiir’s oppressive and repressive regime for its persistent acts of commission and or omission. This is another bloodiest week. We appeal to our Friends in Africa and the world to rescue us from certain death.

Nonetheless, we must appeal louder to the South Sudanese themselves more than to the international community. We now call on Ruop and Pakam clans to stop this inter clan fighting forthwith. We must rise to the occasion today or tomorrow and say enough is enough. We are wasting our god given strength in senseless clan war that would not benefit us and South Sudan as whole.

We, the people of South Sudan cannot continue to die like proverbial people in the Bible who perished due to lack of knowledge. With these spilling clan and tribal wars, it seems we still don’t know what has been killing us all this long. The enmity among us emanated from SPLM regime in juba.

It’s often said that Time is good teacher. After all this long, we ought to have clue of this monster that is bringing anarchy in our land. As we are all aware, hundreds of thousands have died so far, and over 4 million people have been forced out from their homes.

We fondly remember no single day has South Sudan flag fly half-mast to mourn the victims. This passive attitude speaks volumes. For your information, in case we don’t know. We wish to state without fear of contradiction, that it is the regime in Juba that is fomenting, and fanning inter clan and inter-ethnic clashes with a view to maintain its grip on power. We cannot condone this divides and rule strategy which the regime of the day is advancing to gain political mileage.

President Salva Kiir’s regime has failed to invest in us through education, health, nutrition and other aspect of development, such as ensuring that safe water is available, communication systems are developed. IF we may ask: What basic of life is that government providing now? If not than it has no business sitting idle there.

In view of the foregoing therefore, we must regroup to unearth this autocratic regime that has vowed to stay put by mean of violence and fear. Over the years, the people of lake state like other people of South Sudan have been reacting patriotically. Now you need to channel your ire where deem fit. You must stop and direct your anger on the regime in juba and hold it accountable. Do not unleash your wrath on your innocent neighbors who could be there for you tomorrow in your time of need.

We are appealing to the south Sudanese in general and the Ruop and Pakam clans in particular to leave these petty clan or ethnic rivalries. This conflict between Pakam and Ruop clans is sibling rivalry. We urge you not to fight among yourselves. Please observed ceasefire. We call on you to settle down and reconcile. Rethink and joint the ongoing effort to sort out this national problem in Juba first.

We are the native informants, and we cannot stand neutral on artificial matters that caused death and disunity among our people in South Sudan. We cannot sit on the fence and look at bad things happening in our country.

We call for unity of purpose among our long-suffering people of South Sudan. Our unity as the people is paramount for people united can never be defeated. We must wake up and shun negative ethnicity and preach peace, love unity and togetherness in our beautiful land.

Best Regards

Dak Buoth


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