Press Release


By Cde Kuajien Lual Wechtuor

SPLM/A Representative to Germany.

As demanded by the people of South Sudan the IGAD forces will be deployed as part of UNMISS mission with intention to protect the monistors and seperate the waring factions from engaging in more battles(photo: file)
As demanded by the people of South Sudan the IGAD forces will be deployed as part of UNMISS mission with intention to protect the monistors and seperate the waring factions from engaging in more battles(photo: file)

Aug 6, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– It has been too much complication after IGAD meeting yesterday. SPLM/A-IO need not hurry for Juba again: SPLM/A-IO is a Freedom to South Sudanese. If annihilated, freedom in South Sudan is lose.

SPLM/A-IO must stop celebrating IGAD decisions without critical analyses. IGAD lured SPLM/A-IO into Juba with a purpose to be eliminated and total annihilation as it happened in Juba on 8th July. It could be clear since JMEC didn’t help since. IGAD too has neither condemn nor threaten Salva Kiir with action against peace obstructions and violations.

SPLM/A-IO called for 3rd party/Intervention forces; Africans Union approved Intervention forces; all other stakeholders called for Intervention forces; and UNSC is deliberating on Intervention forces.

Now IGAD comes with protection forces. Who initiated “protection forces?” In my opinion, this is a next plan. Why Protection forces”? Protecting who against who? Salva Kiir has over 300,000 soldiers. He doesn’t need protection. SPLM/A-IO under Dr. Machar has over 300,000 forces who are even able to takeover Juba. Few thousands of this forces are fully protecting the leadership in the ongoing bush hunt-down by Malong. Dr. Machar does not need protection apart from SPLA-IO. He need peace protection.

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President Museveni of Uganda in July argued that, “if Dr. Machar do not trust SPLA-IG, he will be given protection forces to protect him in Juba.” Is this President Museveni opinion now IGAD decision? If so, SPLM/A-IO should not take such a cheap decision called “protection forces.” The next assassination plan implementation in Juba will be worst & disastrous, SPLM/A-IO leaders, Generals and feared strongest members will not escape Juba again.

After 12 July assassination attempt on Dr. Machar, SPLM/A-IO leaders had openly freely left Juba because they were guarded by our own armed sons and daughters. If the Guards were to be foreign (Uganda army) force units, the leadership would have ended up killing by own protection foreign forces to conclude SPLM/A-IO existence.

SPLM/A-IO should accept only UN sanctioned “Intervention forces,” not IGAD “protection forces.” If no UN intervention forces, it’s better that South Sudanese figure out the solution themselves, even if it takes another 50 years to freed South Sudan from JCE & mercenary’s forces.

The advantage of “intervention 3rd party forces” is that, the meaning of 3rd party forces, this forces will be neutral, free from Salva Kiir (1st party) and Dr. Machar (2nd party) orders. This 3rd party forces will create a buffer-zone between SPLA-IO (2nd party) and SPLA-IG (1st party) forces in Juba. Whoever among 1st and 2nd party forces shall begin attacking, the 3rd party forces shall intervene or take charge of Juba in a bigger case. In a case of total failure of peace or confrontation between the two parties/forces, this 3rd party forces can take over South Sudan to restore peace and order, in order to safe South Sudanese from the yoke of JCE domination forces and anti-peace groups. I think, this 3rd party forces will likely build trust between South Sudanese beyond 1st & 2nd party forces to avoid their country being taken-over by foreign forces or UN Trusteeship.

If GAD mean to enforce peace implementation, why opposing 3rd party intervention forces? IGAD “protection forces” is nothing because in its context, it will mean Dr. Machar’s extra forces but will likely take no order from him. Salva Kiir himself, JCE & SPLA-IG will not respect this protection forces. Dr. Machar can be attacked like in December 15, 2013 and July 8, 2016, this IGAD protection forces can either choose to stay away, withdraw, watch him killed or turn their guns on him (Dr. Machar) in a worst scenario. This forces indeed serve no purpose for peace in South Sudan. Again, protection forces to Dr. Machar poses no threat on JCE, Salva Kiir, Paul Malong and Taban Deng Gai to respect and implement peace agreement.

IGAD did not reject Taban Deng Gai as First Vice President of South Sudan. If IGAD want peace in South Sudan Taban Deng Gai would have been told to leave Addis Ababa and vacate FVP office yesterday per CPA 2 than to ask him wait for Dr. Machar’s return to Juba to step-down. This is indeed a continuation part of conspiracy. In a real sense, IGAD did not condemns Salva Kiir and Paul Malong since July 8 till Taban Deng’s appointment. Therefore, IGAD FVP is Taban Deng Gai and IGAD protection forces will be Taban Deng Gai forces to help Salva Kiir (1st party) forces finish the remaining SPLM/A-IO leadership under Dr. Machar, IO community and good comrades.

SPLA-IO Generals must be aware and be independent this time as a trained soldiers, that they will be disarmed if attempt to go Juba with so call “IGAD protection forces.” SPLA-IO must Guards the leadership, IO movement and South Sudanese community themselves, unless IO Generals accepted surrendering to JCE army, likewise IO politicians to Kiir like Taban Deng Gai the 3rd world Defector.

Gatluak, Obang and Oduo cannot be protected by Ivan, Kimani or Moseveni because of/while Alier and Malong protecting by Ayuel and Aguek. Since Alier is protecting by Aguek, then Gatluak, Obang, Gore and Oduo must be guarding by their-like – Chuol, Idri, and Obal. Better a 3rd party forces that can only protect peace, not Gatluak, Obang, Gore and Oduo against Alier and Malong forces.

