By Ngok Lual Yak Communities in N. America, E. Australia, W. Australia,

August 14th 2018 (Nyamilepedia) – Mr. President, we the Communities of Ngok Lual Yak in Diaspora have a serious concerns about Riek Machar proposal of 21 states for federal South Sudan; this proposal does not make sense to the former Upper Nile Province because the former Upper Nile Province to our best knowledge in the colonial era of Anglo Egyptian rule was having NINE districts with their capitals as shown below:
- Pibor Rural Council – Pibor.
- Bor Rural Council – Bor.
- Zaraf Rural Council – Pangak
- Lou Nuer Rural Council – Akobo.
- Nasir Rural Council – Nasir
- Western Nuer Rural Council – Bentiu.
- Shilluk Rural Council – Kodok.
- Sobat Rural Council – Malakal.
- Renk Rural Council – Renk .
As it is very clear from above mentioned old colonial districts in former Upper Nile Province plus 7 districts in former Bahr el Ghazal Province and 7 districts from former Equatoria Province; the whole southern Sudan was having 23 districts where did Mr. Riek Machar based his 21 states based on old districts? The Southern Sudan was administratively ruled by ethnical basis which is clearly spelt out by the above mentioned old districts with their headquarters ( ……………….. 1956). This alone nullified Riek Machar misfortune proposal of 21 states instead of 23 if he based his proposal on colonial old districts of South Sudan as they stood on the 01/01/1956 in the independence Sudan.
Our people at home had suffered a lot from Riek’s wars which had cost a lot of innocent lives and the one went into displacement or refuge. (See the attachment)
Your Excellency the President of South Sudan, we are bringing this concerns to your attention because the ongoing peace talks in Khartoum which has articulated clearly that “an Independent Boundaries Commission IBC will be formed”; Alas!!! we are informing you that let it not be as usual in your government since 2005 we are forgotten entity in South Sudan before South independence till to date, our problems are discussed by others on our behalf despite our decent scarifies since the advent of strangers to the South. We have been out of your government Mr, President including even your accommodation commissions; we are to be included in this Independent Boundaries Commission not to accommodate us but to tell the truth which are absent in South Sudan.
Ngok people have seen the tragic Ethnic Cleansing which proceeding against their people in Baliet County (Sobat), Upper Nile state. As Baliet County underwent ethnic cleansing occurred twice in 1991(not recorded in any media) when the Nasir faction that led by Riek Machar, as well in 2013-2014 ( well recorded), Dr. Riek’s forces mostly from Nuer people led by Gathoth Gatkuoth your Minister of Labour and Human Resource Development started the same tactics again by killing, burning villages and gang rape killing more than two thousand Eight hundreds (2800) innocent civilians live were lost in Ngok land.
Enough is enough we do not want to see a drop of blood shed again on our people. Riek Machar must know that he has gone into bad records in the history of South Sudan.
Ngok Lual Yak Community in Diasporas would like to thank the government for the National Dialogue. One nation must dialogue to understand what went wrong in the nation this is the sign of willingness to have peace, unity and the sign of love as well. Let us be hopeful for peace and meaningful unity of our people. Good leaders are those who put the interest of their people first and those who encourage unity and not division or conflict among his own people. Let us call out louder for the spirit of understanding and working together as citizen of one country. Ngok Lual Yak community in Diaspora and inside South Sudan, though absent in your government; they are humbled to welcome the National Dialogue. We are pleased that we have found a way to share our feelings about the Nation problems though the National Dialogue sub – committee of Upper Nile has not been shown in national television SSBC. The Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria Sub – committees were well displayed and well coverage which gave us the doubt that the one of Upper Nile has not gone well.
Seeking unity for peace is the best way forward. Our communities in Diaspora will work shoulder by shoulder to prevail peace among our people. We need to empower people by mobilizing them at the grassroots level to be self-reliance. Communities need strategise to build leadership capacity and confidence.
On behalf of the Ngok Laul Yak people in North America, Western Australia , Eastern Australia, Youth leader in Nairobi, Youth leader in refugee camp in Kenya, Youth Leader in South Sudan and Youth leader in North America. We wish you good time and a successful National Dialogue.
God bless South Sudan, God bless the Peace talk and National Dialogue for peace to come, God bless our Diaspora Communities.