Press Release



Nov 30, 2017(Nyamilepedia) — With the increasing disconnect between the Madi people first amongst themselves brought by differences in cultural, religious believes, secondly between the Madi community and the predominantly Muslims settlers in Madi sub-region including the Nubians and the Aringa, and lastly between the two fore mentioned with now the South Sudanese refugees, and amongst the refugees themselves.

An overview of conflicts in Adjumani;

Over the past three years, there has been a growing conflict between the Madi, the Nubians, Aringa (the host community) and the South Sudan refugees as a result of limited shared resources, difference in cultural, religious, and political affiliations which had jeopardized efforts by humanitarian parties to realize meaningful settlement of the refugees, establishment of programs and social cohesion amongst the three parties. For example, among the refugees, the conflict between the Dinka and the Nuer not forgetting the Murle was transferred from South Sudan into the settlements; the Madi’s recently classed with the Acholi over land in Zoka, moreover, various attempts to resolve these conflicts couldn’t yield much fruits.

This therefore entails for a sustainable co-existence to be realized in Adjumani. The conflict parties should be actively involved in forging a sustainable solution.

It’s upon this background that B4B Logistics and I AM PEACE seek to involve the conflicting parties in a run for unity project to involve them in fostering sustainable cohesion from indigenous approach.

The run was chosen based on the following grounds;

  • Its an exercise that will involve every member of the society regardless of their difference in sex, age, believes and residence status
  • It’s more uniting because as its partaken, the participants can hold each other’s hands during exhaustion and pull one another to the finish line.
  • It will enable participants to be able to access the camps and witness how the refugees live to embrace them more in their community.


  • B4B Group Ltd- Organizer
  • “I AM PEACE”- Organizer
  • Office of the Prime Minister-Adjumani Refugees Desk
  • NGO’s
  • Resident District Commissioner
  • Adjumani Town Council
  • Adjumani District Local Government
  • Uganda Police Adjumani
  • Adjumani Hospital
  • Business Community

2.0 Objectives

2.1 Primary (major) objective

          To create a fun/easy environment, which accommodates different people from different cultural, religious, political, traditional believes, connect the different parties and create a link between them.

3.0 Specific objectives

  1. Further connect the Madi people from different areas of believes, aspirations and backgrounds first among themselves and secondly with the hosted communities.
  2. Involving the community in empowering the disadvantaged and in the community and living with them through charity
  3. Encouraging competitive sports among the various communities in Adjumani District.

4.0 Target participants:

  • Cultural leaders
  • Religious leaders
  • Politicians
  • Refugees
  • NGO staff
  • Business community
  • Students
  • Media
  • etc

5.0 Structure of yearly Adjumani Unity Run

The Adjumani Unity Run will be conducted every year on the 22nd December; this timing is chosen to cater for those working outside Adjumani District.

The Organizer/sponsor will periodically invite people in different walks of life to grace the occasion including celebrated athletes like Kiprotich, Inzikuru and many others.

Annual collections in the form of subscriptions and profits on sales of items will go for charity courses that will be given depending on needs assessment with the different interest parties. Which will include support for health services, donation of books to schools with both refugees and natives, support to the youth, orphanage centers, people with disability associations, students associations to mention but a few.

Subscription for this year will be UGX 20,000 for adults, UGX 5,000 for students and UGX 2,000 for children.

6.0 Planned activities /programme

  1. Joint cleaning exercise of the town council after the marathon
  2. Children sanitation camp
  3. Awarding of the best participants with prizes
  4. Presenting the collections to the chosen charitable organization for the year 2017
  5. And finally if time allows, a tree planting exercise to make he event remain permanently memorable each year.

7.0 Anticipated benefits

  • Unity and reconciliation between the communities and politicians
  • Unity between the predominantly catholic and the Muslim community
  • Embracing the refugees as part of the community for as long as the Madi remain their host.
  • B4B Group Ltd and I AM PEACE will enjoy a favorable position in the minds of the community and the NGO fraternity, which will cultivate goodwill especially in relief services.
  • Collective extension of support to the disadvantaged groups of the society through charitable deeds.

8.0 Budget

The budget will mainly be used to cover the costs of facilitating the main celebrant, beverages, print materials (t-shirts and caps), technical support, publicity/communication, event management (this amount goes to the agency—it is 18% of total budget), entertainment, and prizes to the tune of UGX. 75,370,000 (Seventy five Million, Three Hundred Seventy Thousand Shillings only) as indicated in the attached budget.

Branded bottled water Cartons 25,700 100 2,570,000
Branded T-Shirts Pieces 25,000 1000 25,000,000
Branded caps Pieces 10,000 1000 10,000,000
Radio 700,000@ show 5,000,000
Posters Lump sum 2,000,000
Social media 2,000,000
Road show drives 2,000,000
1st Winner 1,000,000
2nd 500,000
3rd 200,000
4th 100,000
Security and safety 500,000
Hospital ambulance 500,000
Inzikuru/ Kiprotich 2,000,000
Gloves for cleaning exercise 1,000,000
Brooms 500,000
Plastic bags 1,000,000
Hand washing containers 2,500,000
Hand washing soap 500,000
Event management 7,500,000
Technical operational expense 10,000,000
Grand total-UGX 75,370,000

9.0 Conclusion

The concept note is designed for the common good of the community and will be shared with the other partners for consideration and hopefully take over the financial support.

We shall give the UNHCR and other NGO’s the right for first refusal which shall elapse after 15 days and thereafter we shall notify them of our next course of action to extend the same opportunity to alternative prospective sponsor.

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