By Changkouth Bouth,

Oct 1st, 2018 b(Nyamilepedia) — Most of you would remember since we elected her into the office 7 months later chapter has steadily deteriorated in terms of morale, performance, direction, vision, and most damaging the perception of the chapter’s integrity.
Victoria support group team and her team has attempted to work with her repeatedly in a hope she learns, grow and mature politically, without success and sadly the problems have continued to escalate.
She has perception of poor executive leadership, indifference, lack of integrity and poor policy decision, am afraid the damage such that it is not repairable under her administration.
Her short term in the office provided no short-term or strategic plan for the Victoria chapter, no sustained or open communication and has displayed a distinct lack of leadership.
She sequesters herself from most of the chapter`s executives and has relinquished chapter decisions, deferring or outsourcing most of her duty, online social media activities add no value to the movement.
Unfortunately, this lack of structural cohesiveness has result in serious organizational problems here in Victoria, I never seen this sort of a systematic distraction of a progressive organization like our party since I started my volunteering role in this community 2005-
The members of Victoria chapter take pride in their voluntary works and their service to our communities back home. For nearly year and half (too long) her lack of leadership, integrity, and direction has continued to diminish our reputation, performance, morale, and ability to work as a political party.
June 2018 incident myself and most of our supporters out there believed that the current care-taker has made poor management decisions and shown lack of leadership, she has violated Victoria chapters simple guideline policy, as well as SPLM IO constitution. Care-taker
s poor judgment continues to unnecessarily cost the SPLM IO party both members, time and money, as examples, I believe:
1- Current care-taker violated SPLM IO hierarchy and fail inform members on what is happening, in one of the event I attended three months ago June 2018 she singled out, called police to removed one of our member from public gathering which was organized by than Victoria chapter office , that person is a financial member and one of contributor to this community he could you or myself am afraid.
- b. Significants delay in activities despite they been in office for some time now
- c. Creating a culture where it is not uncommon for SPLM IO chapter – VIC (Australia) to be publicly described as “lazy” or the program referenced as “a complete mess” since we initiated this diaspora front in early 2014. These comments and other divisive language combined with actions that portray a lack of concern for the tripartite mission have had a dramatic impact on morale and been a prime factor in the increasing number of members inactivates.
- d. Engineering confuse and continually changing narrative that lacks transparency and had led to an erosion of trust and misrepresentation in the development of engagements. The consequence has been the inability to engage with members and new cadres.
- e. In contrast, care-taker`s executive leadership team member of 5 who she doesn’t corporate with did tried to resolve these morale issues in many occasion I learned.
We are concerned now of an active ongoing effort to re-enable care-taker and her one team member to re-assert her leadership to continue. Placing any aspect of the party program under her and her one team member would be a fatal blow to the continued success of the SPLM-IO branch in Victoria, Australia and diaspora
For the past nine (9) months, we have tried to help her on these and many other internal issues within SPLMIO chapter- Victoria.
There is a list of additional examples of concerns to this opinion piece. The list of examples is by no means all inclusive; rather it serves as examples of concerns.
She fostered an atmosphere of hostility, retaliation, and unethical behaviour. An example of this would be in her words where she stated “You Chileeng are James Hoth Mai`s supporter.” when addressing a problem. Forgetting that we built this chapter and elected her to this post.
Her lack of leadership mismanagement, and poor policy decisions have damaged the relationship between the members; not her executive team members, not Victoria chapter members BUT the whole members of the SPLM IO chapters in Australia.
Over the weekend I hear she organized a meeting excluded her executive team where about 63 members attended formed three committees as suggested by one of our elder to help “investigate mismanagement of membership money, reconcile her with her team and the 3rd. team to contact Dr. Riek Macher to pardon her so she can continue and finish her term.”
I personal think if we continue to do what we have been doing and expecting a different result, we would clearly be called insane, I and some of this movement supporters across Australia believes the idea of reconciliation between her, her executive team members, Victoria chapter members and potential SPLM IO members is a brilliant and welcome! Idea and for the accountability yes for sure we need to know if $21,780.00 of our membership money still in SPLM IO Victoria chapter bank account.
Regarding pardoning or allowing her to finish her term I tend to think it’s not a good idea as it will set a bad example to our next leaders, she should be stood down or sacked if she don’t want to resign or re-contest if she still interested to service this movement I learned also she failed to make use of previously given opportunities roughly about four (4) times she should have learn on how to work cooperatively with the rest of her team, members of Victoria chapter and our potentials members, she still failed to understand the mechanism or the modality.
Introduction of cities chapters as directed by CinC Dr. Riek Macher it’s a long-awaited system for diaspora, it’s the way to go! It will turn or help this progressive party looks forward and outward, we`ve seen it in the past, analysed it, sketched/examined re-sketched it and approved it as it workable.
Some 9 days ago I hear she is preferring the traditional method of direct voting election instead of Westminster system, she also expressed her intention to have only 3 cities chapters instead of 5 cities chapters.
She displayed another poor judgment NOT knowingly we in SPLM IO Victoria chapter depending on those hard workers individuals who works day and night and lives in country sides.
Here is another logical explanation to why Victoria State was divided into 5 cities chapters, if you ever visited Ian Street in Noble Park you will know and understand the reason why.
Last night I felt the need to put my thoughts together as many of you who cares about this progressive party, our party members, potentials members and supporters been alienated and marginalized by the poor communication and lack of respect for the party mission I think Dr. Riek Macher have better thing to focus on instead of Victoria chapter`s care-taker ill intentions.
To that end I trust Cde. Adhar Ajack and his team (Electoral Committee) would do the right thing as he has been mandated by the leadership to help re-organize Victoria chapter.
Victoria chapter as SPLM IO frontier is the model to diaspora SPLM IO networks since its inception, I and many of our supporters out there felt the need to see the re-structure plan go ahead and to put SPLM-IO-VIC back to what it does best! Advocacy and expanding SPLM IO membership based to support the popular movement.
SPLM IO supporter, reachable via this email: or you can follow him on twitter @cmangij