My advice is that IGAD regional “protection forces” is not a solution. A 3rd party Intervention forces is the only solution. This, unlike when Taban Deng was Chief Negotiator, SPLM/A-IO only need:

1: Intervention forces (an independent 3rd party forces) in Juba, not “protection forces” to Dr. Machar (we IO have our own protection forces-SPLA-IO);

2: deployment of all SPLA-IO 2,910 forces as stipulated in the agreement to protect SPLM-IO leadership & people;

3: Taban Deng Gai must step-down now and all his ministers and MPs out before arrival of Dr. Machar to Juba;

4: SPLA-IO cantonments areas in Equatoria and Bahr-el-gazal shall not be subject to negotiation when Dr. Machar returns to Juba;

5: SPLA-IO 2,910 forces must carry with them whatever heavy weapons they have and in their possession to Juba;

  1. Juba should be demilitarized now, not later;
  2. 28 states must be revoked now, not later;
  3. SPLA-IO forces must go to Juba by land, not by air again.

Any ignorant to these this time will be an isolated case. It is said, “fool me once but not twice.” Note: Taban Deng Gai and Salva Kiir conspiracy, IGAD silent not facing Salva Kiir anti-actions, July assassination attempt & April airlifting of SPLA-IO forces to Juba with AK-47 should serve as our first fool. Any second fool will be exceptional.

This is a voice for genuine peace against Juba JCE war plans.

Signed by:

Cde Kuajien Lual Wechtuor

SPLM/A Representative to Germany

Email: nyatuachlual@gmail.com

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Mandy August 6, 2016 at 10:44 am

What you wrote was all no sense

Emilio Ribek August 6, 2016 at 11:35 am

Don’t worry, this time is different. Whatever is coming in will never stop our forces from pursuing Kiir-Molong forces any where in the country. IO is now pressing the right button when the operations officially moved to Equatoria. This is the button Dr. Gareng pressed and let Bushir gave in for CPA1. Sleeping lion is awake!

Tolio August 6, 2016 at 2:53 pm

South Sudanese with foreign minds and hearts, the regional protection forces aren’t Dinkas, Nuers or any other tribes in South Sudan and therefore cannot be expected to form an alliance with any one tribal group against one side to achieve a change of government of the day. Be happy with what has been agreed so far.

Lualdit August 6, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Mr.Kuajien ,
Those are great suggestions because as you mentioned, the protection force is Museveni idea. That’s solely to support Jaang government. Dr. Machar and the freedom fighters need not be out smart this time. The weakness display by the IO leadership has emboldened the Jaang government. Gatmchar will be a gone case this time if he will succumb to pressure to return to Juba without this so called “protection forces “.

Lualdit August 6, 2016 at 7:18 pm

Mr.Kuajien ,
Those are great suggestions because as you mentioned, the protection force is Museveni idea. That’s solely to support Jaang government. Dr. Machar and the freedom fighters need not be out smart this time. The weakness display by the IO leadership has emboldened the Jaang government. Gatmchar will be a gone case this time if he will succumb to pressure to return to Juba with this so called “protection forces “.

Lomuchie August 7, 2016 at 12:12 am

I can’t agree more. This yet another chance to cause delay in the implementation of the peace as Makuei is now salivating about negotiating the mandate of the third force. IO must continue to maintain the offensive posture of taking over Juba and at the same time put forward the following conditions:

1. Reversal of ALL abrogations of the peace since 28 states;
2. Implementation of the Security arrangement before return to Juba; and
3. Failing all these, the IO forces will march on to Juba.

These are the bare minimum.

Lualdit August 7, 2016 at 12:56 am

Definitely Lomuche..IO are in very advantageous position now that the front line in Juba.

John August 7, 2016 at 1:59 am

Matching to Juba is not a eating my brothers. The irony is that, you need some other souls to do matching to Juba and you personally as just a spectator. Very cunning advice.

taban August 7, 2016 at 2:58 am

Comments must be posted without tribalism
All we need to hear is one or all of those stupid leaders are gone to their destinations. People of no mercy
God bless south Sudan

factual August 7, 2016 at 3:27 am

Talking the the talk is easy for nuer fools but walking the walk is hardest task to achieve. Remember fools, you were forced of juba twice. All main towns in unity, upper and jonglei are controlled by government. If you think carrying on with war will be at your advantage, then braces yourself with total failure. That would also cement Taban hold on to fvp. Carrying on with war is indeed advantageous to government and that would enable them to final silent the warmonger like riek and his fools.

John August 7, 2016 at 5:46 am

dreams of IO party are higher, my question is, what will be good with IO? now government except IGAD Forces and still they claim with more doubt. South Sudanese citizens need peace to performance their daily lives without complications.

Muorkuaw August 7, 2016 at 7:51 am

To all idiots who are against peace like Mr. Kuajien in Germany, and others abroad. Talk like educated people who are capable to switch off tribalism in South Sudan not fueling up the fire.
Do you think you will captured Juba if you are allowed to fight? How comes that IO forces are in Pagak? Who took you there? Why did you failed in 1991, yet Arab was fighting us and you were fighting us at the other side?
My brothers, never think of disaster against Nuer tribe, we Dinkas love you only you are idiots who are mentally fixed with tribalism. It never serve you, keep on your vision, we will see your success against Dinka. If Hassan Omar AL Bashir have lost Southern Sudan to Dinkas, then who are you to succeed without Dinkas?
May God bless my country, South Sudan!


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