By Deng Vanang,
FDP/SSAF’ Spokesperson,
Nairobi, Kenya.
May 13th, 2018(Nyamilepedia) — Tribalism personifies sense of self-importance and exclusion not premised on national agenda in pursuant to nation building anchored on solid rock of lasting reconciliation, sustainable peace, unity of purpose and shared prosperity.

Having sole and retrogressive aim to promote supremacy of certain ethnic entities over the rest minus forged common national destiny as the painstakingly fought for nationhood begins to degenerate into wanton chaos and oblivion.
Particularly and more adversely on the throes of recycling violence by repeatedly positioning the same warring tribal chiefs atop the pack as the savagely adopted egocentric norm rather than necessary exception.
As the considered lesser mortals are abysmally destined for accommodation under the more superior ones.
Far from making everyone first among equals as currently adopted in South Sudan Opposition Alliance, SSOA of which Hon. Gabriel Changson Chang’s led Federal Democratic Party, FDP is a constituent part, with an aim to inculcate the same philosophical ideal in the yet to be concluded High Level Revitalization Forum’s political dispensation as mediated by Igad in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
So that being born to minority ethnic group shouldn’t longer be a fault for one to be condemned to lower rungs of society.
And neither to be wrongfully termed as one’s own making nor to misjudge God’s creation for another individual’s selfish advantage.
Something that is apparently and already seen in most of those planning to join politics as is the case with those who have hitherto done it so far.
Which starts with one having to figure out some basic arithmetic in inner self before making public the intent of political ill will.
How big is one’s tribe, clan and even sub-clan is the political math so much identified with individuals planning to oppress instead of leading.
What is more are resources one has as well as how the tribal land is immensely endowed with natural resources so as to trade them off with national leadership ambition.
With clamor for secession optionally placed on negotiating table as political gimmick to likely mature into reality in more foreseeable future.
Which unfortunately and sorrowfully comes in absence of leadership qualities and exhibited positive contribution in society one must have before throwing hat into the ring.
Once such divisive arithmetic is favorably safe and secure in one’s hand, then blown is the whistle to jumpstart the leadership marathon.
When the opposite is true, leadership ambition is then shelved till kingdom come as one turns to other mundane professions befitting his/her tribe.
A self- resignation to political cast system in which size of tribe and clan becomes socially constructed curse than normal order of divine pre-disposition.
Contrary to good example worth emulating in far-flung Tanzania where Presidency rotates every ten years between mainland Christian Tanganyika and minority Muslim Zanzibar ever since independence father Julius Kabarage Nyerere stepped down in 1985.
With only minority ethnic groups having been ruling through political parties sanctioned free and fair competition that favors candidates endowed with required moral aptitudes.
However, such dreaded tribal mindset doesn’t just stop with small tribe and clan categorization.
Too, there is no sure safety net in being big per se.
Break-neck competition to race up to the top and stay permanently there in the big tribe also rears ugly head.
While in its heat, those likely to be on the top and permanently so must by instinct revert from good democratic governance to more archaic typology.
One that is skewed not only to massage personal egos, but to certain extent favors one’s tribe and clan for blind adoration and cultic following.
Which in subsequent begets fast lane thinking to make oneself ethnic sycophancy’s crowned king where there is no history of traditional one.
A scourge demanding quick fix remedy by simply re-inventing the steering wheels of constitution in spreading and rotating executive powers over and between arrays of political players with defined leadership qualifications long before regular and grueling elections come calling.
This constitutionally purposed power sharing will no doubt accrue tangible benefits for the country.
One among them is that the queue by those wanting to be leaders will move faster than it could take whining years and decades before one aspiring leader becomes an actual one.
Another benefit is the election must be won using different entry points by all the key players from different ethnic backgrounds and regions with guaranteed lack of post-election violence as opposed to contestation by sore, but non-invincible losers.
In addition to all the key competing political parties’ candidates turned winners, in French style cohabitation system in which the President, Prime Minister and National Assembly Speaker in a full pledged federal system designed for S. Sudan, will strictly checkmate one another against geo – ethnic identity politics driven mega corruption.
All of whom, including the said fringe losers, shall gain due claims from such collective good governance as foolproof mitigating mechanism against instability that comes with high stake competition.
Which under more often circumstances dismembers the country into tiny dots we call nations and nation-states, ostensibly due to politics of secession arising from hard feelings of systemic marginalization and ethnic minorities alienation.
Deng Vanang is a Secretary for Information, Public Relations and Spokesperson for Federal Democratic Party/South Sudan Armed Forces, FDP/SSAF. He is cordially reachable at: dvanang@gmail.com
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1 comment
Deng has foresure done his home work. Seperation into enclaves of federated states is the inevitable.