

By Clement Maring Samuel

South Sudan's vice president James Wani Igga, addresses the General Assembly’s seventieth session  October 1st 2015 (Photo credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe)
South Sudan’s vice president James Wani Igga, addresses the General Assembly’s seventieth session October 1st 2015 (Photo credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe)

April 26th 2018 (Nyamilepedia) – The challenges of the Post-December 2013 crisis, as well as the crimes committed against the citizens of Republic of South Sudan has call on the outspoken Bishops of the Catholic church in Juba to voice out their prophetic role against the injustices committed by the government. But this is not going well will the State Vanguards, and the Bishops are incriminated for saying it.

This article responds to the most recent attack against the Auxiliary Bishop Santo Laku Pios; by Vice President James Wani Igga (Monday April 23rd 2018, The East Africa), preceded by the weird attack against Archbishop Paulino Lukudu Loro by Mathiang Jalap (April 8, 2018, “Bishop Lukudu for regime Change”) which are direct incitation of violence against the church.

For Mathiang Jalap, he is just a Spoon-Fed-Self-styled critic who is fulfilling his pay-to-write job to earn his bread. For Wani Igga, he is fulfilling his normal routine comic role of protecting his seat in the failed Status quo, and he has declared himself as the “New Empire Nero of South Sudan”, the worst bloodiest Roman Empire Ruler who had persecuted the Christians during his evil rule. Vice president Wani Igga is now emulating his footsteps. Get warned that Emperor Nero, the cruelest ruler of the Roman Empire has misused his authority and he left his position with worst record forever.

Emperor Nero won his power through indiscriminate execution of critics of the government through mysterious circumstances. He used his office to suit his desire, and had absolutely no care for the welfare of the people just as Wani Igga is rightly doing. Nero never trusted his mother, and he ordered for her execution. He used the Christians as scapegoat to cover up the crimes committed by the State rulers, and then blamed the Christians on the fire in the city, and they were terribly persecuted. That fire was caused by the government, and the blame was put on the Christians just like what Wani Igga is now doing, blaming Bishop Santo for inciting hate just because the pointed out the heinous injustices caused by the ailing government.


The assault on Bishop Santo Laku Pios by the Vice President is a direct instigation for the church to be persecuted by his Nerorian bloody terror regime. The two Bishops, Paulino Lukudu Loro and Santo Laku Pios are now susceptible to attack as a result of such high level fallacy. Should anything happen to these two clergy, Vice President James Wani Igga, and his Pay-to write mouthpiece, Mathiang Jalap shoulders the responsibility.


Peace is a divine gift. The religious leaders are demanding the state authorities to create just living conditions for the personal, interpersonal and social security. Christian ethics orientate people not only to avoid sin but also to overcome all the malicious actions committed against the people in the state.

The Bishops are deeply appreciating peace, justice and reconciliation for all citizens, they are not inciting hate as the duo demagogues elude. Their understanding of the peace-oriented justice is rooted in the belief that “justice is the constant and perpetual desire to give everyone his due.” And the teaching shows that justice is meant to live honestly, to harm no one, and to give everyone his due.” In contrast, the Government has not given its citizens the respect and honesty deserved; instead, it is harming them, and treating them like salves send for slave markets. Yet, Wani Igga is shamelessly blaming the church leaders for inciting hate when in the actual sense; it is the government which is inciting hate and violence to its own citizens including those citizens who did not know before that there are some traits known as hate and violence.

Bishops are Prophetic voices and advocates of the citizens of the Republic of South Sudan. The state leaders should not expect them to keep quite when the women are being raped including young children, citizens maimed, economy dead, and insecurity worst everywhere. How can people tolerate such crimes in a country where the same people who are tortured have contributed by voting for its independence?

The Bishop’s role cannot be reduced to prayer only-their role is more than prayer because they are the mouth pieces of the oppressed and marginalized people. They cannot be intimidated by bulling and malicious descriptions. Religious leaders are constantly praying for God to forgive the sins of the leaders of the country, but in contrast, the government is frustrating their prayers by continuously doing the opposite things to the people whom they claim to lead, and Wani Igga expects the Bishops to sing praises for such heinous atrocities committed to the people in the country.

The same masses whom Wani Igga is trying to blackmail using his clown statement could attest to the vivid truth that Bishop Santo is right, and Vice President James Wani Igga is completely very wrong. If he wants to proof this, let the people in Juba vote between Bishop Santo Lako Pios and Vice President James Wani Igga, so that he will finally come to his senses that he is hated like Satan.

Wani Igga should repent and ask apology from the church or else, his days in that bloody seat are over. I advise him to use his comic lifestyle to become a defender of the weak and persecuted, the oppressed and marginalized, and the mistreated people in south Sudan than attempting to persecute the church leaders for who are performing their noble duty. Obviously, if he thinks that he want to compete with God, he is kicking his feet on thorns in the mountain, and he will get himself drastically changed by God to face the consequences of what his government is doing to the oppress people of South Sudan, like Saul of Tarsus who use his legal status to persecute the Christians.

The author is an independent writer, can be reached through warun1maring@gmail.com

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1 comment

Bismark LoWani April 27, 2018 at 6:18 pm

This is now new Wani Igga. Not Wani Igga I knew in Khartoum in the eighties. He is completely lost politically. Sorry for him as he is now on his way out of political life. The primary duty of a leader is to take care of members of his community but where has Wani stood with his people? A complete failure who is now focused on Dollar and Assida and mulla weka!!


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